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GEHExample.cpp File Reference

#include "stdio.h"
#include "GEHExample.h"


IntegerVar * PVSSDBConnexion (TextVar *server, TextVar *usr, TextVar *pwd, TextVar *errMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSDBDeconnexion (TextVar *errMess)
TextVar * PVSSGetDeviceTypeRow (TextVar *dtype)
TextVar * PVSSGetIPAliasRow (TextVar *ipalias)
TextVar * PVSSGetDeviceRow_devicename (TextVar *dname)
TextVar * PVSSGetBootImageRow_devicename (TextVar *dname)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWDeviceRow_serialnb (TextVar *serialnb)
TextVar * PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceStatus (TextVar *dname)
TextVar * PVSSGetFunctionalBoardCpntStatus (TextVar *cpntname)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWLastFunctionalDevice (TextVar *serialnb)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWLastFunctionalBoardCpntName (TextVar *hw_serialnb, IntegerVar *hw_snbid)
TextVar * PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceLastHW (TextVar *functional_name)
TextVar * PVSSGetFunctionalBoardCpntNameLastHW (TextVar *functional_cpntname)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWDeviceStatus (TextVar *dname)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWBoardCpntStatus (TextVar *serialnb, IntegerVar *snbid)
TextVar * PVSSGetDeviceRow_devid (IntegerVar *dID)
TextVar * PVSSGetBoardCpntRow_cpntname (TextVar *cpntname)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWCpntRow_serialnb (TextVar *serialnb)
TextVar * PVSSGetBoardCpntRow_cpntid (IntegerVar *cpntid)
TextVar * PVSSGetHWCpntRow_snbid (IntegerVar *snbid)
TextVar * PVSSGetPortRow_pid (IntegerVar *dID)
TextVar * PVSSGetPortRow_devid (IntegerVar *devID, TextVar *pt_nb, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *ptype)
TextVar * PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_lkid (IntegerVar *lkID)
TextVar * PVSSGetMicroConnectivityRow_lkid (IntegerVar *lkID)
TextVar * PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_node (IntegerVar *nodeID, TextVar *ptnb, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *ptype)
TextVar * PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_nodename (TextVar *nodename, TextVar *ptnb, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *ptype)
TextVar * PVSSGetMicroConnectivityRow_node (IntegerVar *nodeID, IntegerVar *ptnb, IntegerVar *way)
TextVar * PVSSGetIPInfoRow (TextVar *IPadd)
TextVar * PVSSGetLkTypeRow_lkname (TextVar *lkname)
TextVar * PVSSGetLkTypeRow_lknb (IntegerVar *lktype_nb)
DynVar * PVSSGetDeviceIDsPerType (TextVar *dtype, TextVar *errMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetLkIDsPerLkInfo (TextVar *lkinfo, TextVar *errMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerType (TextVar *dtype, DynVar *DeviceNames, DynVar *DeviceIDs)
DynVar * PVSSGetFreeDeviceNamesPerType (TextVar *dtype)
DynVar * PVSSGetDestinationNamePerDevPort (TextVar *devname, TextVar *ptnb, TextVar *ptype)
DynVar * PVSSGetLkFromDevID (IntegerVar *node_from, TextVar *ErrMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetLkToDevID (IntegerVar *node_to, TextVar *ErrMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetPortIDPerDevID (IntegerVar *devid, TextVar *ErrMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetMacIPAddPerDevID (IntegerVar *devid)
TextVar * PVSSInsertDeviceType (TextVar *sysname, TextVar *dtype, IntegerVar *nbinput, IntegerVar *nboutput, TextVar *description, TextVar *rgbcolor, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertFunctionalDevice (TextVar *sysname, TextVar *dname, TextVar *dtype, IntegerVar *node, IntegerVar *promiscuous_mode, TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *hwtype, TextVar *responsible, TextVar *location, TextVar *comments, TextVar *function_list, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertSimpleLinkType (TextVar *lktype_name, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertSimpleDeviceFunction (TextVar *function_name, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertSubsystem (TextVar *system_name, TextVar *parent_name)
TextVar * PVSSInsertCompositeLinkType (TextVar *lktype_name, DynVar *lktype_list, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertPort (TextVar *dname, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *bia, TextVar *ipname, TextVar *ipadd, TextVar *subnet, TextVar *macadd, IntegerVar *pxibooting, IntegerVar *speed, TextVar *phy, IntegerVar *admin_status, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMacroLink (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *port_from, TextVar *port_typefrom, TextVar *port_to, TextVar *port_typeto, TextVar *link_type_name, IntegerVar *bidirectional_link, TextVar *link_info, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleDeviceTypes (TextVar *sysname, TextVar *dtype, IntegerVar *nbinput, IntegerVar *nboutput, TextVar *description, TextVar *rgbcolor, IntegerVar *first_time, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleFunctionalDevices (TextVar *sysname, TextVar *dname, TextVar *dtype, IntegerVar *node, IntegerVar *promiscuous_mode, TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *hwtype, TextVar *responsible, TextVar *location, TextVar *comments, TextVar *function_list, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleBootImages (TextVar *devicename, TextVar *boot_image, TextVar *kernel_image_location, TextVar *initrd_image_location, TextVar *physical_location, TextVar *boot_protocol, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleSimpleLinkTypes (TextVar *lktype_name, IntegerVar *first_time, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleIPAliases (TextVar *ipaddress, TextVar *ipname, TextVar *ipalias, IntegerVar *first_time, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (TextVar *lktype_name, DynVar *lktype_list, IntegerVar *first_time, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultiplePorts (TextVar *dname, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *bia, TextVar *ipname, TextVar *ipadd, TextVar *subnet, TextVar *macadd, IntegerVar *pxibooting, IntegerVar *speed, TextVar *phy, IntegerVar *admin_status, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleSparePorts (TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *bia, TextVar *macadd, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertSparePort (TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, TextVar *bia, TextVar *macadd, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleMacroLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *port_from, TextVar *port_typefrom, TextVar *port_to, TextVar *port_typeto, TextVar *link_type_name, IntegerVar *bidirectional_link, TextVar *link_info, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleMicroLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, IntegerVar *port_from, IntegerVar *port_to, TextVar *link_type_name, IntegerVar *bidirectional_link, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dto, DynVar *nfrom_list, DynVar *pfrom_list, DynVar *pwayfrom_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pto_list, DynVar *pwayto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, DynVar *lkinfo_list, IntegerVar *reload_connectivity, IntegerVar *delete_connectivity, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices_plsql (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dto, DynVar *nfrom_list, DynVar *pfrom_list, DynVar *pwayfrom_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pto_list, DynVar *pwayto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, DynVar *lkinfo_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetConnectivityBetweenDevices (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dto, DynVar *nfrom_list, DynVar *pfrom_list, DynVar *pwayfrom_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pto_list, DynVar *pwayto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkinfo_list, IntegerVar *reload_connectivity, IntegerVar *delete_connectivity, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetMicroConnectFromPortid (IntegerVar *mboardportid_from, IntegerVar *mboardportid_to, TextVar *cpntname, DynVar *nfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkto_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetMicroConnectToCpntType (IntegerVar *mboardportid_from, IntegerVar *cpnttype_given, TextVar *cpnttype, DynVar *nfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkto_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetMicroConnectBetweenBoardCpntAndMotherBoard (TextVar *cpnt_from, IntegerVar *mboard_pid, DynVar *nfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkfrom_list, TextVar *lastlkto_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetConnOutBetweenDeviceDeviceType (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dtype, IntegerVar *dtype_given, DynVar *pfrom_list, IntegerVar *reload_connectivity, IntegerVar *delete_connectivity, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetPortPerSubsystem (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *subsystem_name, DynVar *pfrom_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSCreateTableSchema (TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSDropTableSchema (TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSCreateDestinationTable (TextVar *devicename, IntegerVar *roundtrip, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSCreateRoutingTable (TextVar *devicename, IntegerVar *roundtrip, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dto_type, IntegerVar *dto_typegiven, DynVar *nfrom_list, DynVar *pfrom_list, DynVar *pwayfrom_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pto_list, DynVar *pwayto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, DynVar *lkinfo_list, IntegerVar *reload_connectivity, IntegerVar *delete_connectivity, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType_plsql (TextVar *dfrom, TextVar *dto_type, IntegerVar *dto_typegiven, DynVar *nfrom_list, DynVar *pfrom_list, DynVar *pwayfrom_list, DynVar *nto_list, DynVar *pto_list, DynVar *pwayto_list, DynVar *pid_list, DynVar *lkpos_list, DynVar *lkinfo_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
TextVar * PVSSGetDeviceName_deviceid (IntegerVar *deviceid)
TextVar * PVSSGetCpntName_cpntid (IntegerVar *cpntid)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetDeviceID_devicename (TextVar *devicename, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetPortID_portinfo (IntegerVar *deviceid, TextVar *port_nb, TextVar *port_type, IntegerVar *port_way, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetCpntID_cpntname (TextVar *cpntname, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSGetStatusSubsystem (DynVar *subsystemname, DynVar *SubsystemStatus)
IntegerVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceActive (TextVar *devicename, IntegerVar *active, IntegerVar *first_time, IntegerVar *last_rows, TextVar *ErrMess)
IntegerVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceActiveByType (TextVar *devicetype, IntegerVar *active, IntegerVar *devtype_given, IntegerVar *last_rows, TextVar *ErrMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetBoardCpntPerType (TextVar *cpnttype)
DynVar * PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerLocation (TextVar *location)
DynVar * PVSSGetIPAliasesPerIPName (TextVar *ipname)
DynVar * PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerFunction (TextVar *function_name)
DynVar * PVSSGetAvailableFunctions (IntegerVar *dummy)
DynVar * PVSSGetListOfSubsystems (IntegerVar *dummy)
DynVar * PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceByStatus (TextVar *systemname, TextVar *device_status)
DynVar * PVSSGetHWDeviceByStatus (TextVar *systemname, TextVar *device_status)
DynVar * PVSSGetHWBoardCpntByStatus (TextVar *cpnt_status)
DynVar * PVSSGetHistoryOfHWDevice (TextVar *serial_nb, TextVar *min_date, TextVar *max_date)
DynVar * PVSSGetHistoryOfHWBoardCpnt (TextVar *serial_nb, IntegerVar *hw_snbid, TextVar *min_date, TextVar *max_date)
DynVar * PVSSGetHistoryOfFunctionalDevice (TextVar *functional_name, TextVar *min_date, TextVar *max_date)
DynVar * PVSSGetHistoryOfFunctionalBoardCpntName (TextVar *functional_cpntname, TextVar *min_date, TextVar *max_date)
DynVar * PVSSGetLkTypeDecomposition_lknb (IntegerVar *linktype_nb)
DynVar * PVSSGetCpntNamesPerBoard (TextVar *motherboardname)
DynVar * PVSSGetSpareHWPerLocation (TextVar *location)
DynVar * PVSSGetSpareHWCpntPerLocation (TextVar *location)
DynVar * PVSSGetSpareHWPerType (TextVar *hwtype)
DynVar * PVSSGetSpareHWCpntPerType (TextVar *hwtype)
DynVar * PVSSGetMicroLkFromCpntID (IntegerVar *cpntid_from, IntegerVar *motherboard, TextVar *ErrMess)
DynVar * PVSSGetMicroLkToCpntID (IntegerVar *cpntid_to, IntegerVar *motherboard, TextVar *ErrMess)
