Configuration Database Project |
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Please report any problems or bugs to me so that this FAQ can be updated
- Logview says "couldn't load shared library ..."
For Windows users, check that the path to where you installed your oracle client is in your PATH environment variable.
For Linux users, check that the path to where you installed your oracle client is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Check also that you have run the source lbconfDB.csh (or .sh) before starting your project.
- can't connect to the database from a linux machine
Check that the path to (and is set to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Check that the version of Python is 2.3.XXX, if not and if you have access to afs type these two following cmd lines:
setenv PATH /afs/$PATH
Finally check that the is set in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, if access to
afs type