This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:
Defines | |
#define | EXTERN_CONFDB |
Functions | |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultiplePorts (char *devicename, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int speed, char *phy, int pxi_booting, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultiplePortStatuses (char *devicename, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int admin_status, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleAttributeMacIPs (char *ip_add, char *subnet_mask, char *ipname, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleIPAddresses (char *ip_add, char *oldip_add, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (char *link_name, char *simple_lk_list, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleLinkTypeNames (char *old_link_name, char *link_name, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleLkInfoLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbrfrom, char *port_nbrto, char *port_typefrom, char *port_typeto, char *link_information, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceTypes (char *devicetype_old, char *devicetype, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceTypeAttributes (char *devicetype, char *description, int nbrofinput, int nbrofoutput, char *rgbcolor, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDTypeDevices (char *devicename, char *devicetype, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDevNamesDevices (char *devicename_old, char *devicename, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceActive (char *devicename, int active, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceActiveByType (char *devicetype, int active, int devtype_given, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsedByType (char *devicetype, int nodeused, int devtype_given, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsed (char *devicename, int nodeused, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleAttributesDevices (char *devicename, int node, int promiscuous_mode, char *location, char *function_list, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleLkTypeLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbrfrom, char *port_nbrto, char *port_typefrom, char *port_typeto, char *link_type, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleLkUsedLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbrfrom, char *port_nbrto, char *port_typefrom, char *port_typeto, int lkused, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleBidirectionalLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbrfrom, char *port_typefrom, char *port_nbrto, char *port_typeto, int bidirectional_link_used, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DBDeconnexion (char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DBConnexion (char *server, char *usr, char *pwd, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceTypeRow (char *devitype, int &len_devtype, char *devtype_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceRow_devicename (char *functionaldeviname, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceRow_devid (int deviceID, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortRow_pid (int portID, int &len_port, char *port_row_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortRow_devname (char *devicename, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int &len_port, char *port_row_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortRow_devid (int deviceid, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int &len_port, char *port_row_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMacroConnectivityRow_lkid (int lkID, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMacroConnectivityRow_node (int nodeID, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMacroConnectivityRow_nodename (char *node_name, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetIPInfoRow (char *ip_address, int &len_ip, char *IP_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkTypeRow_lkname (char *lktype_name, int &len_lktype, char *LkType_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkTypeRow_lknb (int lktype_nbr, int &len_lktype, char *LkType_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkTypeDecomposition_lknb (int lktype_nbr, int &len_array, char *LkType_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceNamesPerType (char *devitype, int &len_array, char *devIDs_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceIDsPerType (char *devitype, int &len_array, int *devIDs_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkFromDevID (int node_from, int &len_array, int *lkfrom_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkToDevID (int node_to, int &len_array, int *lkfrom_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortIDPerDevID (int devID, int &len_array, int *portID_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMacIPAddPerDevID (int devID, int &len_mac, char *MacAdd_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDestinationNamePerDevPort (char *devname, char *port_nb, char *port_type, int &len_Destin_list, char *Destin_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFreeDeviceNamesPerType (char *devitype, int &len_array, char *devIDs_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceID_devicename (char *deviname, int &deviceID, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceName_deviceid (int deviceID, char *devicename, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortID_portinfo (int deviceID, char *port_nb, char *port_type, int port_way, int &portID, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices (char *dev_from, char *dev_to, char *nfrom_list, int &len_array, int &nfrom_arraylen, int &pfrom_arraylen, int &nto_arraylen, int &pto_arraylen, int &lkinfo_arraylen, char *pfrom_list, char *pto_list, int *pfrom1_list, int *pto1_list, char *nto_list, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, char *lkinfo_list, int reload_connectivity, int delete_connectivity, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType (char *dev_from, char *dev_to, int devto_type_given, char *nfrom_list, char *pfrom_list, char *pto_list, int &len_array, int &nfrom_arraylen, int &pfrom_arraylen, int &nto_arraylen, int &pto_arraylen, int &lkinfo_arraylen, int *pfrom1_list, int *pto1_list, char *nto_list, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, char *lkinfo_list, int reload_connectivity, int delete_connectivity, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetConnectivityBetweenDevices (char *dev_from, char *dev_to, int &len_array, int &pfrom1_arraylen, int &nfrom1_arraylen, int &pto1_arraylen, int &nto1_arraylen, int &lkinfo_arraylen, char *nfrom1_list, char *nto1_list, char *pfrom1_list, int *pfrom_list, char *pto1_list, int *pto_list, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, char *lkinfo_list, int reload_connectivity, int delete_connectivity, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetConnOutBetweenDeviceDeviceType (char *dev_from, char *devtype, int devtype_give, int &len_array, char *pfrom_arraylist, int reload_connectivity, int delete_connectivity, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | CreateDestinationTable (char *devicename, int round_trip_max, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | CreateRoutingTable (char *devicename, int round_trip_max, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DropTableSchema (char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | CreateTableSchema (char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetBusySubsystems (int &len_array1, char *ListSubsystemUsed, char *ListSubsystemUsed1, int &len_array, int *ListSubsystemState, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | LoadLinkTypeTable (int &len_lkid, int *lkid_list, int &len_lkname, char *lktypename_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | LoadDeviceTypeTable (char *systemnameList, int &len_did, char *devtypename_list, int &len_array, int *devtypeID_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | MatchDeviceIDDeviceName (char *systemnameList, int &len_did, int *devid_list, int &len_dname, char *devname_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | LoadConnectivityTable (char *systemnameList, int &len_array, int *lkid_list, int *node_from_list, int *node_to_list, int &portfrom_len, int &portto_len, char *port_nbrfrom_list, char *port_nbrto_list, int *bidirectional_list, int *lkused_list, int *lktype_list, char *lkinfo_list, int &lkinfo_len, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertPort (char *devicename, char *port_nb, int admin_status, int port_way, int speed, int pxi_booting, char *port_type, char *bia, char *ipadd1, char *ipname, char *subnet, char *macadd, char *phy, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertCompositeLinkType (char *link_name, char *simple_lk_list, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertSimpleLinkType (char *link_name, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMacroLink (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbfrom, char *port_nbto, char *port_typefrom, char *port_typeto, char *link_type, char *link_information, int bidirectional_link_used, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertFunctionalDevice (char *systemnameList, char *devicename, char *devicetype, int node, int promiscuous_mode, char *serial_nb, char *hwtype, char *responsible, char *comments, char *location, char *function_list, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertDeviceType (char *systemnameList, char *devicetype, int nbrofinput, int nbrofoutput, char *description, char *rgbcolor, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultiplePorts (char *devicename, char *port_nb, int admin_status, int port_way, int speed, int pxi_booting, char *port_type, char *bia, char *ipadd1, char *ipname, char *subnet, char *macadd, char *phy, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleSimpleLinkTypes (char *link_name, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (char *link_name, char *simple_lk_list, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleDeviceTypes (char *systemnameList, char *devicetype, int nbrofinput, int nbrofoutput, char *description, char *rgbcolor, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleFunctionalDevices (char *systemnameList, char *devicename, char *devicetype, int node, int promiscuous_mode, char *serial_nb, char *hwtype, char *responsible, char *comments, char *location, char *function_list, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleSpareDevices (char *hwname, char *hwtype, char *serial_nb, char *responsible, char *comments, char *location, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertSpareDevice (char *hwname, char *hwtype, char *serial_nb, char *responsible, char *comments, char *location, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleMacroLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, char *port_nbfrom, char *port_nbto, char *port_typefrom, char *port_typeto, char *link_type, char *link_information, int bidirectional_link_used, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleSparePorts (char *serialnb, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, char *bia, char *macadd, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertSparePort (char *serialnb, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, char *bia, char *macadd, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceNamesPerLocation (char *location, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSpareHWPerLocation (char *location, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSpareHWPerType (char *hwtype, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertTestFunctionalDevice (char *location, char *ipaddressList, int ipaddlen, char *ipnameList, int ipnamelen, char *subnetList, int subnetlen, char *portnbList, int portnblen, char *portypeList, int ptypelen, int *portwayList, int nb_ipadd, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFunctionalDeviceStatus (char *devicename, char *device_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWDeviceStatus (char *serialnb, char *device_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | ReplaceFunctionalDevice (char *devicename, char *new_device_status, char *new_location, char *user_comments, char *status_datechange, char *serialnb_replaced, char *replace_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | SetToTestUseStatus (char *devicename, char *user_comments, char *status_change, char *serialnb_replaced, char *testboard_name, char *replace_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWDeviceRow_serialnb (char *serialnb, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFunctionalDeviceByStatus (char *system_name, char *device_status, int &len_devlist, char *device_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateHWDeviceStatus (char *serialnb, char *new_device_status, char *new_location, char *user_comments, char *status_datechange, char *functional_devicename, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWLastFunctionalDevice (char *serialnb, char *functional_devicename, int &len_functionaldname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFunctionalDeviceLastHW (char *functional_devicename, char *serialnb, int &len_serialnb, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHistoryOfHWDevice (char *serialnb, char *functionaldevice_history, int &len_history, char *min_date, char *max_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWDeviceByStatus (char *system_name, char *device_status, int &len_status, char *functionaldevice_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHistoryOfFunctionalDevice (char *functional_devicename, char *functionaldevice_history, int &len_history, char *min_date, char *max_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetBoardCpntRow_cpntname (char *functionalcpntname, int &len_cpnt, char *cpnt_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetBoardCpntRow_cpntid (int cpntID, int &len_cpnt, char *cpnt_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectivityRow_lkid (int lkID, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectivityRow_node (int cpntID, int port_nb, int port_way, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectivityRow_cpntname (char *cpnt_name, int port_nb, int port_way, int &len_conn, char *Conn_row, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetBoardCpntPerType (char *cpnttype, int &len_array, char *cpntIDs_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroLkFromCpntID (int cpntid_from, int motherboardID, int &len_array, int *lkfrom_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroLkToCpntID (int cpnt_to, int motherboardID, int &len_array, int *lkfrom_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetCpntID_cpntname (char *cpntname, int &cpntID, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetCpntName_cpntid (int cpntID, char *cpntname, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetCpntNamesPerBoard (char *motherboardname, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSpareHWCpntPerLocation (char *location, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSpareHWCpntPerType (char *hwtype, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWCpntRow_serialnb (char *serialnb, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWCpntRow_snbid (int snbid, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList (char *devicename, char *new_systemList, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFunctionalBoardCpntStatus (char *cpntname, char *cpnt_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWBoardCpntStatus (char *serialnb, int snbid, char *cpnt_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | ReplaceFunctionalBoardCpnt (char *cpntname, char *new_cpnt_status, char *new_location, char *user_comments, char *status_datechange, char *serialnb_replace, char *replace_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateHWBoardCpntStatus (char *serialnb, char *new_cpnt_status, char *new_location, char *user_comments, char *status_datechange, char *functional_cpntname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWLastFunctionalBoardCpntName (char *serialnb, int snbid, char *functional_cpntname, int &len_functionaldname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetFunctionalBoardCpntNameLastHW (char *functional_cpntname, char *serialnb, int &len_serialnb, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHistoryOfFunctionalBoardCpntName (char *functional_cpntname, char *functionalcpnt_history, int &len_history, char *min_date, char *max_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHistoryOfHWBoardCpnt (char *serialnb, int snbid, char *functionalcpnt_history, int &len_history, char *min_date, char *max_date, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetHWBoardCpntByStatus (char *cpnt_status, char *functionalcpnt_status, int &len_status, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleBoardCpnts (char *cpntname, char *cpnttype, int replacable, char *motherboardname, char *serial_nb, char *hwtype, char *responsible, char *comments, char *location, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleMicroLinks (char *node_from, char *node_to, int port_nbfrom, int port_nbto, char *link_type, int bidirectional_link_used, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectFromPortid (int mboardportid_from, int mboardportid_to, char *cpntname, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, int &len_array, char *nfrom_list, int &nfrom_arraylen, char *nto_list, int &nto_arraylen, char *last_nfrominfo, int &len_lastnfrominfo, char *last_ntoinfo, int &len_lastntoinfo, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectToCpntType (int mboardportid_from, int cpnttype_given, char *cpnttype, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, int &len_array, char *nfrom_list, int &nfrom_arraylen, char *nto_list, int &nto_arraylen, char *last_nfrominfo, int &len_lastnfrominfo, char *last_ntoinfo, int &len_lastntoinfo, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetMicroConnectBetweenBoardCpntAndMotherBoard (char *cpntname_from, int mboard_portid, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, int &len_array, char *nfrom_list, int &nfrom_arraylen, char *nto_list, int &nto_arraylen, char *last_nfrominfo, int &len_lastnfrominfo, char *last_ntoinfo, int &len_lastntoinfo, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteLinkRow (int linkid, int macro_link, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortPerSubsystem (char *dev_from, char *subsystem_name, int &len_array, char *pfrom_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | SwapTwoDevices (char *functional_devicename1, char *functional_devicename2, char *comments, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetAllPathsPerDevice (char *systemnameList, char *devname, int &len_array, int *lkid_list5, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, int reload_connectivity, int delete_connectivity, char *ErrMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | LoadRoutingtable (char *switch_name, int &len_array_destinname, char *destinname_list, int &len_array_destinip, char *destinip_list, int &len_array_portnext, char *port_list, int &len_array_ipaddnext, char *ipaddnext_list, int &len_array_subnetnext, char *subnetnext_list, int &len_array_macaddnext, char *macaddnext_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeletePortRow (int portid, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices_plsql (char *dev_from, char *dev_to, char *nfrom_list, int &len_array, int &nfrom_arraylen, int &pfrom_arraylen, int &nto_arraylen, int &pto_arraylen, int &lkinfo_arraylen, char *pfrom_list, char *pto_list, int *pfrom1_list, int *pto1_list, char *nto_list, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, char *lkinfo_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType_plsql (char *dev_from, char *devto_type, int devto_type_given, char *nfrom_list, char *pfrom1_list, char *pto1_list, int &len_array, int &nfrom_arraylen, int &pfrom1_arraylen, int &nto_arraylen, int &pto1_arraylen, int &lkinfo_arraylen, int *pfrom_list, int *pto_list, char *nto_list, int *pathid_list, int *link_pos_list, char *lkinfo_list, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleBootImages (char *devicename, char *boot_image, char *kernel_image_location, char *initrd_image_location, char *physical_location, char *boot_protocol, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteBootImage (char *devicename, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateBootImage (char *devicename, char *boot_image, char *kernel_image_location, char *initrd_image_location, char *physical_location, char *boot_protocol, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetBootImageRow_devicename (char *functionaldeviname, int &len_device, char *device_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDevicesPerSystem (char *system_name, int method_used, int &len_array, int *ListSubsystemState, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertSimpleDeviceFunction (char *function_name, int last_rows, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateDeviceFunctionName (char *old_function_name, char *new_function_name, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateHWSerialNB (char *old_serialnb, char *new_serialnb, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetDeviceNamesPerFunction (char *function, int &len_array, char *devnames_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertMultipleIPAliases (char *ipaddress, char *ipname, char *ipalias, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateIPalias (char *old_ipalias, char *new_ipalias, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetIPAliasesPerIPName (char *ipname, int &len_array, char *ipaliases_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetIPAliasRow (char *ipalias, int &len_ipalias, char *ipalias_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetLkIDsPerLkInfo (char *lkinfo, int &len_array, int *lkIDs_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteIPAlias (char *ipalias, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetAvailableFunctions (int &len_array, char *function_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateMultipleDeviceTypeSystemList (char *devicetype, char *new_systemList, int first_time1, int last_rows1, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteHWDevice (char *serialnb, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteFunctionalDeviceType (char *devicetype, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteFunctionalDevice (int deviceid, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | InsertSubsystem (char *system_name, char *parent_sysname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | UpdateSubsystemName (char *old_systemname, char *new_systemname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | DeleteSystemName (char *sysname, char *ErrMess) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetListOfSubsystems (int &len_array, char *sysname_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSpareHWTypeList (int &len_array, char *hwtypes_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetPortInfoPerSpare (char *serialnb, int &len_array, char *port_list, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int | GetSparePortRow_snb (char *serialnb, char *port_nb, int port_way, char *port_type, int &len_port, char *port_row_result, char *ErrorMessage) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int CreateDestinationTable | ( | char * | devicename, | |
int | round_trip_max, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
create the destination table (IP,MAC table ) of the given device in your DB schema, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | :devicename | |
round_trip_max | : maximum path length put 0 if you want the default value (10) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int CreateRoutingTable | ( | char * | devicename, | |
int | round_trip_max, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
create the forwarding table (IP,MAC table ) of the given device in your DB schema, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | :devicename | |
round_trip_max | : maximum path length put 0 if you want the default value (10) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int CreateTableSchema | ( | char * | ErrMess | ) |
create the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DBConnexion | ( | char * | server, | |
char * | usr, | |||
char * | pwd, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DBDeconnexion | ( | char * | ErrorMessage | ) |
Disconnect from the database returning an integer value.
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteBootImage | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete boot image information returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : devicename or device type for which you want to delete the boot information | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteFunctionalDevice | ( | int | deviceid, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a functional device returning an integer value, to be used in case of error in the device names. Ports of the device must be deleted before using this function will delete also the hw device associated to it and the entry in the history table (should appear only once otheriwse we don't delete the device..) The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviceid | : deviceid to delete . | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteFunctionalDeviceType | ( | char * | devicetype, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a functional device type returning an integer value, to be used in case of error in the name of the device type. Devices of this type must be deleted before using this function
The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype,: | devicetype to delete . | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteHWDevice | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a hw device (its status should be different from IN_USE)returning an integer value, to be used in case of error in the device. the hw device should not contain any microscopic components The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb,: | devicetype to delete . | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteIPAlias | ( | char * | ipalias, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete an ipalias returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
ipalias | : ipalias to delete . | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteLinkRow | ( | int | linkid, | |
int | macro_link, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
linkid | : linkid of the link. | |
macro_link | : 1 if it's a macro link (i.e between boards), 0 if it's a micro link. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeletePortRow | ( | int | portid, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
portid | : portid of the prot | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DeleteSystemName | ( | char * | sysname, | |
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
delete a system name returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
system | name : name of the system to delete . | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int DropTableSchema | ( | char * | ErrMess | ) |
drop the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account once the schema is dropped you will loose all your data: to use with precaution
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetAllPathsPerDevice | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
char * | devname, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkid_list5, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
int | reload_connectivity, | |||
int | delete_connectivity, | |||
char * | ErrMessage | |||
) |
Get the path going through a given device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
systemnameList | : name of the system: (part of the device,upper case). Put "ALL" if you want all | |
devname | : name of the device | |
len_array | : length of the lkid_list5 (which is equal to pathid_list,link_pos_list ) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkid_list5 | : list of the lkid | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
reload_connectivity | : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (to set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time) otherwise 0; | |
delete_connectivity | : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0; NB: the i-th entry of the lkid_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMessage | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetAvailableFunctions | ( | int & | len_array, | |
char * | function_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of device functions returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
function_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of devicenames). each line seaprated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetBoardCpntPerType | ( | char * | cpnttype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | cpntIDs_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of cpntname, cpntid of the given cpnt type, and returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpnttype | : board cpnt type name (functional) | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
cpntIDs_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of functional cpntNames and cpntid, presented as follows cpntname|cpntid); element separated by a '\0'. | |
cpntIDs_list | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetBoardCpntRow_cpntid | ( | int | cpntID, | |
int & | len_cpnt, | |||
char * | cpnt_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given cpntID of the board cpnt in cpnt_result ((a cpnt which is used in the microsc. connect.), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntID | : cpntID of the functional board cpnt | |
len_cpnt | : length of the cpnt_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
cpnt_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
cpnt_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
cpnt_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
cpnt_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetBoardCpntRow_cpntname | ( | char * | functionalcpntname, | |
int & | len_cpnt, | |||
char * | cpnt_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given board cpnt name (a chip which is used in the microsc. connect., not board )returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functionalcpntname | : functional cpnt name (corresponds to its function in the system):should be unique (like the lg devicename) it's case sensitive. | |
len_cpnt | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
cpnt_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
cpnt_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
cpnt_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
cpnt_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetBootImageRow_devicename | ( | char * | functionaldeviname, | |
int & | len_device, | |||
char * | device_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the boot image information for a given device or device type name returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functionaldeviname | : functional device name or functional device type name. it's case sensitive. | |
len_device | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
device_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
device_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
device_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
device_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetBusySubsystems | ( | int & | len_array1, | |
char * | ListSubsystemUsed, | |||
char * | ListSubsystemUsed1, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | ListSubsystemState, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the state of subsystemnames (free or active...) an integer value known from the TFC system. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
len_array1 | : length of the ListSubsystemUsed. | |
ListSubsystemUsed | : list of subsystem names you want to know the state (free or not), names between '' and separated with a coma 'TFC','DAQ'. Put "ALL", if you want all of them. | |
len_array | : length of the BusySubsystemsList. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
ListSubsystemState | : int* buffer where to put the result (0 means free, 1 means booked) | |
ListSubsystemUsed1 | : list of subsystem | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetConnectivityBetweenDevices | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | dev_to, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int & | pfrom1_arraylen, | |||
int & | nfrom1_arraylen, | |||
int & | pto1_arraylen, | |||
int & | nto1_arraylen, | |||
int & | lkinfo_arraylen, | |||
char * | nfrom1_list, | |||
char * | nto1_list, | |||
char * | pfrom1_list, | |||
int * | pfrom_list, | |||
char * | pto1_list, | |||
int * | pto_list, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
int | reload_connectivity, | |||
int | delete_connectivity, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path (just the first and last link details) between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
dev_to | : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE06_00_00) | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom1_list | : device from (starting) | |
nfrom1_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list | |
pfrom1_arraylen | : length of the pfrom_list | |
nto1_arraylen | : length of the nto1_list | |
pto1_arraylen | : length of the pto1_list | |
lkinfo_arraylen | : length of the lkinfo_list you have allocated. if the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto1_list | : device to (ending) | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port way | |
pto_list | : list of the port way | |
pfrom1_list | : list of the port from numbers concatenated with port_type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pto1_list | : list of the port to numbers concatenated with port_type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
lkinfo_list | : comments related to the link | |
reload_connectivity | : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (to set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time) otherwise 0; | |
delete_connectivity | : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0; | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetConnOutBetweenDeviceDeviceType | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | devtype, | |||
int | devtype_give, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | pfrom_arraylist, | |||
int | reload_connectivity, | |||
int | delete_connectivity, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the port nbs out between dev_from and devtype, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
devtype | : name of a devicetype or fixed part of the group of devices (ex. ECAL_L1FE) | |
devtype_give | : 1 if you give the device type, 0 if it's a fixed part | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_arraylist | : list of the port from numbers: concatenation of port_nbr|port_type. each line is separated with '\0'. the first entry is formatted port_way|port_nb|ptype. pway is the same for the other that's why it is mentioned once. | |
reload_connectivity | : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0. | |
