#include <CONFDB.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CONFDB (string dbname, string login, string passwd) | |
~CONFDB () | |
int | PyDBConnexion () |
int | PyDBDeconnexion () |
string | PyGetDeviceTypeRow (string devitype) |
string | PyGetDeviceRow_devicename (string deviname) |
string | PyGetDeviceRow_deviceid (int devid) |
string | PyGetPortRow_pid (int pID) |
string | PyGetPortRow_devid (int devid, string port_nb, int port_way, string port_type) |
string | PyGetMacroConnectivityRow_lkid (int lkid) |
string | PyGetMacroConnectivityRow_node (int nodeid, string port_nb, int way_given, string port_type) |
string | PyGetIPInfoRow (string IPadd) |
string | PyGetLkTypeRow_lkname (string lname) |
string | PyGetLkTypeRow_lknb (int lknb) |
vector< int > | PyGetPortIDPerDevID (int dID) |
vector< string > | PyGetDeviceNamesPerType (string dtype) |
string | PyGetMacIPAddPerDevID (int dID) |
vector< int > | PyGetLkToDevID (int nto) |
vector< int > | PyGetLkFromDevID (int nfrom) |
vector< int > | PyGetDeviceIDsPerType (string dtype) |
string | PyInsertPort (string devname, string ptnb, string port_type, int port_way, string bia, string ipname, string ipadd, string subnet, string macadd, vector< int > param_list, string phy, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultiplePorts (string devname, string ptnb, int port_way, string port_type, string bia, string ipname, string ipadd, string subnet, string macadd, vector< int > param_list, string phy, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleMacroLinks (string nfrom, string nto, string pfrom, string pto, string port_typefrom, string port_typeto, string lk_type, int bidirectional, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (string lktype, string lktype_list_concan, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleSimpleLinkTypes (string lktype, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleLogicalDevices (string sysname, string devname, string devtype, int dnode, int promismode, string serialnb, string hwtype, string responsible, string location, string comments, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleDeviceTypes (string sysname, string devtype, int nb_in, int nb_out, string devdescr, string rgbcolor, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMacroLink (string nfrom, string nto, string pfrom, string pto, string port_typefrom, string port_typeto, string lk_type, int bidirectional, int last) |
string | PyInsertCompositeLinkType (string lktype, string lktype_list_concan, int last) |
string | PyInsertLogicalDevice (string sysname, string devname, string devtype, int dnode, int promismode, string serialnb, string hwtype, string responsible, string location, string comments, int last) |
string | PyInsertDeviceType (string sysname, string devtype, int nb_in, int nb_out, string devdescr, string rgbcolor, int last) |
string | PyInsertSimpleLinkType (string lktype, int last) |
vector< string > | PyGetConnOutBetweenDeviceDeviceType (string nfrom, string nto, int nto_dtype) |
vector< string > | PyGetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices (string nfrom, string nto) |
int | PyCreateTableSchema () |
vector< string > | PyGetConnectivityBetweenDevices (string nfrom, string nto) |
vector< string > | PyGetDestinationNamePerDevPort (string devtype, string port_nb, string port_type) |
int | PyGetDeviceID_devicename (string devname) |
string | PyGetDeviceName_deviceid (int devID) |
vector< string > | PyGetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType (string nfrom, string nto, int dtype_given) |
int | PyDropTableSchema () |
vector< string > | PyGetFreeDeviceNamesPerType (string dtype) |
int | PyCreateDestinationTable (string dname, int roundtrip) |
int | PyCreateRoutingTable (string devname, int roundtrip) |
vector< string > | PyGetAllPathsPerDevice (string systemname, string devicename) |
vector< string > | PyMatchDeviceIDDeviceName (string systemname) |
vector< string > | PyLoadConnectivityTable (string systemname) |
vector< string > | PyLoadDeviceTypeTable (string systemname) |
vector< string > | PyLoadLinkTypeTable () |