TextVar * PVSSInsertTestFunctionalDevice (TextVar *location, DynVar *ipaddList, DynVar *ipnameList, DynVar *subnetList, DynVar *portnbList, DynVar *port_typeList, DynVar *port_wayList, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertSpareDevice (TextVar *hwname, TextVar *hwtype, TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *responsible, TextVar *location, TextVar *comments, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleSpareDevices (TextVar *hwname, TextVar *hwtype, TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *responsible, TextVar *location, TextVar *comments, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSInsertMultipleBoardCpnts (TextVar *cpntname, TextVar *cpnttype, IntegerVar *replacable, TextVar *motherboardname, TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *hwtype, TextVar *responsible, TextVar *location, TextVar *comments, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultiplePorts (TextVar *dname, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, IntegerVar *pxibooting, IntegerVar *speed, TextVar *phy, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultiplePortStatuses (TextVar *dname, TextVar *pt_nb, TextVar *pt_type, IntegerVar *pway, IntegerVar *admin_status, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleAttributeMacIPs (TextVar *ipadd, TextVar *subnet_mask, TextVar *ipname, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleIPAddresses (TextVar *ipadd, TextVar *old_ipadd, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleCompositeLinkTypes (TextVar *link_name, TextVar *simple_linkList, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleLinkTypeNames (TextVar *oldlink_name, TextVar *link_name, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypes (TextVar *old_devtype, TextVar *devtype, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDTypeDevices (TextVar *devname, TextVar *devtype, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypeAttributes (TextVar *devtype, TextVar *description, IntegerVar *nbinput, IntegerVar *nboutput, TextVar *rgbcolor, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDevNamesDevices (TextVar *old_devname, TextVar *devname, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateDeviceFunctionName (TextVar *old_function_name, TextVar *new_function_name)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateHWSerialNB (TextVar *old_serialnb, TextVar *new_serialnb)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateIPalias (TextVar *old_ipalias, TextVar *new_ipalias)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateSubsystemName (TextVar *old_systemname, TextVar *new_systemname)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList (TextVar *devname, TextVar *new_systemList, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypeSystemList (TextVar *devtypename, TextVar *new_systemList, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsedByType (TextVar *devtype, IntegerVar *nodeused, IntegerVar *devtype_given, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsed (TextVar *devname, IntegerVar *nodeused, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleAttributesDevices (TextVar *devname, IntegerVar *node, IntegerVar *promiscuous_mode, TextVar *location, TextVar *function_list, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateBootImage (TextVar *devicename, TextVar *boot_image, TextVar *kernel_image_location, TextVar *initrd_image_location, TextVar *physical_location, TextVar *boot_protocol)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleLkTypeLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *portnb_from, TextVar *portnb_to, TextVar *portype_from, TextVar *portype_to, TextVar *link_type, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleLkUsedLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *portnb_from, TextVar *portnb_to, TextVar *portype_from, TextVar *portype_to, IntegerVar *lkused, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleBidrectionalLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *portnb_from, TextVar *portnb_to, TextVar *portype_from, TextVar *portype_to, IntegerVar *bidirectional_link, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateMultipleLkInfoLinks (TextVar *node_from, TextVar *node_to, TextVar *portnb_from, TextVar *portnb_to, TextVar *portype_from, TextVar *portype_to, TextVar *link_info, IntegerVar *first_rows, IntegerVar *last_rows)
TextVar * PVSSReplaceFunctionalDevice (TextVar *functional_name, TextVar *new_status, TextVar *new_location, TextVar *user_comments, TextVar *status_datechange, TextVar *serialnb_replacement, TextVar *replace_date)
TextVar * PVSSReplaceFunctionalBoardCpnt (TextVar *cpnt_name, TextVar *new_status, TextVar *new_location, TextVar *user_comments, TextVar *status_datechange, TextVar *serialnb_replacement, TextVar *replace_date)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateHWDeviceStatus (TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *new_status, TextVar *new_location, TextVar *user_comments, TextVar *status_datechange, TextVar *functional_replacement)
TextVar * PVSSUpdateHWBoardCpntStatus (TextVar *serialnb, TextVar *new_status, TextVar *new_location, TextVar *user_comments, TextVar *status_datechange, TextVar *functional_cpntname)
TextVar * PVSSSetToTestUseStatus (TextVar *functional_name, TextVar *user_comments, TextVar *status_datechange, TextVar *serialnb_replacement, TextVar *testdevice_name, TextVar *replace_date)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteLinkRow (IntegerVar *linkid, IntegerVar *macro_link)
TextVar * PVSSDeletePortRow (IntegerVar *portid)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteIPAlias (TextVar *ipalias)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteSystemName (TextVar *system_name)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteBootImage (TextVar *devicename)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteHWDevice (TextVar *serialnb)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteFunctionalDevice (IntegerVar *deviceid)
TextVar * PVSSDeleteFunctionalDeviceType (TextVar *devicetype)
TextVar * PVSSSwapTwoDevices (TextVar *functional_devname1, TextVar *functional_devname2, TextVar *comments)
IntegerVar * PVSSLoadRoutingTable (TextVar *switch_name, DynVar *destinname_list, DynVar *nextport_list, DynVar *ipnext_list, DynVar *ipdestin_list, DynVar *subnetnext_list, DynVar *macaddnext_list, TextVar *ErrMess)
TextVar * PVSSLoadDeviceTypeTable (TextVar *systemname, DynVar *devicetype_name, DynVar *devicetypeid)
BaseExternHdl * newExternHdl (BaseExternHdl *nextHdl)