delete_connectivity | : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetCpntID_cpntname | ( | char * | cpntname, | |
int & | cpntID, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the cpntid of the given board cpnt name in cpntID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntname | : board cpnt name: it's case sensitive. | |
cpntID | : cpntID (to use if return value is 0) always>0 | |
cpntID | is set -1 if no matching cpnt is found | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetCpntName_cpntid | ( | int | cpntID, | |
char * | cpntname, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the cpntname corresponding to the given cpntID in cpntname, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntID | : cpntID always>0 | |
cpntname | : boadr cpnt name (return); Error if failed | |
cpntname | : if nothing is found, cpntname is set to NO_ROWS_SELECTED | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetCpntNamesPerBoard | ( | char * | motherboardname, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of functional cpnt board names which are located on the given motherboard, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
motherboardname | : name of the motherboard (functional name) | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of cpntIDs), elements separated by '\0'; | |
devnames_list | : NO_ROWS_SELECTED is set in case there is no free cpnts | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDestinationNamePerDevPort | ( | char * | devname, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_Destin_list, | |||
char * | Destin_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of possible destination by devicename,port_nb, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. case sensitive
devname | : device name ex, "THOR_00" | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device | |
port_type | : port type which corresponds to the port_nbr (port_way is automatically=2). put "none" if there is not | |
len_Destin_list | : length of the MacAdd_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Destin_list | : char* buffer where to put the result : the different functional devicenames are separated by '\0' | |
Destin_list | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | dev_to, | |||
int | devto_type_given, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
char * | pfrom_list, | |||
char * | pto_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | pfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
int & | pto_arraylen, | |||
int & | lkinfo_arraylen, | |||
int * | pfrom1_list, | |||
int * | pto1_list, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
int | reload_connectivity, | |||
int | delete_connectivity, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
dev_to | : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE) | |
devto_type_given | : 1 if it's the device type you gave, 0 if it's the list of devicename which is similar to 'devto_type_given' | |
nfrom_list | : list of the devices which start the link (separated by '\0') | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkinfo_arraylen | : length of the lkinfo_list you have allocated. if the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port from numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pto_list | : list of the port to numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
nto_list | : list of the devices which end the link | |
pfrom1_list | : list of the port way (1 or 2) of the corresponding (to fully identify the port). useful for bidirectional link | |
pto1_list | : list of the port way (1 or 2) of the corresponding (to fully identify the port) | |
pfrom_arraylen | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pto_arraylen | : length of the pto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
lkinfo_list | : comments related to the link | |
reload_connectivity | : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0. | |
delete_connectivity | : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType_plsql | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | devto_type, | |||
int | devto_type_given, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
char * | pfrom1_list, | |||
char * | pto1_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | pfrom1_arraylen, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
int & | pto1_arraylen, | |||
int & | lkinfo_arraylen, | |||
int * | pfrom_list, | |||
int * | pto_list, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. NOT TO BE USED ONLY FOR INTERNAL USAGE The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
devto_type | : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE) | |
devto_type_given | : 1 if it's the device type you gave, 0 if it's the list of devicename which is similar to 'devto_type_given' | |
nfrom_list | : list of the devices which start the link (separated by '\0') | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_arraylen | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pto_arraylen | : length of the pto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkinfo_arraylen | : length of the lkinfo_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_list1 | : list of the port from numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pto_list1 | : list of the port to numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
nto_list | : list of the devices which end the link | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port way associated with pfrom_list numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pto_list | : list of the port way associated with pto_list numbers concatenated with port type (port_nbr|port_type) | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
lkinfo_list | : info about the link | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | dev_to, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | pfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
int & | pto_arraylen, | |||
int & | lkinfo_arraylen, | |||
char * | pfrom_list, | |||
char * | pto_list, | |||
int * | pfrom1_list, | |||
int * | pto1_list, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
int | reload_connectivity, | |||
int | delete_connectivity, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
dev_to | : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE) | |
nfrom_list | : list of the devices which start the link (separated by '\0') | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkinfo_arraylen | : length of the lkinfo_list you have allocated. if the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port from numbers concatenated with port type port_nbr|port_type | |
pto_list | : list of the port to numbers concatenated with port type port_nbr|port_type | |
nto_list | : list of the devices which end the link | |
pfrom1_list | : list of the port way (1 or 2) of the corresponding (to fully identify the port). useful for bidirectional link | |
pto1_list | : list of the port way (1 or 2) of the corresponding (to fully identify the port) | |
pfrom_arraylen | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pto_arraylen | : length of the pto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
lkinfo_list | : comments related to the link | |
reload_connectivity | : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0. | |
delete_connectivity | : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices_plsql | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | dev_to, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | pfrom_arraylen, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
int & | pto_arraylen, | |||
int & | lkinfo_arraylen, | |||
char * | pfrom_list, | |||
char * | pto_list, | |||
int * | pfrom1_list, | |||
int * | pto1_list, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. NOT TO BE USED ONLY FOR INTERNAL USAGE The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
dev_to | : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE) | |
nfrom_list | : list of the devices which start the link (separated by '\0') | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_arraylen | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pto_arraylen | : length of the pto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkinfo_arraylen | : length of the llkinfo_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port from numbers (+ type) | |
pto_list | : list of the port to numbers (+ type) | |
nto_list | : list of the devices which end the link | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) | |
link_info_list | : info about the link NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceID_devicename | ( | char * | deviname, | |
int & | deviceID, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the deviceid of the given device name in deviceID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviname | : device name: it's case sensitive. | |
deviceID | : deviceID (to use if return value is 0) always>0 | |
deviceID | is set -1 if no matching device is found | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceIDsPerType | ( | char * | devitype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | devIDs_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of deviceIDs of the given device type, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devitype | : device type name | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devIDs_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
devIDs_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceName_deviceid | ( | int | deviceID, | |
char * | devicename, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the devicename corresponding to the given deviceID in devicename, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviceID | : deviceID always>0 | |
devicename | : device name (return); Error if failed | |
devicename | : if nothing is found, devicename is set to NO_ROWS_SELECTED | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceNamesPerFunction | ( | char * | function, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of functional device names (only in IN_USE status) which are at the given location, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
function | : function of device. Put "none", for none (you can put a prefix or the exact name) | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of devicenames). each line seaprated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceNamesPerLocation | ( | char * | location, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of functional device names (only in IN_USE status) which are at the given location, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
location | : location (you can put a prefix or the exact name) | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of devicenames). each line seaprated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceNamesPerType | ( | char * | devitype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devIDs_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of devicename, deviceid of the given device type, and returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devitype | : device type name | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devIDs_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of functional deviceNames and deviceid,devicename|deviceid) separated by a '\0' | |
devIDs_list | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceRow_devicename | ( | char * | functionaldeviname, | |
int & | len_device, | |||
char * | device_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given device name (a device which is used in the macrosc. connect., i.e. a chip won't be found with this fct. in device_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functionaldeviname | : functional device name (corresponds to its function in the system: it's case sensitive. | |
len_device | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
device_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
device_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
device_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
device_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceRow_devid | ( | int | deviceID, | |
int & | len_device, | |||
char * | device_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given deviceID of the device in device_result ((a device which is used in the macrosc. connect., i.e. a chip won't be found with this fct and a spare device too: so the devices which arein this tables are automatically in state IN_USE (meaning installed)), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviceID | : deviceID of the functional device | |
len_device | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
device_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
device_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
device_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
device_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDevicesPerSystem | ( | char * | system_name, | |
int | method_used, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | ListSubsystemState, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the state of subsystemnames (free or active...) an integer value known from the TFC system. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
len_array1 | : length of the ListSubsystemUsed. | |
ListSubsystemUsed | : list of subsystem names you want to know the state (free or not), names between '' and separated with a coma 'TFC','DAQ'. Put "ALL", if you want all of them. | |
len_array | : length of the BusySubsystemsList. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
ListSubsystemState | : int* buffer where to put the result (0 means free, 1 means booked) | |
ListSubsystemUsed1 | : list of subsystem | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetDeviceTypeRow | ( | char * | devitype, | |
int & | len_devtype, | |||
char * | devtype_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given device type in devtype_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devitype | : device type name: it's CASE SENSITIVE. | |
len_devtype | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devtype_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
devtype_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
devtype_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
devtype_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFreeDeviceNamesPerType | ( | char * | devitype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devIDs_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of free devices of the given device type, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devitype | : device type name | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devIDs_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs), elements separated by '\0' | |
devIDs_list | : NO_ROWS_SELECTED is set in case there is no free devices | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFunctionalBoardCpntNameLastHW | ( | char * | functional_cpntname, | |
char * | serialnb, | |||
int & | len_serialnb, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return last hw board cpnt name occupied by the given functional cpnt name ( returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functional_cpntname | : functional board cpntname | |
serialnb | : last serial nb which was occupying the given functional board cpntname. Concatenation of serialnb|snbid (case where the serialnb is NULL, it is replaced by 'none') | |
len_serialnb | : length of the functional device name | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFunctionalBoardCpntStatus | ( | char * | cpntname, | |
char * | cpnt_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
give the status of a given functional board cpnt name returning an integer value (0 if it's successful). The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntname | : name of the functional board cpnt | |
cpnt_status | : status of the functional device : IN_USE,NONE (means that there are no hw) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFunctionalDeviceByStatus | ( | char * | system_name, | |
char * | device_status, | |||
int & | len_devlist, | |||
char * | device_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the list of functional devices which belongs to the given subsystem with a given status. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
system_name | : system_name. Put "all" ,lower case if you want all of them. | |
device_status | : status selected (IN_USE or NONE) | |
len_devlist | : length of the device_list | |
device_list | : list of functional devices | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFunctionalDeviceLastHW | ( | char * | functional_devicename, | |
char * | serialnb, | |||
int & | len_serialnb, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the status of a hw device (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functional_devicename | : functional devicename | |
serialnb | : last serial nb which was occupying the given log. devicename | |
len_serialnb | : length of the functional device name | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetFunctionalDeviceStatus | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | device_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the functional status of a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the functional device | |
device_status | : status of the functional device : IN_USE, NONE (means that there are no hw ) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHistoryOfFunctionalBoardCpntName | ( | char * | functional_cpntname, | |
char * | functionalcpnt_history, | |||
int & | len_history, | |||
char * | min_date, | |||