string | PyUpdateMultiplePorts (string devicename, string port_nb, int port_way, string port_type, int speed, string phy, int pxi_booting, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleAttributeMacIPs (string ip_add, string subnet_mask, string ipname, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleIPAddresses (string ip_add, string oldip_add, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (string link_name, string simple_lk_list, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleLinkTypeNames (string old_link_name, string link_name, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleDeviceTypeAttributes (string devicetype, string description, int nbrofinput, int nbrofoutput, string rgbcolor, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleDeviceTypes (string devicetype_old, string devicetype, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleAttributesDevices (string devicename, int node, int promiscuous_mode, string location, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleDevNamesDevices (string devicename_old, string devicename, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleBidirectionalLinks (string node_from, string node_to, string port_nbrfrom, string port_typefrom, string port_nbrto, string port_typeto, int bidirectional_link_used, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleLkUsedLinks (string node_from, string node_to, string port_nbrfrom, string port_nbrto, string port_typefrom, string port_typeto, int lkused, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleLkTypeLinks (string node_from, string node_to, string port_nbrfrom, string port_nbrto, string port_typefrom, string port_typeto, string link_type, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
string | PyGetBoardCpntRow_cpntname (string cpntname) |
string | PyGetHWCpntRow_serialnb (string serialnb) |
vector< string > | PyGetDeviceNamesPerLocation (string location) |
string | PyGetBoardCpntRow_cpntid (int cpntid) |
string | PyGetHWCpntRow_snbid (int snbid) |
string | PyGetMicroConnectivityRow_lkid (int lkid) |
string | PyGetMicroConnectivityRow_node (int nodeid, int port_nb, int way_given) |
vector< string > | PyGetBoardCpntPerType (string cpnttype) |
vector< string > | PyGetSpareHWPerLocation (string location) |
vector< string > | PyGetSpareHWCpntPerLocation (string location) |
vector< string > | PyGetSpareHWPerType (string hwtype) |
vector< string > | PyGetCpntNamesPerBoard (string motherboardname) |
vector< string > | PyGetSpareHWCpntPerType (string hwtype) |
vector< int > | PyGetMicroLkFromCpntID (int cpntid_from, int motherboard) |
vector< int > | PyGetMicroLkToCpntID (int cpntid_from, int motherboard) |
string | PyInsertTestLogicalDevice (string location, vector< string > ipaddList, vector< string > ipnameList, vector< string > subnetList, vector< string > portnbList, vector< string > port_typeList, vector< int > port_wayList, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleSpareDevices (string hwname, string hwtype, string serialnb, string responsible, string location, string comments, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleBoardCpnts (string cpntname, string cpnttype, int replacable, string motherboardname, string serialnb, string hwtype, string responsible, string location, string comments, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleSparePorts (string serialnb, string ptnb, int port_way, string port_type, string bia, string macadd, int first, int last) |
string | PyInsertSparePort (string serialnb, string ptnb, int port_way, string port_type, string bia, string macadd, int last) |
string | PyInsertSpareDevice (string hwname, string hwtype, string serialnb, string responsible, string location, string comments, int last) |
string | PyInsertMultipleMicroLinks (string nfrom, string nto, int pfrom, int pto, string lk_type, int bidirectional, int first, int last) |
string | PyGetCpntName_cpntid (int cpntID) |
int | PyGetCpntID_cpntname (string cpntname) |
string | PyUpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList (string devicename, string new_systemList, int first_time1, int last_rows1) |
vector< string > | PyGetMicroConnectFromPortid (int mboardportid_from, int mboardportid_to, string cpntname) |
vector< string > | PyGetMicroConnectToCpntType (int mboardportid_from, int cpnttype_given, string cpnttype) |
vector< string > | PyGetMicroConnectBetweenBoardCpntAndMotherBoard (string cpntname_from, int mboard_portid) |
Private Attributes | |
string | _dbname |
string | _login |
string | _passwd |
CONFDB Constructor .
CONFDB destructor . no param |
create the destination table of a given device and stored in the database, returning a int
create the routing table of a given device and stored in the database, returning a int
create the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema, returning a int .
Connect to the database with the login,pwd and db as provided in the constructor .
Disconnect from the database no input arguments and returning a int .
drop the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema, returning a int . The user should use this function with caution no way to rollback!
get all the paths going through a given device , returning a vector of strings
Get the list of board cpnt of the given cpnt type, returning a vector of strings.