Function Documentation

BaseExternHdl* newExternHdl BaseExternHdl *  nextHdl  ) 

IntegerVar* PVSSCreateDestinationTable TextVar *  devicename,
IntegerVar *  roundtrip,
TextVar *  ErrMess

create the destination table given a devicename .

devicename : name of the device 1 (ex. SWITCH_00)
roundtrip : max path length
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if successful

IntegerVar* PVSSCreateRoutingTable TextVar *  devicename,
IntegerVar *  roundtrip,
TextVar *  ErrMess

create the routing table given a devicename .

devicename : name of the device 1 (ex. SWITCH_00)
roundtrip : max path length
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if successful

IntegerVar* PVSSCreateTableSchema TextVar *  ErrMess  ) 

create the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema

ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSDBConnexion TextVar *  server,
TextVar *  usr,
TextVar *  pwd,
TextVar *  errMess

Connect to the database taking 3 arguments and returning an integer value.

server : name of the database.
usr : user login.
pwd : user password.
errMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
0 if the disconnection is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSDBDeconnexion TextVar *  errMess  ) 

Disconnect from the database a dummy argument and returning an integer value.

errMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
0 if the disconnection is successful

TextVar* PVSSDeleteBootImage TextVar *  devicename  ) 

delete boot image information returning an integer value.

devicename : devicename or device type for which you want to delete the boot information
the errMess

TextVar* PVSSDeleteFunctionalDevice IntegerVar *  deviceid  ) 

delete an functional device. ports of this device must be deleted and there is no microscopic cpnt.

deviceid : deviceid you want to delete
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeleteFunctionalDeviceType TextVar *  devicetype  ) 

delete an functional device type. devices of this device type must be deleted

devicetype : devicetype you want to delete
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeleteHWDevice TextVar *  serialnb  ) 

delete an hw device. Make sure that its status!=IN_USE and there is no microscopic cpnt.

serialnb : serialnb you want to delete
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeleteIPAlias TextVar *  ipalias  ) 

delete an ipalias .

ipalias : ipalias you want to delete
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeleteLinkRow IntegerVar *  linkid,
IntegerVar *  macro_link

delete a link returning a string .

linkid : linkid you want to delete
macro_link : 1 if it's a macro link you want to delete, 0 if it's a micro link
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeletePortRow IntegerVar *  portid  ) 

delete a port row returning a string .

portid : portid you want to delete. it will also delete all the links which start from or end at this port
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSDeleteSystemName TextVar *  system_name  ) 

delete a subsystem. Make sure that no devices are part of this subsystem

system_name : system_name you want to delete
"Successful deletion" if it is successful,

IntegerVar* PVSSDropTableSchema TextVar *  ErrMess  ) 

drop the tables, indexes and constraints in your DB schema The user shoudl it with caution

ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

DynVar* PVSSGetAvailableFunctions IntegerVar *  dummy  ) 

Get the list of available functions returning a vector of strings.

dummy : put any avlues needed because GEH doesn't accept function without input parameters
the list of functions

DynVar* PVSSGetBoardCpntPerType TextVar *  cpnttype  ) 

Get the list of board cpnt of the given cpnt type, returning a vector of strings.

cpnttype : name of cpnt type
the list of cpnt names concatenated with the cpnt id. Presneted as follows cpntname:cpntid

TextVar* PVSSGetBoardCpntRow_cpntid IntegerVar *  cpntid  ) 

Get the row of the given cpntID returning a string .

cpntid : cpntID of the board cpnt
case of success formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

TextVar* PVSSGetBoardCpntRow_cpntname TextVar *  cpntname  ) 

Get the row of the given board cpnt name returning a string.

cpntname : board cpnt name:
if successful formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

TextVar* PVSSGetBootImageRow_devicename TextVar *  dname  ) 

Get the row of the boot image information for a given device or device type name returning an integer value.

dname : functional device name or functional device type name. it's case sensitive.
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

equals to "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" if no rows selected or to the errMess, if any

IntegerVar* PVSSGetConnectivityBetweenDevices TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dto,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
DynVar *  pwayfrom_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pto_list,
DynVar *  pwayto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkinfo_list,
IntegerVar *  reload_connectivity,
IntegerVar *  delete_connectivity,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path (just the first and last link details) between dev_from and dev_to

dfrom : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
dto : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE06_00_00)
nfrom_list : list of the devices which start the link
pfrom_list : list of the port from numbers and port type formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayfrom_list : list of the port way from
nto_list : list of the devices which end the link
pto_list : list of the port from numbers and port type formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayto_list : list of the port way to
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkinfo_list : list of the info related to the given link
reload_connectivity : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0.
delete_connectivity : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetConnOutBetweenDeviceDeviceType TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dtype,
IntegerVar *  dtype_given,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
IntegerVar *  reload_connectivity,
IntegerVar *  delete_connectivity,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the port nbs out between dev_from and devtype

dfrom : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
dtype : name of a devicetype (ex. ECAL_L1FE)
dtype_given : 1 if you give the device type, 0 if it's the fixed part
pfrom_list : list of the port from numbers and port type port_nb|port_way|port_type
reload_connectivity : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0.
delete_connectivity : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetCpntID_cpntname TextVar *  cpntname,
TextVar *  ErrMess

give the corresponding functional board cpnt id

cpntname : name of the fctnal board cpnt
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
the cpntid if it's successful>0, else means error