char * | max_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the history of a functional board cpnt (functional_cpntname) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functional_cpntname | : functional cpntname | |
functionalcpnt_history | : result as follows lines are separated with '\0',one line consists of "cpntname|serialnb|snbid|status|date of change|location" | |
len_history | : length of the logcaldevice_history | |
min_date | : all changes which appear after this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing | |
max_date | : all changes which appear before this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHistoryOfFunctionalDevice | ( | char * | functional_devicename, | |
char * | functionaldevice_history, | |||
int & | len_history, | |||
char * | min_date, | |||
char * | max_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the history of a functional device (devicename) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functional_devicename | : functional devicename | |
functionaldevice_history | : result as follows lines are separated with '\0',one line consists of "devicename|serialnb|status|date of change|location" | |
len_history | : length of the functionaldevice_history | |
min_date | : all changes which appear after this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing | |
max_date | : all changes which appear before this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHistoryOfHWBoardCpnt | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int | snbid, | |||
char * | functionalcpnt_history, | |||
int & | len_history, | |||
char * | min_date, | |||
char * | max_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the history of a hw board cpnt (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw. Put "none" if there is not. | |
snbid | : snbid of the hw. Put -1 if you provide a serialnb | |
functionalcpnt_history | : result as follows lines are separated with '\0',one line consists of "cpntname|serialnb|snbid|status|date of change|location" | |
len_history | : length of the logcaldevice_history | |
min_date | : all changes which appear after this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing | |
max_date | : all changes which appear before this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHistoryOfHWDevice | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | functionaldevice_history, | |||
int & | len_history, | |||
char * | min_date, | |||
char * | max_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the history of a hw device (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : functional devicename | |
functionaldevice_history | : result as follows lines are separated with '\0',one line consists of "devicename|serialnb|status|date of change|location" | |
len_history | : length of the logcaldevice_history | |
min_date | : all changes which appear after this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing | |
max_date | : all changes which appear before this date (or equal to this date). Put "none", if nothing. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWBoardCpntByStatus | ( | char * | cpnt_status, | |
char * | functionalcpnt_status, | |||
int & | len_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
give the list of hw board cpnt which are in status= (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpnt_status | : status of the hw board cpnt | |
functionalcpnt_status | : result as follows list of the serialnb|snbid are separated with '\0', | |
len_status | : length of the functionalcpnt_status | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWBoardCpntStatus | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int | snbid, | |||
char * | cpnt_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
give the status of the given hw board component (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw cpnt. Put "none" if you provide the snbid. (case where your hw board cpnt doesn't have a serialnb) | |
snbid | : snbid of the hw cpnt. Put -1 if you have provided a serialnb. Useful if your hw doesn't have a serialnb. | |
cpnt_status | : status of the hw device : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR (not replaced yet or not repaired yet),DESTROYED (not replaced yet),TEST (means being test using CERN infrastructure ),EXT_TEST | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWCpntRow_serialnb | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int & | len_cpnt, | |||
char * | cpnt_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given hw board cpnt name (a hw board cpnt which is used in the microsc. connect) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw: it's case sensitive. | |
len_cpnt | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
cpnt_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
cpnt_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
cpnt_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
cpnt_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWCpntRow_snbid | ( | int | snbid, | |
int & | len_cpnt, | |||
char * | cpnt_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given hw snbid (a hw board cpnt which is used in the microsc. connect) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
snbid | : snbid of the hw: it's case sensitive. | |
len_cpnt | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
cpnt_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
cpnt_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
cpnt_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
cpnt_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWDeviceByStatus | ( | char * | system_name, | |
char * | device_status, | |||
int & | len_status, | |||
char * | functionaldevice_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the list of hw devices which are in the given status The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
system_name | : system_name. Put "all", lower case if you want all of them. Use donly if the given status='IN_USE" | |
functionaldevice_status,: | result as follows list of the serialnbs are separated with '\0', | |
len_status | : length of the logcaldevice_history | |
device_status | : status you want to group by your serialnb (SPARE,EXT_TEST,TEST,DESTROYED,IN_REPAIR, IN_USE) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWDeviceRow_serialnb | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int & | len_device, | |||
char * | device_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given device name (a device which is used in the macrosc. connect., i.e. a chip won't be found with this fct. in device_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw: it's case sensitive. | |
len_device | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
device_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
device_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
device_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
device_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWDeviceStatus | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | device_status, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return the status of a hw device (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw device | |
device_status | : status of the hw device : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR (not replaced yet or not repaired yet),DESTROYED (not replaced yet),TEST (means being test ),EXT_TEST | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWLastFunctionalBoardCpntName | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int | snbid, | |||
char * | functional_cpntname, | |||
int & | len_functionaldname, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return last functional board cpnt name occupied by the hw board cpnt (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serial nb hw board cpnt. Put 'none' if you provide a snbid because uour hw cpnt doesn't have a serialnb | |
snbid | : snbid of hw board cpnt (provided by the DB). Put -1 if you have provided a serialnb | |
functional_cpntname | : last functional board cpnt name occupied by the given hw board cpnt name. We put "none" if there is not.Case where the board cpnt has always been a spare | |
len_functionaldname | : length of the functional board cpnt name | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetHWLastFunctionalDevice | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | functional_devicename, | |||
int & | len_functionaldname, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
return last functional device occupied by the hw device (serialnb) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serial nb hw device | |
functional_devicename | : last functional devicename occupied by the given hw name. If there is no board (for instance hw was always a spare) we put ErrMess=NO_ROWS_SELECTED and res=0 | |
len_functionaldname | : length of the functional device name | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure or no return found |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetIPAliasesPerIPName | ( | char * | ipname, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | ipaliases_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of functional device names (only in IN_USE status) which are at the given location, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
ipname | : ipname | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
ipaliases_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of devicenames). each line seaprated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetIPAliasRow | ( | char * | ipalias, | |
int & | len_ipalias, | |||
char * | ipalias_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the row of the given device type in devtype_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
ipalias | : ipalias name: it's CASE SENSITIVE. | |
len_ipalias | : length of the devtype_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
ipalias_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
ipalias_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
ipalias_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
ipalias_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetIPInfoRow | ( | char * | ip_address, | |
int & | len_ip, | |||
char * | IP_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the mac row in IP_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
ip_address | : ip address about which you want to get some info | |
len_ip | : length of the MacIP_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
IP_row | : char* buffer where to put the result | |
IP_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
IP_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
IP_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetListOfSubsystems | ( | int & | len_array, | |
char * | sysname_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of subsystems returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
sysname_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of sysnames). each line seaprated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkFromDevID | ( | int | node_from, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkfrom_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of LkID which start from the given deviceID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_from | : deviceID | |
len_array | : length of the lkfrom_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkfrom_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
lkfrom_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkIDsPerLkInfo | ( | char * | lkinfo, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkIDs_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of deviceIDs of the given device type, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lkinfo | : linkinfo value of the link (can be part of it or the exct value). Put none, if you want to select rows where lkinfo is null | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkIDs_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
lkIDs_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkToDevID | ( | int | node_to, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkfrom_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of LkID which end at the given deviceID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_to | : deviceID | |
len_array | : length of the lkfrom_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkfrom_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
lkfrom_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkTypeDecomposition_lknb | ( | int | lktype_nbr, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | LkType_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link type decomposition for Composite link types in LkType_row,returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lktype_nbr | :link type id about which you want to get some info | |
len_array | : length of the LkType_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
LkType_row,: | char* buffer where to put the result | |
LkType_row,: | separated with '\0', ex: lkname|linktypeid | |
LkType_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkTypeRow_lkname | ( | char * | lktype_name, | |
int & | len_lktype, | |||
char * | LkType_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link type row in LkType_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lktype_name | :link type name about which you want to get some info | |
len_lktype | : length of the LkType_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
LkType_row,: | char* buffer where to put the result | |
LkType_row,: | formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
LkType_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
LkType_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetLkTypeRow_lknb | ( | int | lktype_nbr, | |
int & | len_lktype, | |||
char * | LkType_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link type row in LkType_row,returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lktype_nbr | :link type id about which you want to get some info | |
len_lktype | : length of the LkType_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
LkType_row,: | char* buffer where to put the result | |
LkType_row,: | formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
LkType_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
LkType_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMacIPAddPerDevID | ( | int | devID, | |
int & | len_mac, | |||
char * | MacAdd_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of ethernet @ and ip @ concatenated with port_nbr and port_way of the given deviceID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. // useful to load the ARP table of a device
devID | : deviceID | |
len_mac | : length of the MacAdd_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
MacAdd_list | : char* buffer where to put the result : port_nbr|port_way|port_type|macaddress|ipaddress. each row is separated by '\0' | |
MacAdd_list | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMacroConnectivityRow_lkid | ( | int | lkID, | |
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link row in Conn_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lkID | : lkID of the link | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMacroConnectivityRow_node | ( | int | nodeID, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link row in Conn_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
nodeID | : deviceid of the functional device | |
port_nb | : port_nb of the device | |
port_type | : put "" if it's null or the port type which has been for the connectivity part | |
port_way | : 1 if the port_nb is an input (so it means thta the link ends up to this port),2 if the port nb is an output (so the link starts from this port) | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMacroConnectivityRow_nodename | ( | char * | node_name, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link row in Conn_row, The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_name | : node_name of the functional device | |
port_nb | : port_nb of the device | |
port_type | : put "" if it's null or the port type which has been for the connectivity part | |
port_way | : 1 if the port_nb is an input (so it means thta the link ends up to this port),2 if the port nb is an output (so the link starts from this port) | |
port_way | way : 1 if the deviceID corresponds to the start of the link otherwise it's considered as the end of the link | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | :attribute devicename_nodefrom and devicename_nodeto are not part of the row, it's just to get the devicename of nodefrom and nodeto | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectBetweenBoardCpntAndMotherBoard | ( | char * | cpntname_from, | |
int | mboard_portid, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
char * | last_nfrominfo, | |||
int & | len_lastnfrominfo, | |||
char * | last_ntoinfo, | |||
int & | len_lastntoinfo, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
cpntname_from | : name of the board cpnt which wil start the micro path | |
mboard_portid | : portid of the motherboard which wil end the micro path. Put 0 if you want for all of them. | |
nfrom_list | : list of the cpnts which start the link (separated by '\0') concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_list | : list of the cpnts which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
last_nfrominfo | : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
last_ntoinfo | : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
len_lastnfrominfo | :length of last_nfrominfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
len_lastntoinfo | :length of last_ntoinfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectFromPortid | ( | int | mboardportid_from, | |
