- Analyzing Files with Tell1 MEP data using Gaudi
- Online Analysis of Tell1 data using Gaudi
- Read data from TELL1s into a file
Analyzing Files with Tell1 MEP data using Gaudi:
- Select the development environment. It is advisable to use the Boole
$> BooleEnv <version>
- Checkout the Boole package containing the executable from the
LHCb cvs repository::
$> getpack Digi/Boole v11r0
- Checkout the package DAQ/MDF from the LHCb cvs repository:
$> getpack DAQ/MDF v1r0 head
Note: DAQ/MDF is a new packge it has no tag yet. You are using the head
- Add the dependency to DAQ/MDF to the Boole requirements
use MDF v* DAQ
- Build the package:
$> cd Digi/Boole/v11r0/cmt
$> cmt broadcast make
- Copy the options $MDFROOT/options/ReadMDF.opts and change the option "EventSelector.Input":
$> cp $MDFROOT/options/ReadMDF.opts ../options/
EventSelector.Input = {"DATA='file://<myfile>' SVC='LHCb::MDFSelector'"};
Note: to enable all environment variables you have to source the setup file
- Then take the default Boole job to see the RawEvent objects:
$> $BOOLEROOT/slc3_ia32_gcc323_dbg/Boole.exe ../options/ReadMDF.opts
By default the printout contains a dump of the bank headers.
Online Analysis of Tell1 data using Gaudi:
Reading data from TELL1s into a file
- Download the standalone eventbuilder mdfwrite (based on Benjamin Gaidioz' libebuild
and a receiver program written for the Velo by Lars Eklund and Kazu Akiba
- Unpack and build it
tar -zx < mdfwrite-0.0.tar.gz; make
- Configure your ebuild.cfg (look at the example in the package) according to your setup (number of TELL1s, addresses)
- Add the libebuild-0.0 directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Run mdfwrite as root (not sudo)!
This page last edited by
NN on
March 21, 2006