TextVar* PVSSGetCpntName_cpntid IntegerVar *  cpntid  ) 

give the corresponding functional board cpnt name .

cpntid : of the fctnal board cpnt name
the Error message

DynVar* PVSSGetCpntNamesPerBoard TextVar *  motherboardname  ) 

Get the list of functional board cpnt names located at the given motherboard, returning a vector of strings.

motherboardname : motherboadrname
the list of board cpnt names

DynVar* PVSSGetDestinationNamePerDevPort TextVar *  devname,
TextVar *  ptnb,
TextVar *  ptype

Get the possible destination given a devicename,port nb (way=2) .

devname : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
ptnb : port_nb
ptype,: type of the port
the list of possible destination which can be reached from this port if it is successful, the error message as first entry otherwise

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dto_type,
IntegerVar *  dto_typegiven,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
DynVar *  pwayfrom_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pto_list,
DynVar *  pwayto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
DynVar *  lkinfo_list,
IntegerVar *  reload_connectivity,
IntegerVar *  delete_connectivity,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to (device type), .

dfrom : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
dto_type : name of the device type (ex. ECAL_L1FE)
dto_typegiven : 1 if it's a device type, 0 if it's the beginning of the devicename ,i.e like dto%
nfrom_list : list of the devices which start the link
pfrom_list : list of the port from numbers formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayfrom_list : list of the port way from
nto_list : list of the devices which end the link
pto_list : list of the port to numbers formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayto_list : list of the port way to
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkpos_list : position of the link in the path (start with 1)
lkinfo_list : list of the info related to the given link
reload_connectivity : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0.
delete_connectivity : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table
ErrMess : error message in case of failure NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDetailedConnBetweenDeviceDevType_plsql TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dto_type,
IntegerVar *  dto_typegiven,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
DynVar *  pwayfrom_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pto_list,
DynVar *  pwayto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
DynVar *  lkinfo_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dto,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
DynVar *  pwayfrom_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pto_list,
DynVar *  pwayto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
DynVar *  lkinfo_list,
IntegerVar *  reload_connectivity,
IntegerVar *  delete_connectivity,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path details between dev_from and dev_to

dfrom : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
dto : name of the device 2 (ex. ECAL_L1FE06_00_00)
nfrom_list : list of the devices which start the link
pfrom_list : list of the port from numbers and port type formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayfrom_list : list of the port way from
nto_list : list of the devices which end the link
pto_list : list of the port from numbers and port type formatted as follows port_nb|port_type
pwayto_list : list of the port way to
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkpos_list : position of the link in the path (start with 1)
lkinfo_list : list of the info related to the given link
reload_connectivity : 1 if you want to load or reload the connectivity (we load only the connectivity of the subsystems in which dev_from is part of . for instance if dev_from belongs to HCAL, we load only the connectivity of HCAL.(To set to 1, after a change or if it is the first time or if the device is not in the same subsystem) otherwise 0.
delete_connectivity : 1 if you want to delete the connectivity cache(to set to 1, last query using it) otherwise 0. N.B If ErrMess is like "Unsuccessful Malloc" or like NB of paths is too big,too many bidirectional_links, then you have to reload the connectivity table (it has been deleted). If ErrMess looks like "NO_ROWS_SELECTED" or "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED", you don't need to reload the table
ErrMess : error message in case of failure NB: the i-th entry of the nfrom_list,pfrom_list,nto_list,pto_list,pathid_list and link_pos_list corresponds to one link of the path
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDetailedConnectivityBetweenDevices_plsql TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  dto,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
DynVar *  pwayfrom_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pto_list,
DynVar *  pwayto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
DynVar *  lkinfo_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDeviceID_devicename TextVar *  devicename,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the deviceid of the given devicename , .

devicename : case sensitive
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
deviceid (>0) if it is successful,-1 otherwise

DynVar* PVSSGetDeviceIDsPerType TextVar *  dtype,
TextVar *  errMess

Get the list of deviceID of the given device type,

dtype : device type name
errMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
the list of the deviceIDs,twice -1 otherwise

TextVar* PVSSGetDeviceName_deviceid IntegerVar *  deviceid  ) 

Get the devicename of the given deviceid

deviceid : deviceid (>0)
devicename if it is successful, the error message otherwise

DynVar* PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerFunction TextVar *  function_name  ) 

Get the list of functional device names given a function, returning a vector of strings.

function_name : name of the function
the list of devicenames

DynVar* PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerLocation TextVar *  location  ) 

Get the list of functional device names located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.

location : location
the list of devicenames

IntegerVar* PVSSGetDeviceNamesPerType TextVar *  dtype,
DynVar *  DeviceNames,
DynVar *  DeviceIDs

Get the list of deviceNames of the given device type,

dtype : device type name
DeviceNames : list of the device names
DeviceIDs : list of the deviceID
0 if it's successful

TextVar* PVSSGetDeviceRow_devicename TextVar *  dname  ) 

Get the row of the given device name ,

dname : device name: case sensitive.
if successful formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetDeviceRow_devid IntegerVar *  dID  ) 

Get the row of the given deviceID of the device ,

dID : deviceID of the device
case of success formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetDeviceTypeRow TextVar *  dtype  ) 

