
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 from GUIcreatePorts import *
00002 from objectclasses import *
00004 # TABLE Keys
00005 DEVICE_NAME     = 0
00006 PORT_NR         = 1
00007 PORT_TYPE       = 2
00008 PORT_WAY        = 3
00009 PORT_SPEED      = 4
00010 PXI             = 5
00011 ADM_STATUS      = 6
00012 PHY             = 7
00013 MAC_ADRESS      = 8
00014 IP_ADRESS       = 9
00015 SUBNET          = 10
00016 IP_NAME         = 11
00017 BIA             = 12
00018 PORTID          = 13
00019 MODIFIED        = 14
00021 OLD_IP          = 16
00022 SAVE_STATUS     = 17
00024 class createPortsWindow(GUIcreatePort):
00025     def __init__(self, main, devicetypeobj, devicename, portlist, parent = None):
00026         GUIcreatePort.__init__(self,parent,"Create Ports",0,0)
00027         self.connect(self.addportbutton,SIGNAL("released()"),self.OnAddPort)
00028         self.connect(self.removebutton,SIGNAL("released()"),self.OnDeleteRow)
00029         self.connect(self.okbutton,SIGNAL("released()"),self.accept)
00030         self.connect(self.cancelbutton,SIGNAL("released()"),self.reject)
00032         self.main = main
00033         self.table.hideColumn(SAVE_STATUS) # We keep this column in the table because we will need it to store port status but we do not show it to the user
00034         self.maxPortsIn = devicetypeobj.GetPortsIn()
00035         self.maxPortsOut = devicetypeobj.GetPortsOut()
00037         self.devicename.setText(devicename)
00038         self.devicename.setEnabled(False)
00039         self.portid.setText('-1')
00040         self.portid.setEnabled(False)
00041         self.phy.insertItem('')
00042         self.phy.insertItem('SX')
00043         self.phy.insertItem('T')
00044         self.phy.insertItem('SL')
00046         self.portlist = portlist
00047         self.deletedports = []
00048         self.NewFreePorts = [[],[]]  # [ IN, OUT]
00049         # Fill the table with the ports informations
00050         self.table.setReadOnly(True)
00051         for i in range(len(self.portlist)):
00052                 port = self.portlist[i]
00053                 self.insertInTable(i,port)
00056     ##
00057     #  Add Port Button clicked :
00058     #   We Create the Port object and add its information to the table below
00059     def OnAddPort(self):
00061         # Validation :
00063         #Port Way
00064         if self.portwayOUT.isChecked():         portway = 2
00065         elif self.portwayIN.isChecked():                portway = 1
00066         else:
00067                 self.main.ShowError("You should choose a port way",ERR_ERROR,True)
00068                 return
00069         #Port Number
00070         if (self.portnumber.value() > self.maxPortsIn-1 and portway==1) or (self.portnumber.value() > self.maxPortsOut-1 and portway==2):
00071                 self.main.ShowError("Invalid port number : \nport number should not exceed %d for Inputs and %d for Outputs. \n Port's number begins at zero."%(self.maxPortsIn-1,self.maxPortsOut-1),ERR_ERROR,True)
00072                 return
00074         tmp_port = Port('',str(self.portnumber.value()),str(self.porttype.text()), portway, str(self.devicename.text()) )
00075         tmp_port.SetBia(str(self.bia.text()))
00076         tmp_port.SetMAC(str(self.macadress.text()))
00077         tmp_port.SetPortSpeed(self.portspeed.value())
00078         tmp_port.SetPhy(str(self.phy.currentText()))
00079         tmp_port.SetPXIBooting(int(self.pxibooting.isChecked()))
00080         tmp_port.SetIP(str(self.ipadress.text()))
00081         tmp_port.SetAdmStatus(int(self.admstatus.isChecked()))
00082         tmp_port.SetIPName(str(self.ipname.text()))
00083         tmp_port.SetSubnet(str(self.subnetadress.text()))
00085         if self.find(tmp_port)>0:
00086                 self.main.ShowError("Port already exist ",ERR_ERROR,True)
00087                 return