int | mboardportid_to, | |||
char * | cpntname, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
char * | last_nfrominfo, | |||
int & | len_lastnfrominfo, | |||
char * | last_ntoinfo, | |||
int & | len_lastntoinfo, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
mboardportid_from | : portid_from of the motherboard. it will start the micro path | |
cpntname | : put "none" if you provide a mboardportid_to | |
mboardportid_to | : portid of the motherboard. Put 0 if you provide a board cpnt name | |
nfrom_list | : list of the cpnts which start the link (separated by '\0') and for the first link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_list | : list of the cpnts which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
last_nfrominfo | : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
last_ntoinfo | : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
len_lastnfrominfo | :length of last_nfrominfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
len_lastntoinfo | :length of last_ntoinfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectivityRow_cpntname | ( | char * | cpnt_name, | |
int | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the link row in Conn_row, The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpnt_name | : cpnt_name of the functional board cpnt. Put "motherboard" in lower case if it's the board name | |
port_nb | : port_nb of the cpnt. Put the portid if cpnt_name="motherboard" | |
port_way | : 1 if the port_nb is an input (so it means that the link ends up to this port),2 if the port nb is an output (so the link starts from this port) | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | :attribute cpntname_nodefrom and cpntname_nodeto are not part of the row, it's just to get the cpntname of nodefrom and nodeto | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectivityRow_lkid | ( | int | lkID, | |
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the microscopic link row in Conn_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
lkID | : lkID of the microscopic link | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
Conn_row | : if the cpntfrom or the cpntto are equal to the a functional cpnt (board name); it measn that resp. port_nbrfrom or port_nbrto corrsponds to the portid. | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectivityRow_node | ( | int | cpntID, | |
int | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
int & | len_conn, | |||
char * | Conn_row, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the micro link row in Conn_row, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntID | : cpntid of the functional board cpnt. Put -1 if it's the motherboard | |
port_nb | : port_nb of the cpnt. Put the portid if cpntID=-1. | |
port_way | : 1 if the port_nb is an input (so it means thta the link ends up to this port),2 if the port nb is an output (so the link starts from this port) | |
len_conn | : length of the Conn_row. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
Conn_row | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
Conn_row | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
Conn_row | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
Conn_row | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroConnectToCpntType | ( | int | mboardportid_from, | |
int | cpnttype_given, | |||
char * | cpnttype, | |||
int * | pathid_list, | |||
int * | link_pos_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | nfrom_list, | |||
int & | nfrom_arraylen, | |||
char * | nto_list, | |||
int & | nto_arraylen, | |||
char * | last_nfrominfo, | |||
int & | len_lastnfrominfo, | |||
char * | last_ntoinfo, | |||
int & | len_lastntoinfo, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
mboardportid_from | : portid from of the mboard start the micro path | |
cpnttype | : cpnt type | |
cpnttype_given | : 1 if you have given a cpnt type, 0 if it should be consider as like 'cpnttype' | |
nfrom_list | : list of the cpnt which start the link (separated by '\0') and for the first link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list (which is equal to pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list) you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nfrom_arraylen | : length of the nfrom_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
nto_arraylen | : length of the nto_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
last_nfrominfo | : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
last_ntoinfo | : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
len_lastnfrominfo | :length of last_nfrominfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
len_lastntoinfo | :length of last_ntoinfo you have allocated, if too small we put the size | |
nto_list | : list of the cpnt which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way | |
pathid_list | : list of the pathid | |
link_pos_list | : position of the link in the path (start with 1) NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroLkFromCpntID | ( | int | cpntid_from, | |
int | motherboardID, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkfrom_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of micro LkID which start from the given cpntID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntid_from | : cpntID which starts the link. Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids whcih start from your motherboard | |
motherboardID | : motherboardid (=deviceid of a functional device). Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids whcih start from a cpntboard | |
len_array | : length of the lkfrom_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkfrom_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of cpntIDs) | |
lkfrom_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetMicroLkToCpntID | ( | int | cpnt_to, | |
int | motherboardID, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkfrom_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of micro LkID which end at the given cpntID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpnt_to | : cpntID (end of the micro link).Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids which end at your motherboard | |
motherboardID | : motherboardid (=deviceid of a functional device). Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids whcih ends at a cpntboard | |
len_array | : length of the lkfrom_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
lkfrom_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
lkfrom_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortID_portinfo | ( | int | deviceID, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
int & | portID, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the portid of the given deviceid, portnb, port_type,port_way, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviceID | : deviceID of the fctnal device: it's case sensitive. | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device | |
port_type | : port type. put 'none', if it's NULL. | |
port_way | : port way. 1 or 2 | |
portID | is set -1 if no matching device is found; always>0 | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortIDPerDevID | ( | int | devID, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | portID_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of portID of the given deviceID, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devID | : deviceID | |
len_array | : length of the portID_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
portID_list | : int* buffer where to put the result (list of deviceIDs) | |
portID_list | : equals to (-1,-1) if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortInfoPerSpare | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | port_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare port information of the given serialnb, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the spare | |
len_array | : length of the portID_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
port_list | : char* buffer where to put the result each row is separated '\0'. It is formatted as followed ptnb|port_type|port_way|macaddress|bia | |
port_list | : 'NO_ROWS_SELECTED' if there is no port | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortPerSubsystem | ( | char * | dev_from, | |
char * | subsystem_name, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | pfrom_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Get the port nb out between dev_from and the subsystem (mainly used for partioning), returning an integer value. dev_from is either a TFC device device. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
dev_from | : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00) | |
subsystem_name | : name of a the subsystem name follows the convention guides | |
len_array | : length of the pfrom_list you have allocated. If the int * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
pfrom_list | : list of the port from numbers: concatenation of port_nbr|port_way|port_type. each line is separated with | | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortRow_devid | ( | int | deviceid, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_port, | |||
char * | port_row_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the port row in port_row_result, The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
deviceid | : deviceid of the functional device | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device: it's a char*, because for some system, the port nb is defined with characters and numbers (case of the daq) | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input,2 if it's an output, | |
port_type | : interface type of the port (control,bmc, data used for the DAQ system). put "" if it's null | |
len_port | : length of the port_row_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
port_row_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
port_row_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
port_row_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
port_row_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortRow_devname | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_port, | |||
char * | port_row_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the port row in port_row_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : functional name of the device | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device: it's a char*, because for some system, the port nb is defined with characters and numbers (case of the daq) | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input,2 if it's an output | |
port_type | : interface type of the port (control,bmc, data used for the DAQ system). put "" if it's null | |
len_port | : length of the port_row_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
port_row_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
port_row_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
port_row_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
port_row_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetPortRow_pid | ( | int | portID, | |
int & | len_port, | |||
char * | port_row_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the port row in port_row_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
portID | : portID of a functional device | |
len_port | : length of the port_row_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
port_row_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
port_row_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
port_row_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
port_row_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSpareHWCpntPerLocation | ( | char * | location, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare hw board cpnt snbid concatenated with serialnb concatenated with the hw name if it exists which are at the given location, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
location | : location | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of cpntIDs). one line is rpresneted as follows snbid|serialnb|hwname. the lines are separated with '\0' | |
devnames_list | : NO_ROWS_SELECTED is set in case there is no free cpnts | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSpareHWCpntPerType | ( | char * | hwtype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare snbd, serialnb + names (if it exists) which are of the given hwtype, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
hwtype | : hwtype | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result (list of cpntIDs). one line is rpresneted as follows snbid|serialnb|hwname. the lines are separated with '\0' | |
devnames_list | : NO_ROWS_SELECTED is set in case there is no free cpnts | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSpareHWPerLocation | ( | char * | location, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare hw serialnb concatenated with the hw name if it exists which are at the given location, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
location | : location | |
len_array | : length of the devnames_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result serilanb|hwname (none if hwname=NULL). else separated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSpareHWPerType | ( | char * | hwtype, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
char * | devnames_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare serialnb + names (if it exists) which are of the given hwtype, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
hwtype | : hwtype | |
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
devnames_list | : char* buffer where to put the result serialnb|hwname (none if hwname=NULL). element separated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSpareHWTypeList | ( | int & | len_array, | |
char * | hwtypes_list, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the list of spare hwtype, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
len_array | : length of the devIDs_list. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
hwtypes_list | : char* buffer where to put the result serialnb|hwname (none if hwname=NULL). element separated by '\0' | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int GetSparePortRow_snb | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int & | len_port, | |||
char * | port_row_result, | |||
char * | ErrorMessage | |||
) |
Get the spare port row in port_row_result, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the spare | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device: it's a char*, because for some system, the port nb is defined with characters and numbers (case of the daq) | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input,2 if it's an output | |
port_type | : interface type of the port (control,bmc, data used for the DAQ system). put "" if it's null | |
len_port | : length of the port_row_result. If the buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
port_row_result | :char* buffer where to put the result | |
port_row_result | : formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value| | |
port_row_result | : db_column_type is I for int and C for char* | |
port_row_result | : equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected | |
ErrorMessage | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertCompositeLinkType | ( | char * | link_name, | |
char * | simple_lk_list, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a Composite Link Type, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
link_name | : name of the link type | |
simple_lk_list | : list of the simple_lk_list, separated by a coma: "data,control" | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertDeviceType | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | nbrofinput, | |||
int | nbrofoutput, | |||
char * | description, | |||
char * | rgbcolor, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a device type , returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) by which this device type is used: a VELO_TELL1 board type is used by the VELO, TFC and DAQ. so you type VELO,TFC,DAQ. you separate the different subsystems with a coma. | |
devicetype | : name of the devicetype | |
nbrofinput,: | nb of input ports | |
nbrofoutput,: | nb of output ports | |
description | : some description about the component max size 500 characters. | |
rgbcolor | : color in rgb system of the devicetype for display. | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertFunctionalDevice | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
char * | devicename, | |||
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | node, | |||
int | promiscuous_mode, | |||
char * | serial_nb, | |||
char * | hwtype, | |||
char * | responsible, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | location, | |||
char * | function_list, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a device into the functional_device table and the hw table :it means that the hw device is currently IN_USE and it's having the given functional fct returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) by which this device type is used: a VELO_TELL1 board is used by the VELO, TFC and DAQ. so you type VELO,TFC,DAQ. you separate the different subsystems with a coma. | |
devicename | : functional name of the device | |
devicetype | : name of the devicetype | |
node | : 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise. | |
promiscuous_mode | : 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise | |
serial_nb | : serial_nb of the device | |
hwtype | :hardware type (market specif) | |
responsible | :guy responsible for this hw | |
comments | : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters) | |
location | : location of the device : crate\rack\slot (as defined in the equipment DB) or on the detector | |