Get the row of the given cpntID returning a string .
Get the row of the given board cpnt name returning a string.
Get the path (just the first and last link details) between nfrom and nto, returning a vector of strings .
Get the port nbs out between dev_from and devtype, returning a vector of int .
Get the cpntid corresponding to the cpntname
Get the cpntname corresponding to the cpntid
Get the list of functional board cpnt names located at the given motherboard, returning a vector of strings.
Get the list of possible destination reachable from this port
Get the path details between nfrom and nto, returning a vector of strings .
Get the path details between nfrom and nto, returning a vector of strings .
Get the deviceid corresponding to the devicename
Get the list of deviceID of the given device type, returning a vetcor of int .
Get the devicename corresponding to the deviceid
Get the list of functional device names located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.
Get the list of devices of the given device type, returning a vector of strings.
Get the row of the given deviceID of the device returning a string .
Get the row of the given device name , returning a string.
Get the row of the given device type returning a string value.
Get the list of free devices of the given device type, returning a vetcor of string .
Get the row of the given hw board cpnt serialnb returning a string.
Get the row of the given snbID returning a string .
Get the ip row in a string .
Get the list of LkID which start from the given deviceID, returning a vector of int.
Get the list of LkID which ends at the given deviceID, returning a vector of int
Get the link type row returning a string .
Get the link type row returning a string .
Get the list of ethernet and ip of the given deviceID, returning a string .
Get the macro link row returning a string .
Get the macro link row returning a string .
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
Get the micro link row returning a string .
Get the micro link row ,returning a string .
Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you need grant execute if you have your own db account
Get the list of micro LkID which starts from the given cpntID, returning a vector of int.
Get the list of micro LkID which ends at the given cpntID, returning a vector of int.
Get the list of portID of the given deviceID, returning a vector of int .
Get the port row returning a string value.
Get the port row returning a string .
Get the list of spare hw snbid (automatic nb generated by the DB) concatenated with the serialnb and the hwname (functional name) if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.
Get the list of spare hw snbid (automatic nb generated by the DB) concatenated with the serialnb and the hwname (functional name) if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.
Get the list of spare hw serialnb concatenated with the hwname if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.
Get the list of spare hw serialnb concatenated with the hwname if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) of the given hwtype, returning a vector of strings.
Insert a Composite Link Type, returning a string .
Insert a device type , returning a string .
Insert a logical device returning a string .
Insert Link returning a string .
Insert multiple board cpnts returning a string .
Insert a Composite Link Type, returning a string .
Insert a device type , returning a string .
Insert a logical device returning a string .
Insert Multiple macro Link returning a string .
Insert Multiple micro Links returning a string .
Insert multiple Ports, returning a string .
Insert a Simple Link Type, returning a string .
Insert multiple spare devices returning a string .
Insert multiple Spare Ports to be used ONLY IF your spare ports have mac or bia address (for L0 electronics, no need), returning a string .
Insert Ports, returning a string .
Insert a Simple Link Type, returning a string .
Insert a spare device returning a string .
Insert a Spare Port to be used ONLY IF your spare ports have mac or bia address (for L0 electronics, no need), returning a string .
Insert a test logical device (used as test boards for local tets) returning a string . their name is automatically given TEST_BOARD_nbr Put all the value which are not null first..
Load the connectivity table of a given system , returning a vector of strings
Get all the device types of a given system , returning a vector of strings
Load the link type table , returning a vector of strings
Load part of the device table of a given system , returning a vector of strings
Update MAC entries, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update a device returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update bidirectional link field for a given link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. either you give node_from,pfrom or node_to,pto.
Update a Composite Link Type, returning an integer value.Not to used... The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update the lkused field of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you give either node_from,portnbrfrom or node_to,pto
Update the devicetype returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update the devicetype returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update the devicename field of a device (typically when there is a mistyping) returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update MAC entries, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update a Link Type Name (due to mistyping error), returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.
Update the link type of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. give either nfrom,pfrom or nto,pto
Update the lkused field of a Link returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation. you give either node_from,portnbrfrom or node_to,pto
Upadte Multiple Ports, returning an integer value. The user should manage the memory : there is no memory allocation.