00089         tmp_port.SetSaveStatus(CREATE) #tmp_port.Create()
00090         self.insertInTable(0,tmp_port)
00091         self.portlist.insert(0,tmp_port)
00092         if portway==1:
00093                 self.NewFreePorts[0].insert(0,tmp_port)
00094         else:
00095                 self.NewFreePorts[1].insert(0,tmp_port)
00097     def GetNewFreePorts(self):
00098         return self.NewFreePorts
00100     def GetPorts(self):
00101         return self.portlist
00103     def GetDeletedPorts(self):
00104         return self.deletedports
00106     def OnDeleteRow(self):
00108         toDeleteIndex = self.table.currentRow()
00109         self.table.selectRow(toDeleteIndex)
00110         ans = QMessageBox.question(self,"Remove?","Are you sur you want to remove this port ?","Yes","No","",0,1)
00111         if ans == 1: # No
00112                 return
00114         portToDelete = (int(str(self.table.text(toDeleteIndex,PORT_NR))), int(str(self.table.text(toDeleteIndex,PORT_WAY))))
00115         index = self.find(portToDelete)
00116         if index < 0:
00117                 print "ERROR : port not found"
00118                 return
00119         if int(str(self.table.text(index,SAVE_STATUS))) == CREATE:
00120                 self.portlist.remove(self.portlist[index])
00121         else:
00122                 #self.portlist[index].Delete()
00123                 self.deletedports.append(self.portlist[index])
00124                 self.portlist.remove(self.portlist[index])
00126         self.table.removeRow(toDeleteIndex)
00129     ##
00130     #  Look for "port" in self.portlist and return its index in self.portlist if exist or -1.
00131     #   
00132     def find(self,port):
00133         if self.portlist == []:
00134                 return -1
00135         if isinstance(port,Port):
00136                 port = (int(port.GetPortNbr()), port.GetPortWay())
00137         match = ( (int(self.portlist[0].GetPortNbr()), self.portlist[0].GetPortWay()) == port )
00138         i = 0
00139         while ( not match and i<len(self.portlist)-1 ):
00140                 i += 1
00141                 match = ( (int(self.portlist[i].GetPortNbr()), self.portlist[i].GetPortWay()) == port )
00142         if match:
00143                 return i
00144         else:
00145                 return -1
00147     def insertInTable(self,row,port):
00148         self.table.insertRows(row)
00149         self.table.setText( row, DEVICE_NAME,port.GetDevice());
00150         self.table.setText( row, PORT_NR,port.GetPortNbr());
00151         self.table.setText( row, PORT_TYPE,port.GetPortType());
00152         self.table.setText( row, PORT_WAY, str(port.GetPortWay()) );
00153         self.table.setText( row, PORT_SPEED,str(port.GetPortSpeed()));
00154         self.table.setText( row, PXI, str(port.GetPXIBooting()) );
00155         self.table.setText( row, ADM_STATUS, str(port.GetAdmStatus()) );
00156         self.table.setText( row, PHY,port.GetPhy());
00157         self.table.setText( row, MAC_ADRESS,port.GetMAC());
00158         self.table.setText( row, IP_ADRESS,port.GetIP());
00159         self.table.setText( row, SUBNET,port.GetSubnet());
00160         self.table.setText( row, IP_NAME,port.GetIPName().replace('\n',' '));
00161         self.table.setText( row, BIA,port.GetBia());
00162         self.table.setText( row, PORTID, str(port.GetPortID()) );
00163         print port.GetSaveStatus()
00164         self.table.setText( row, SAVE_STATUS, str(port.GetSaveStatus()) );
00165         ## Should be done only if we modify a port :  self.table.setText( row, MODIFIED,str(port.GetModifyStatus()));
00166         ##self.table.setText( row, MODIFIED_PARAMS,port.Get());
00167         ## Should be done only if we modify a port : self.table.setText( row, OLD_IP,port.GetOldIP());

Generated on Fri Aug 31 11:11:12 2007 for CDBVis by  doxygen 1.5.3