function_list | : list of the functions of your devices (essentially for the DAQ, for instance DHCP_SERVER, DNS_SERVER...). Functions must be declared using insertSimpleDeviceFunction...If several, separate them with a coma. For ex. DHCP,DNS, NFS. | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMacroLink | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbfrom, | |||
char * | port_nbto, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
char * | link_type, | |||
char * | link_information, | |||
int | bidirectional_link_used, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple MacroLink (i.e. these are physical cables)returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_from | : name of the device starting the link | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link | |
port_nbfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port type (used for the DAQ: as one physical port is considered as several functional interfaces). Put "", if none. | |
port_typeto | : port type (used for the DAQ: as one physical port is considered as several functional interfaces). Put "", if none. | |
link_type | : name of the link type | |
link_information | : some info about the links (nb of patch panels, some coefficients for algo. calcualtions, buffer of 1000). Put "" if none. | |
bidirectional_link_used | : 1 if it's a bidirectional link (it means that if it is consider as unidirectional some paths won't be found), 0 otherwise. | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleBoardCpnts | ( | char * | cpntname, | |
char * | cpnttype, | |||
int | replacable, | |||
char * | motherboardname, | |||
char * | serial_nb, | |||
char * | hwtype, | |||
char * | responsible, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | location, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a cpnt into the functional_cpnt table and the hw table :it means that the hw cpnt is currently IN_USE and it's having the given functional fct returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
cpntname | : functional name of the cpnt (even if it's a spare cpnt, put its function name in the board) | |
cpnttype | : name of the cpnttype | |
replacable | : 1 if it's replacable on its own , 0 otherwise. | |
motherboardname | : Put "none", if you insert a spare board cpnt. otherwise the name (functional device name) where the board cpnt sits | |
serial_nb | : serial_nb of the cpnt | |
hwtype | :hardware type : this one should be the same as you declared for your spare (to manage spare cpnt) | |
responsible | :guy responsible for this hw | |
comments | : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters) | |
location | : Position of your cpnt on the board if it's not a spare, if it's a spare its location. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleCpnt insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleCpnt last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleBootImages | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | boot_image, | |||
char * | kernel_image_location, | |||
char * | initrd_image_location, | |||
char * | physical_location, | |||
char * | boot_protocol, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
insert the boot image information of a given device or device type returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device or of the device type | |
boot_image | : will be used to configure the DHCP server. It is mandatory | |
kernel_image_location | : Put "" if absent. | |
initrd_image_location | : Put "" if absent. | |
physical_location | : Put "" if absent. | |
boot_protocol | : usually it;s BOOTP | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleCompositeLinkTypes | ( | char * | link_name, | |
char * | simple_lk_list, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a Composite Link Type, returning an integer value. Not to used The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
link_name | : name of the link type (such as "Mixed_Data") | |
simple_lk_list | : name of the link types which compose the composite link, separated by "," | |
simple_lk_list | :ex. Mixed_Data is composed of HLT_Data and L1_Data, so simple_lk_list="HLT_Data,L1_Data" | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleDeviceTypes | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | nbrofinput, | |||
int | nbrofoutput, | |||
char * | description, | |||
char * | rgbcolor, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a device type , returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) by which this device type is used: a VELO_TELL1 board type is used by the VELO, TFC and DAQ. so you type VELO,TFC,DAQ. you separate the different subsystems with a coma. | |
devicetype | : name of the devicetype | |
nbrofinput | : nb of input ports | |
nbrofoutput | : nb of output ports | |
description | : some description about the component max size 500 characters. | |
rgbcolor | : color of the devicetype for display in RGB system each field separated with a comma ex.:251,21,3. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.(force insertion) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleFunctionalDevices | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
char * | devicename, | |||
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | node, | |||
int | promiscuous_mode, | |||
char * | serial_nb, | |||
char * | hwtype, | |||
char * | responsible, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | location, | |||
char * | function_list, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a device into the functional_device table and the hw table :it means that the hw device is currently IN_USE and it's having the given functional fct returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) by which this device type is used: a VELO_TELL1 board is used by the VELO, TFC and DAQ. so you type VELO,TFC,DAQ. you separate the different subsystems with a coma. | |
devicename | : functional name of the device | |
devicetype | : name of the devicetype | |
node | : 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise. | |
promiscuous_mode | : 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise | |
serial_nb | : serial_nb of the device | |
hwtype | :hardware type : this one should be the same as you declared for your spare: in the case of a VELO_TELL1_board, here you can put Tell1_board as they are common to all the subsystems | |
responsible | :guy responsible for this hw | |
comments | : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters) | |
location | : location of the device : crate\rack\slot (as defined in the equipment DB) or on the detector | |
function_list | : list of the functions of your devices (essentially for the DAQ, for instance DHCP_SERVER, DNS_SERVER...). Functions must be declared using insertSimpleDeviceFunction...If several, separate them with a coma. For ex. DHCP,DNS, NFS. if none, put "none" | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleIPAliases | ( | char * | ipaddress, | |
char * | ipname, | |||
char * | ipalias, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple IP aliases (only for the DAQ ), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. IP address or IP alias should already be inserted using InsertPorts
IP | address : IP address for which you want to give an IP alias. Put "none" if you provide an IP name | |
IP | name : IP name for which you want to give an IP alias. Put "none" if you provide an IP address | |
IP | alias : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output : the reference is the data coming from the detector. | |
port_type | : type of the port interface (control, data,... used for the DAQ). Put "" if none. | |
bia | : burned mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
macadd | : mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleMacroLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbfrom, | |||
char * | port_nbto, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
char * | link_type, | |||
char * | link_information, | |||
int | bidirectional_link_used, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple MacroLink (i.e. these are physical cables)returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_from | : name of the device starting the link | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link | |
port_nbfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port type (used for the DAQ: as one physical port is considered as several functional interfaces). Put "", if none. | |
port_typeto | : port type (used for the DAQ: as one physical port is considered as several functional interfaces). Put "", if none. | |
link_type | : name of the link type | |
link_information | : some comments on the links. Put "" if none. | |
bidirectional_link_used | : 1 if it's a bidirectional link (it means that if it is consider as unidirectional some paths won't be found), 0 otherwise. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleMicroLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
int | port_nbfrom, | |||
int | port_nbto, | |||
char * | link_type, | |||
int | bidirectional_link_used, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple MicroLink (i.e. these are physical cables)returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
node_from | : name of the board cpnt starting the link : put "motherboard", if it's the board name in which the board cpnt sits. | |
node_to | : name of the board cpnt ending the link : put "motherboard", if it's the board name in which the board cpnt sits. | |
port_nbfrom | : port nb of the cpnt from. Put the portid if node_from="motherboard" | |
port_nbto | : port nb of the cpnt to. Put the portid if node_to="motherboard" | |
link_type | : name of the link type | |
bidirectional_link_used | : 1 if it's a bidirectional link, 0 otherwise | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultiplePorts | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | admin_status, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
int | speed, | |||
int | pxi_booting, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
char * | bia, | |||
char * | ipadd1, | |||
char * | ipname, | |||
char * | subnet, | |||
char * | macadd, | |||
char * | phy, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple Ports, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device | |
port_nb | : port nb | |
admin_status | : 1 if the status of the port is OK, 0 otherwise | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output : the reference is the data coming from the detector. | |
speed | : speed of the port | |
pxi_booting | : 1 if the port is the pxi_booting, 0 otherwise. | |
port_type | : type of the port interface (control, data,... used for the DAQ). Put "" if none. | |
bia | : burned mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
ipadd1 | : ip address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
ipname | : ip name (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
subnet | : subnet address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
macadd | : mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
phy,: | possible values :"SX","T","SL" | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleSimpleLinkTypes | ( | char * | link_name, | |
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a Simple Link Type, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
link_name | : name of the link type | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleSpareDevices | ( | char * | hwname, | |
char * | hwtype, | |||
char * | serial_nb, | |||
char * | responsible, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | location, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a spare device into the the hw table :it means that the hw device has the status SPARE and it's having the given functional fct returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serial_nb | : serial_nb of the device | |
hwname | : you can put "spare_nb"; | |
hwtype | : hardware type (market specif) prefixed by the subsystem like "VELO_", if the spare is specific to it.hw type is sth which specifies whta type of spare it is so that we can group spare. Ex. Tell1 board is a hw type. | |
responsible | :guy responsible for this hw | |
comments | : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters) | |
location | : location of the spare :which building shelf? | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertMultipleSparePorts | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
char * | bia, | |||
char * | macadd, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Multiple Spare Ports (only for the DAQ since they bia nd mac address ppies), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw | |
port_nb | : port nb | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output : the reference is the data coming from the detector. | |
port_type | : type of the port interface (control, data,... used for the DAQ). Put "" if none. | |
bia | : burned mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
macadd | : mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertPort | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | admin_status, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
int | speed, | |||
int | pxi_booting, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
char * | bia, | |||
char * | ipadd1, | |||
char * | ipname, | |||
char * | subnet, | |||
char * | macadd, | |||
char * | phy, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert Port, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device | |
port_nb | : port nb | |
admin_status | : 1 if the status of the port is OK, 0 otherwise | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output : the reference is the data coming from the detector. | |
speed | : speed of the port | |
pxi_booting | : 1 if the port is the pxi_booting, 0 otherwise. | |
port_type | : type of the port interface (control, data,... used for the DAQ). Put "" if none. | |
bia | : burned mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
ipadd1 | : ip address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
ipname | : ip name (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
subnet | : subnet address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
macadd | : mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
phy,: | possible values :"SX","T","SL" | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertSimpleDeviceFunction | ( | char * | function_name, | |
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a Simple function type, and returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
function_name | : name of the link type | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertSimpleLinkType | ( | char * | link_name, | |
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a Simple Link Type, and returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
link_name | : name of the link type | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertSpareDevice | ( | char * | hwname, | |
char * | hwtype, | |||
char * | serial_nb, | |||
char * | responsible, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | location, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a spare device into the the hw table :it means that the hw device has the status SPARE and it's having the given functional fct returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serial_nb | : serial_nb of the device | |
hwname | : you can put "spare_nb"; | |
hwtype | : hardware type (market specif) prefixed by the subsystem like "VELO_", if the spare is specific to it.hw type is sth which specifies whta type of spare it is so that we can group spare. Ex. Tell1 board is a hw type. | |
responsible | :guy responsible for this hw | |
comments | : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters) | |
location | : location of the spare :which building shelf? | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertSparePort | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
char * | bia, | |||
char * | macadd, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a spare Port (of a spare device), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
serialnb | : serialnb of the hw | |
port_nb | : port nb | |
port_way | : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output : the reference is the data coming from the detector. | |
port_type | : type of the port interface (control, data,... used for the DAQ). Put "" if none. | |
bia | : burned mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
macadd | : mac address (used for the DAQ, for addresses). Put "" if none. | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertSubsystem | ( | char * | system_name, | |
char * | parent_sysname, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a subsystem, and returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
system_name | : name of the subsystem. For instance VELO, OT_A | |
parent_sysname | : Put "none", if the system has no parent system name in the FSM tree, such as VELO, RICH. Otherwise put the parent system name. For instance for VELO_A->VELO, RICH1->RICH, IT->ST. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int InsertTestFunctionalDevice | ( | char * | location, | |
char * | ipaddressList, | |||
int | ipaddlen, | |||
char * | ipnameList, | |||
int | ipnamelen, | |||
char * | subnetList, | |||
int | subnetlen, | |||
char * | portnbList, | |||
int | portnblen, | |||
char * | portypeList, | |||
int | ptypelen, | |||
int * | portwayList, | |||
int | nb_ipadd, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Insert a test functional device into the functional_device table (its name is TEST_BOARD_XX; these boards will be used for local tests in the pits returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. Put all the value which are not null first..