Get the row of the given device type ,

dtype : device type name: case sensitive.
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetFreeDeviceNamesPerType TextVar *  dtype  ) 

Get the list of free deviceNames of the given device type,

dtype : device type name
the Error Message in the first entry of the vector if there is an error

TextVar* PVSSGetFunctionalBoardCpntNameLastHW TextVar *  functional_cpntname  ) 

Get the last cpnt hw serialnb which occupies the given functional name ,

functional_cpntname : functional name of the board cpnt: case sensitive.
the error message if not successful, If it's successful the resul is formatted at follows serialnb|snbid

TextVar* PVSSGetFunctionalBoardCpntStatus TextVar *  cpntname  ) 

Get the status of the given functional board cpnt ,

cpntname : functional board cpnt name: case sensitive.
the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceByStatus TextVar *  systemname,
TextVar *  device_status

Get the list of functional device names given a status, returning a vector of strings.

systemname : name of the subsystem
device_status : status wanted
the list of devicenames

TextVar* PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceLastHW TextVar *  functional_name  ) 

Get the last hw serialnb which occupies the given functional name ,

functional_name : functional name of the device: case sensitive.
the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetFunctionalDeviceStatus TextVar *  dname  ) 

Get the status of the given functional device ,

dname : functional device name: case sensitive.
the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetHistoryOfFunctionalBoardCpntName TextVar *  functional_cpntname,
TextVar *  min_date,
TextVar *  max_date

Get the history of a hw serialnb filtered by system name

functional_cpntname : functional_cpntname of the cpnt_name
min_date : min date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS. Put "none", if not
max_date : max date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS. Put "none", if not
the history presented as follows cpntname|serialnb|snbid|status|date of change|location

DynVar* PVSSGetHistoryOfFunctionalDevice TextVar *  functional_name,
TextVar *  min_date,
TextVar *  max_date

Get the history of a functional_name device filtered by system name

functional_name : functional_name of the device
min_date : min date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
max_date : max date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
the hsitory presented as follows devicename|serialnb|status|date of change|location

DynVar* PVSSGetHistoryOfHWBoardCpnt TextVar *  serial_nb,
IntegerVar *  hw_snbid,
TextVar *  min_date,
TextVar *  max_date

Get the history of a hw serialnb filtered by system name

serial_nb : serialnb of the hw. Put "none" if you provide a hw_snbid
hw_snbid : hw_snbid. Put -1 if you have provide a serialnb
min_date : min date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS. Put "none", if not
max_date : max date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS. Put "none", if not
the history presented as follows cpntname|serialnb|snbid|status|date of change|location

DynVar* PVSSGetHistoryOfHWDevice TextVar *  serial_nb,
TextVar *  min_date,
TextVar *  max_date

Get the history of a hw serialnb filtered by system name

serial_nb : serialnb of the hw
min_date : min date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
max_date : max date formatted as follows YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
the history presented as follows devicename|serialnb|status|date of change|location

DynVar* PVSSGetHWBoardCpntByStatus TextVar *  cpnt_status  ) 

Get the list of hw board cpnt names per status, returning a vector of strings.

cpnt_status : location
the list of devicenames

TextVar* PVSSGetHWBoardCpntStatus TextVar *  serialnb,
IntegerVar *  snbid

Get the status of the given hw serialnb ,

serialnb : serialnb of the board cpnt name: case sensitive. Put "none" if there is not.
snbid : snbid of the board cpnt . case where there is no serialnb. Put -1 if you have provided a serialnb
the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetHWCpntRow_serialnb TextVar *  serialnb  ) 

Get the row of the given hw board cpnt serialnb returning a string.

serialnb : serialnb of your board cpnt
if successful formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

TextVar* PVSSGetHWCpntRow_snbid IntegerVar *  snbid  ) 

Get the row of the given snbID returning a string .

snbid : snbID of the hw board cpnt (number given bu the DB to foresee the case when there is no serialnb)
case of success formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

DynVar* PVSSGetHWDeviceByStatus TextVar *  systemname,
TextVar *  device_status

Get the list of hw device names given a status, returning a vector of strings.

systemname : name of the subsystem
device_status : status wanted
the list of devicenames

TextVar* PVSSGetHWDeviceRow_serialnb TextVar *  serialnb  ) 

Get the row of the given hw device name ,

serialnb : hw device name: case sensitive.
if successful formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetHWDeviceStatus TextVar *  dname  ) 

Get the status of the given hw device ,

dname : serialnb of the hw: case sensitive.
the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetHWLastFunctionalBoardCpntName TextVar *  hw_serialnb,
IntegerVar *  hw_snbid

Get the last functional board cpnt name which was occupied by the given hw serialnb ,

hw_serialnb : serialnb of the board cpnt name: case sensitive. Put "none" if there is not.
hw_snbid : snbid of the board cpnt . case where there is no serialnb. Put -1 if you have provided a serialnb
the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetHWLastFunctionalDevice TextVar *  serialnb  ) 

Get the last functional device name which was occupied by the given hw serialnb ,

serialnb : hw serialnb : case sensitive.
the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetIPAliasesPerIPName TextVar *  ipname  ) 

Get the list of ip aliases given an ipname, returning a vector of strings.

ipname : ipname
the list of ip aliases

TextVar* PVSSGetIPAliasRow TextVar *  ipalias  ) 

Get the row of the given IP alias returning a string value.

ipalias : ip alias:
string if successfull formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

TextVar* PVSSGetIPInfoRow TextVar *  IPadd  ) 

Get the IP info row

IPadd : IP address about which you want to get some info
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetListOfSubsystems IntegerVar *  dummy  ) 