location | : where these tests boards are sit | |
ipaddressList | : list of the ip address : each element is separated with '\0'(same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way | |
ipaddlen | : total length of the ipaddress list, (correspond to your memory allocation) ; | |
subnetList | : list of the subnet '\0'(same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way) | |
subnetlen | : total length of the subnet list, (correspond to your memory allocation) ; | |
ipnameList | : list of the ipname list, included '\0' (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way); | |
ipnamelen | : total length of the ipname list, (correspond to your memory allocation) ; | |
portnbList | : list of portnb '\0'(same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way) | |
portnblen | : total length of the portnb list, (correspond to your memory allocation) ; | |
portypeList | : list of portype '\0'(same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way) | |
ptypelen | : total length of list of port type , (correspond to your memory allocation) ; | |
nb_ipadd | : nb of ip addresses in the list=length of the portwayList | |
portwayList | : list of portway (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way) | |
location | : location of the device : crate\rack\slot (as defined in the equipment DB) or on the detector | |
last_rows | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int LoadConnectivityTable | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | lkid_list, | |||
int * | node_from_list, | |||
int * | node_to_list, | |||
int & | portfrom_len, | |||
int & | portto_len, | |||
char * | port_nbrfrom_list, | |||
char * | port_nbrto_list, | |||
int * | bidirectional_list, | |||
int * | lkused_list, | |||
int * | lktype_list, | |||
char * | lkinfo_list, | |||
int & | lkinfo_len, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Load the link type table of a given system , returning a int
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) for which you want to load the connectivity, separated with a coma : VELO,DAQ,TFC. for instance. Put ALL, if you want to load the whole connectivity table. | |
len_array | : length of the lkid_list array you have allocated (same as node_from_list,...,lktype_list) we return the length we need if too small) | |
lkid_list | : list of lkid | |
node_from_list | : list of node_from (corresponding to the lkid) | |
node_to_list | : list of node_to (corresponding to the lkid) | |
port_nbrfrom_list | : list of port_from (corresponding to the lkid) | |
port_nbrto_list | : list of port_to (corresponding to the lkid) | |
portfrom_len | : length of port_from | |
portto_len | : length of port_to | |
bidirectional_list | : list of bidrectional (corresponding to the lkid) | |
lkused_list | : list of lkused (corresponding to the lkid) | |
lktype_list | : list of lktype (corresponding to the lkid) | |
lkinfo_list | : list of lkinfo (corresponding to the lkid) | |
lkinfo_len | : len of the lkinfo_list. If too small we put the required size | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (NO_ROWS_SELECTED if table empty) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int LoadDeviceTypeTable | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
int & | len_did, | |||
char * | devtypename_list, | |||
int & | len_array, | |||
int * | devtypeID_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Load the device type table of a given system , returning a int
systemnameList | : list of the subsystems (UPPER CASE) for which you want to load the devicetypetable, separated with a coma : VELO,DAQ,TFC. for instance. Put ALL, if you want to load the whole connectivity table. | |
len_did | : length of the devtypename_list you have allocated (we return the length we need if too small) | |
devtypename_list | : list of devtypename | |
len_array | : length of the devtypeID_list you have allocated (we return the length we need if too small) | |
devtypeID_list | : list of devtypeid | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (NO_ROWS_SELECTED if table empty) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int LoadLinkTypeTable | ( | int & | len_lkid, | |
int * | lkid_list, | |||
int & | len_lkname, | |||
char * | lktypename_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Match the lkid lktypename table of a given system , returning a int
len_lkid | : length of the lkid_list array you have allocated we return the length we need if too small) | |
len_lkname | : length of the lktypename_list you have allocated we return the length we need if too small) | |
lkid_list | : list of lktypeid | |
lktypename_list | : list of lktypename (corresponding to the deviceid) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (NO_ROWS_SELECTED if table empty) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int LoadRoutingtable | ( | char * | switch_name, | |
int & | len_array_destinname, | |||
char * | destinname_list, | |||
int & | len_array_destinip, | |||
char * | destinip_list, | |||
int & | len_array_portnext, | |||
char * | port_list, | |||
int & | len_array_ipaddnext, | |||
char * | ipaddnext_list, | |||
int & | len_array_subnetnext, | |||
char * | subnetnext_list, | |||
int & | len_array_macaddnext, | |||
char * | macaddnext_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Load the routing table of a switch (used for the DAQ) The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
switch_name | : name of the switch | |
len_array_destinname | : length of the destinname_list (correspond to the memory allocation). if too small, we put the size here. | |
destinname_list | : list of the destination name (separated with '\0') | |
len_array_destinip | : length of the destinip_list (correspond to the memory allocation). if too small, we put the size here. | |
destinip_list | : list of the ipaddress destination (separated by '\0') | |
len_array_portnext | : length of the port_list (correspond to the memory allocation). if too small, we put the size here. | |
port_list | : list of the port (concatenation of port_nbr|port_type|port_way). (each row is separated by '\0') | |
len_array_ipaddnext | : length of the ipaddnext_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
ipaddnext_list | : list of the ip address of the next hop (separated by '\0') | |
len_array_subnetnext | : length of the subnetnext_list (correspond to the memory allocation). if too small, we put the size here. | |
subnetnext_list | : list of the subnet mask of the next hop | |
len_array_macaddnext | : length of the macaddnext_list you have allocated. If the char * buffer is too small, we put the size needed here. | |
macaddnext_list | : list of the mac address of the next hop (separated by '\0') | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (even NO_ROWS_SELECTED for no result) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int MatchDeviceIDDeviceName | ( | char * | systemnameList, | |
int & | len_did, | |||
int * | devid_list, | |||
int & | len_dname, | |||
char * | devname_list, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Match the deviceid devicename table of a given system , returning a int
systemnameList | : name of the subsystem. | |
len_did | : length of the devid_list array you have allocated we return the length we need if too small) | |
len_dname | : length of the devname_list you have allocated we return the length we need if too small) | |
devid_list | : list of deviceid | |
devname_list | : list of devname (corresponding to the deviceid) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure (NO_ROWS_SELECTED if table empty) |
EXTERN_CONFDB int ReplaceFunctionalBoardCpnt | ( | char * | cpntname, | |
char * | new_cpnt_status, | |||
char * | new_location, | |||
char * | user_comments, | |||
char * | status_datechange, | |||
char * | serialnb_replaced, | |||
char * | replace_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
replace a board cpnt (should be replacable on its own ) which occupied the functional board cpnt ftc. (initial state of the board cpnt:IN_USE) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. IF THE BOARD CPNT STATUS CHANGE IMPLIES ALSO THE STATUS CHANGE OF THE MOTHERBOARD, USE ReplaceLogicalDevice function, NOT THIS ONE.
cpntname | : name of the functional board cpnt | |
new_cpnt_status | : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST | |
new_location | : new location of the board cpnt | |
user_comments | : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or | |
status_datechange | : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS | |
serialnb_replaced | : serialnb which replaces this cpnt board (must be already declared as SPARE, otherwise won't work). if none. | |
replace_date | : date of the replacement formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int ReplaceFunctionalDevice | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | new_device_status, | |||
char * | new_location, | |||
char * | user_comments, | |||
char * | status_datechange, | |||
char * | serialnb_replaced, | |||
char * | replace_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
replace the board which occupied the functional device. (initial state of the board:IN_USE) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the functional device | |
new_device_status | : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST | |
new_location | : new location of the board | |
user_comments | : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or | |
status_datechange | : date of the status change of the board formatted as functional | |
serialnb_replaced | : serialnb which replaces this devices (must be already declared as SPARE, otherwise won't work). if none, put "none". | |
replace_date | : date of the replacement formatted as functional | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int SetToTestUseStatus | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | user_comments, | |||
char * | status_change, | |||
char * | serialnb_replaced, | |||
char * | testboard_name, | |||
char * | replace_date, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
replace the board which occupied the functional device. (initial state of the board:IN_USE) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the functional device | |
user_comments | : comments to explain why this replacement | |
status_change | : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS | |
replace_date | : date of the replacement formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS | |
testboard_name | : name of the test board used for testing | |
serialnb_replaced | : serialnb which replaces this devices (must be already declared as SPARE). if none, put "none". | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int SwapTwoDevices | ( | char * | functional_devicename1, | |
char * | functional_devicename2, | |||
char * | comments, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Swap two devices returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
functional_devicename1 | : functional name of the device 1 | |
functional_devicename2 | : functional name of the device 2 | |
comments | : put "none" if you want to put the default comment which is "Swapping functional_devicename1 and functional_devicename1", otherwise, it will append your comment to the default. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateBootImage | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | boot_image, | |||
char * | kernel_image_location, | |||
char * | initrd_image_location, | |||
char * | physical_location, | |||
char * | boot_protocol, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
upadte the boot image information of a given device or device type returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device or of the device type | |
boot_image | : Put "-1" to keep the old value or the new value | |
kernel_image_location | : Put "-1" to keep the old value or the new value or "none" if you want it to be NULL. | |
initrd_image_location | : Put "-1" to keep the old value or the new value or "none" if you want it to be NULL. | |
physical_location | : Put "-1" to keep the old value or the new value or "none" if you want it to be NULL. | |
boot_protocol | : Put "-1" to keep the old value or the new value. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateDeviceFunctionName | ( | char * | old_function_name, | |
char * | new_function_name, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the name of the function, typically when there was a mistyping The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
old_function_name | : name of the old function | |
new_function_name | : name of the new function | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateHWBoardCpntStatus | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | new_cpnt_status, | |||
char * | new_location, | |||
char * | user_comments, | |||
char * | status_datechange, | |||
char * | functional_cpntname, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
update a hw cpnt status whose initial status is not IN_USE to any status IN_USE,SPARE,DESTROYED,EXT_TEST.returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. tO USE IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT HTE STATUS OF THE MOTHERBOARD.