Get the list of available systems returning a vector of strings.

dummy : put any avlues needed because GEH doesn't accept function without input parameters
the list of functions

DynVar* PVSSGetLkFromDevID IntegerVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the list of LkID which start from the given deviceID,

node_from : deviceID
ErrMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
the list of linkIDs, twice -1 otherwise

DynVar* PVSSGetLkIDsPerLkInfo TextVar *  lkinfo,
TextVar *  errMess

Get the list of lkID which have the link_info attributes similar to the given lkinfo, returning a vector of int .

lkinfo : value of link_info (can be the exact value or contains this value)
errMess : value of the errmess

DynVar* PVSSGetLkToDevID IntegerVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the list of LkID which end at the given deviceID,

node_to : deviceID
ErrMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
the list of linkIDs, twice -1 otherwise

DynVar* PVSSGetLkTypeDecomposition_lknb IntegerVar *  linktype_nb  ) 

Get the list of link types which compose the given lktypeID

linktype_nb : lktypeid you want to decompsoe
the list of lktype and lktypeid formatted as follows lktypename|lktypeID

TextVar* PVSSGetLkTypeRow_lkname TextVar *  lkname  ) 

Get the link type row ,

lkname :link type name about which you want to get some info
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetLkTypeRow_lknb IntegerVar *  lktype_nb  ) 

Get the link type row

lktype_nb :linktypeID about which you want to get some info
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetMacIPAddPerDevID IntegerVar *  devid  ) 

Get the list of mac and IP with port info of the given deviceID,

devid : deviceID
the result formatted as followed : port_nbr|port_way|port_type|macaddress|ipaddress if no error otherwise twice the error message.

TextVar* PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_lkid IntegerVar *  lkID  ) 

Get the macro link row ,

lkID : lkID of the link
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_node IntegerVar *  nodeID,
TextVar *  ptnb,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  ptype

Get the macro link row ,

nodeID : nodeID of the device
ptnb : port nb of the device
pway : 1 if it's input, 2 if it's output (ref. data flow)
ptype : type of the port
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetMacroConnectivityRow_nodename TextVar *  nodename,
TextVar *  ptnb,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  ptype

Get the macro link row

nodename : functional name of the device
ptnb : port nb of the device
pway : 1 if it's input, 2 if it's output (ref. data flow)
ptype : type of the port
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetMicroConnectBetweenBoardCpntAndMotherBoard TextVar *  cpnt_from,
IntegerVar *  mboard_pid,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkto_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path (just the first and last link details) between cpntname and mboard_pid (board cpnt)

cpnt_from : board cpnt. it will start the micro path
mboard_pid : portid of the motherboard. it ends the path
nfrom_list : list of the cpnts which start the link (separated by '\0') and for the first link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkfrom_list : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkto_list : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
nto_list : list of the cpnts which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkpos_list : position of the link in the path (start with 1)
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetMicroConnectFromPortid IntegerVar *  mboardportid_from,
IntegerVar *  mboardportid_to,
TextVar *  cpntname,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkto_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path between mboardportid_from and (mboardportid_to or cpntname) (board cpnt)

mboardportid_from : portid_from of the motherboard. it will start the micro path
mboardportid_to : portid of the motherboard. Put 0 if you provide a board cpnt name
cpntname : put "none" if you provide a mboardportid_to
nfrom_list : list of the cpnts which start the link (separated by '\0') and for the first link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkfrom_list : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkto_list : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
nto_list : list of the cpnts which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkpos_list : position of the link in the path (start with 1)
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

TextVar* PVSSGetMicroConnectivityRow_lkid IntegerVar *  lkID  ) 

Get the micro link row ,

lkID : lkID of the link
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetMicroConnectivityRow_node IntegerVar *  nodeID,
IntegerVar *  ptnb,
IntegerVar *  way

Get the micro link row ,

nodeID : cpntID of the board cpnt
ptnb : port nb of the board cpnt
way : 1 if it's input, 2 if it's output (ref. data flow)
formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

IntegerVar* PVSSGetMicroConnectToCpntType IntegerVar *  mboardportid_from,
IntegerVar *  cpnttype_given,
TextVar *  cpnttype,
DynVar *  nfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkfrom_list,
TextVar *  lastlkto_list,
DynVar *  nto_list,
DynVar *  pid_list,
DynVar *  lkpos_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the path between mboardportid_from and cpnttype (board cpnt)

mboardportid_from : portid_from of the motherboard. it will start the micro path
cpnttype : cpnt type
cpnttype_given : 1 if you have given a cpnt type, 0 if it should be consider as like 'cpnttype'
nfrom_list : list of the cpnts which start the link (separated by '\0') and for the first link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkfrom_list : details which start the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
lastlkto_list : details which ends the last link cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
nto_list : list of the cpnts which end the link concatenation of cpntname|port_nbr and for the last link we have cpntname|port_nbr|port_type|port_way
pid_list : list of the pathid
lkpos_list : position of the link in the path (start with 1)
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

DynVar* PVSSGetMicroLkFromCpntID IntegerVar *  cpntid_from,
IntegerVar *  motherboard,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the list of micro LkID which starts from the given cpntID, returning a vector of int.

cpntid_from : cpntID which starts the link. Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids which starts from your motherboard
motherboard : id of motherboard (=deviceid of a logical device). Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids which starts from a cpntboard
ErrMess : we put the result of the error message here
the list of micro linkIDs,

DynVar* PVSSGetMicroLkToCpntID IntegerVar *  cpntid_to,
IntegerVar *  motherboard,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the list of micro LkID which ends at the given cpntID, returning a vector of int.