serialnb | : serialnb of your hw | |
new_cpnt_status | : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST | |
new_location | : new location of the board if new_device_status!='IN_USE' . If new_device_status=IN_USE. Put "none" | |
user_comments | : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or | |
status_datechange | : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS | |
functional_cpntname | : functional_name which will be occupied by the given serialnb. This is only available for new_device_status=IN_USE status and there should be no serial nb which already occupies this functional devicename otherwise use Replace fct. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateHWDeviceStatus | ( | char * | serialnb, | |
char * | new_device_status, | |||
char * | new_location, | |||
char * | user_comments, | |||
char * | status_datechange, | |||
char * | functional_devicename, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
update a hw device status whose initial status is not IN_USE to any status IN_USE,SPARE,DESTROYED,EXT_TEST.returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. update to TEST and EXT_TEST status makes sense only when the initial status of the device is IN_USE...So not in this context
serialnb | : serialnb of your hw | |
new_device_status | : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, | |
new_location | : new location of the board if new_device_status!='IN_USE' . If new_device_status=IN_USE. Put "none" | |
user_comments | : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or | |
status_datechange | : date of the status change of the board formatted as functional | |
functional_devicename | : functional_name which will be occupied by the given serialnb. This is only available for new_device_status=IN_USE status and there should be no serial nb which already occupies this functional devicename otherwise use Replace fct. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateHWSerialNB | ( | char * | old_serialnb, | |
char * | new_serialnb, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the serialnb , typically when there was a mistyping The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
old_serialnb | : old serialnb | |
new_serialnb | : new serialnb | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateIPalias | ( | char * | old_ipalias, | |
char * | new_ipalias, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update IP alias entries, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
old_ipalias | : ip address entry you want to modify. | |
new_ipalias | : new value of ip address entry you want to modify. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleAttributeMacIPs | ( | char * | ip_add, | |
char * | subnet_mask, | |||
char * | ipname, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update MAC entries, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
ip_add | : key entry : you want to update the info about this IPaddress | |
subnet_mask | : new value : put "none" if no changes | |
ipname | : new value : put "none" if no changes | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleAttributesDevices | ( | char * | devicename, | |
int | node, | |||
int | promiscuous_mode, | |||
char * | location, | |||
char * | function_list, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : new value of the devicename, if no change you put none (lower case) | |
node | : new value of node 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise.Put -1 if thereis no change | |
promiscuous_mode | : new value of prom.mode 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise. Put -1 not to change the value | |
location | : new value of the location of the device if no changes you put none (lower case) | |
function_list | : new value of the functions of the device. If several, separate them with a coma. Put "none", if it doesn't have any. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleBidirectionalLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbrfrom, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_nbrto, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
int | bidirectional_link_used, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update bidirectional link field for a given link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. either you give node_from,pfrom or node_to,pto.
node_from | : name of the device starting the link: put "none" if you give node_to | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link: put "none" if you give node_from | |
port_nbrfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbrto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port nb of the device from: put "none" if it doesn't exist or if you provide about the node_to | |
port_typeto | : port nb of the device to:put "none" if it doesn't exist or if you provide about the node_from | |
bidirectional_link_used | : 1 if it's a bidirectional link, 0 otherwise | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleCompositeLinkTypes | ( | char * | link_name, | |
char * | simple_lk_list, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update a Composite Link Type, returning an integer value.Not to used... The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
link_name | : the link type name you want to modify. | |
simple_lk_list | : name of the link types which compose the composite link, separated by "," (all of them) | |
simple_lk_list | :ex. Mixed_Data is composed of HLT_Data and L1_Data, so simple_lk_list="HLT_Data,L1_Data" | |
simple_lk_list | : put none if the link type is no longer a composite link type | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceActive | ( | char * | devicename, | |
int | active, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the active field of a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device | |
active | : 1 if this node is busy (booked) , 0 otherwise. if not equals to 0 or 1, we don't change the value | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDeviceActive update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceActive last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceActiveByType | ( | char * | devicetype, | |
int | active, | |||
int | devtype_given, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the active field for a devicetype or a set of devicetype whose name begins with returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype | : name of the devicetype or (the prefix : all devices which begin with devicetype) | |
active | : 1 if it's busy , 0 otherwise (means free).If not equal to 1 or 0 we don't change the field. | |
devtype_given | : 1 if you give a devicetype, 0 otherwise | |
last_rows | : 1 if you want to commit, 0 otherwise (in that case we just insert in the DB) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsed | ( | char * | devicename, | |
int | nodeused, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the nodeused parameter of a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device | |
nodeused | : 1 if it's used , 0 otherwise.If not equal to 1 or 0 we don't change the field | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDeviceNodeUsed update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceNodeUsed last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsedByType | ( | char * | devicetype, | |
int | nodeused, | |||
int | devtype_given, | |||
int | last_rows, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the nodeused field for a devicetype or a set of devicetype whose name begins with returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype | : name of the devicetype or (the prefix : all devices which begin with devicetype) | |
nodeused | : 1 if it's used , 0 otherwise.If not equal to 1 or 0 we don't change the field. | |
devtype_given | : 1 if you give a devicetype, 0 otherwise | |
last_rows | : 1 if you want to commit, 0 otherwise (in that case we just insert in the DB) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | new_systemList, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the nodeused parameter of a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device | |
new_systemList | : new list of system, UPPER CASE, separated with a coma | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDeviceNodeUsed update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceNodeUsed last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceTypeAttributes | ( | char * | devicetype, | |
char * | description, | |||
int | nbrofinput, | |||
int | nbrofoutput, | |||
char * | rgbcolor, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the devicetype returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype | : name of the devicetype you want to update | |
description | : new value of the description, if no change you put "none" (lower case) | |
nbrofinput | : new value of nbrofinput: put -1 if you don't want to change it | |
nbrofoutput | : new value of nbrofoutput: put -1 if you don't want to change it | |
rgbcolor | : new value of the rgbcolor of the devicetypefor display if no change you put none (lower case) | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceTypes | ( | char * | devicetype_old, | |
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the devicetype returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype_old | : name of the devicetype you want to update | |
devicetype | : new value of the devicetype, | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDeviceTypeSystemList | ( | char * | devicetype, | |
char * | new_systemList, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the system_name parameter of a device type returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicetype | : name of the device | |
new_systemList | : new list of system, UPPER CASE, separated with a coma | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDeviceNodeUsed update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceNodeUsed last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDevNamesDevices | ( | char * | devicename_old, | |
char * | devicename, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the devicename field of a device (typically when there is a mistyping) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename_old | : name of the device you want to update | |
devicename | : new value of the devicename. can't be NULL! | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleDTypeDevices | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | devicetype, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the devicetype field of a device :make sure that the devicetype exists 1 returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device you want to update | |
devicetype | : new value of the devicetype, | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleIPAddresses | ( | char * | ip_add, | |
char * | oldip_add, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update MAC entries, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
oldip_add | : ip address entry you want to modify. | |
ip_add | : new value of ip address entry you want to modify. | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleLinkTypeNames | ( | char * | old_link_name, | |
char * | link_name, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update a Link Type Name (due to mistyping error), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
old_link_name | : value of the link type name you want to modify | |
link_name | : value of the new link type | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleLkInfoLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbrfrom, | |||
char * | port_nbrto, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
char * | link_information, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the link info of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. give either nfrom,pfrom or nto,pto
node_from | : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if giving node_to | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if giving node_from | |
port_nbrfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbrto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_typeto | : port nb of the device to | |
link_information | : new comment | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleLkTypeLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbrfrom, | |||
char * | port_nbrto, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
char * | link_type, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the link type of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. give either nfrom,pfrom or nto,pto
node_from | : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if giving node_to | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if giving node_from | |
port_nbrfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbrto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_typeto | : port nb of the device to | |
link_type | : name of the link type | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultipleLkUsedLinks | ( | char * | node_from, | |
char * | node_to, | |||
char * | port_nbrfrom, | |||
char * | port_nbrto, | |||
char * | port_typefrom, | |||
char * | port_typeto, | |||
int | lkused, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update the lkused field of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you give either node_from,portnbrfrom or node_to,pto
node_from | : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if you give node_to | |
node_to | : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if you give node_to | |
port_nbrfrom | : port nb of the device from | |
port_nbrto | : port nb of the device to | |
port_typefrom | : port type of the device from | |
port_typeto | : port type of the device to | |
lkused | : 1 if the link is used in the configuration, 0 otherwise | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your MultipleLink last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise. Maximum in one go: 10000 rows. (we force the insert) | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultiplePorts | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int | speed, | |||
char * | phy, | |||
int | pxi_booting, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Upadte Multiple Ports, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device which will be updated | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device to update | |
port_way | : specify the way of the port to update :1 if the port is an input and 2 if it's an output | |
port_type | : specify the type of the port of the device to update. Put "" if there is none. | |
speed | : new value of speed of the port: PUT -1 to keep the same value | |
pxi_booting | : new value of pxi_booting 1 if the port is the pxi_booting one, 0 otherwise. Put a value different from 1 or 0 to keep the same value. | |
phy,: | new value of phy possible values :"SX","T","SL". if no changes put "none" | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateMultiplePortStatuses | ( | char * | devicename, | |
char * | port_nb, | |||
int | port_way, | |||
char * | port_type, | |||
int | admin_status, | |||
int | first_time1, | |||
int | last_rows1, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Upadte Multiple Ports status, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
devicename | : name of the device which will be updated | |
port_nb | : port nb of the device to update | |
port_way | : specify the way of the port to update :1 if the port is an input and 2 if it's an output | |
port_type | : specify the type of the port of the device to update. Put "" if there is none. | |
admin_status | : new value of speed of the port: PUT -1 to keep the same value | |
first_time1 | : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
last_rows1 | : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |
EXTERN_CONFDB int UpdateSubsystemName | ( | char * | old_sysname, | |
char * | new_sysname, | |||
char * | ErrMess | |||
) |
Update a subsystem name entry in case it was mystaped, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
old_systemname | : ip address entry you want to modify. | |
new_systemname | : new value of ip address entry you want to modify. | |
ErrMess | : error message in case of failure |