cpntid_to : cpntID which ends the link. Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids which ends from your motherboard
motherboard : id of motherboard (=deviceid of a Functional device). Put -1 if you want to get the list of lkids which ends from a cpntboard
ErrMess : we put the error message
the list of micro linkIDs,

IntegerVar* PVSSGetPortID_portinfo IntegerVar *  deviceid,
TextVar *  port_nb,
TextVar *  port_type,
IntegerVar *  port_way,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the portID corresponding to the deviceid, port_nb,port_type and port_way

deviceid : deviceid
port_nb : port nb of the device
port_type : port type of the port
port_way : port way of the port
ErrMess : error message put here

DynVar* PVSSGetPortIDPerDevID IntegerVar *  devid,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the list of portID of the given deviceID,

devid : deviceID
ErrMess : return the ErrorMessage in case of failure (otherwise NO_ERRORS in + fct name)
twice -1 if error otherwise a list of the portID

IntegerVar* PVSSGetPortPerSubsystem TextVar *  dfrom,
TextVar *  subsystem_name,
DynVar *  pfrom_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Get the port nb out between dev_from and the subsystem (mainly used for partioning), returning an integer value

dfrom : name of the device 1 (ex. THOR_00)
subsystem_name : name of the subsystem
pfrom_list : list of the port from numbers and port type formatted as follows port_nb|port_way|port_type
ErrMess : error message in case of failure
0 if it is successful

TextVar* PVSSGetPortRow_devid IntegerVar *  devID,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  ptype

Get the port row ,

devID : deviceID of the device
pt_nb : port nb of the device
pway : 1 if it's input, 2 if it's output (ref. data flow)
ptype : type of the port
if it is successful formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

if it is successful db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

TextVar* PVSSGetPortRow_pid IntegerVar *  dID  ) 

Get the port row

dID : portID of the device
case of success formatted as follows |db_column_name (db_column_type):db_column_value|

db_column_type is I for int and C for char*

the error message if not successful

DynVar* PVSSGetSpareHWCpntPerLocation TextVar *  location  ) 

Get the list of spare hw snbid (automatic nb generated by the DB) concatenated with the serialnb and the hwname (functional name) if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.

location : location
the list of hw cpnt names presentend as follows snbid|serialnb|hwname

DynVar* PVSSGetSpareHWCpntPerType TextVar *  hwtype  ) 

Get the list of spare hw snbid (automatic nb generated by the DB) concatenated with the serialnb and the hwname (functional name) if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.

hwtype : name of the hwtype
the list of cpnt name spresented as follows : snbid|serialnb|hwname

DynVar* PVSSGetSpareHWPerLocation TextVar *  location  ) 

Get the list of spare hw serialnb concatenated with the hwname if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) located at the given location, returning a vector of strings.

location : location
the list of serial nb and hwname. if hwname is null, we put "none". Presented as follows serialnb|hwname

DynVar* PVSSGetSpareHWPerType TextVar *  hwtype  ) 

Get the list of spare hw serialnb concatenated with the hwname if it exists (equals to 'none' if it's null) of the given hwtype, returning a vector of strings.

hwtype : location
the list of spare hw serialnb. Presented as follows serialnb:hwname. If hwname is null, we put 'none'

IntegerVar* PVSSGetStatusSubsystem DynVar *  subsystemname,
DynVar *  SubsystemStatus

give the status of a subsystem (running or not) .

subsystemname : list of the subsystems you want to know the status . put "ALL" if you want all of them
SubsystemStatus : list of the corresponding status
0 if it's successful, else means error (error =first entry of subsystemname

TextVar* PVSSInsertCompositeLinkType TextVar *  lktype_name,
DynVar *  lktype_list,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a Composite Link Type

lktype_name : name of the link type (such as "Mixed_Data")
lktype_list : name of the link types which compose the composite links
last_rows : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertDeviceType TextVar *  sysname,
TextVar *  dtype,
IntegerVar *  nbinput,
IntegerVar *  nboutput,
TextVar *  description,
TextVar *  rgbcolor,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a device type .

sysname : name of the subsystem. if there are many. Separate then with a coma
dtype : name of the devicetype
nbinput : nb of input ports
nboutput : nb of output ports
description : some description about the component max size 500 characters.
rgbcolor : color in RGB reference used for display
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertFunctionalDevice TextVar *  sysname,
TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  dtype,
IntegerVar *  node,
IntegerVar *  promiscuous_mode,
TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  hwtype,
TextVar *  responsible,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  comments,
TextVar *  function_list,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a functional device (and also insert info in the hw device and in history)

sysname : name of the subsystem. if there are many. Separate then with a coma
dname : name of the device
dtype : name of the devicetype
node : 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise.
promiscuous_mode : 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise
serialnb : serialnb of the hw device which occupies this fct
hwtype : hw type
responsible : name of the responsible
location : location of the functional device
comments : comments
function_list : list of the functions (DHCP_SERVER, DNS_SERVER) that can have your device. Separate them with a coma. If none, put "none".
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMacroLink TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  port_from,
TextVar *  port_typefrom,
TextVar *  port_to,
TextVar *  port_typeto,
TextVar *  link_type_name,
IntegerVar *  bidirectional_link,
TextVar *  link_info,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a macro Link

node_from : name of the device starting the link
node_to : name of the device ending the link
port_from : port nb of the device from
port_typefrom : port type of the device from
port_to : port type of the device to
port_typeto : port type of the device to
link_type_name : name of the link type
bidirectional_link : 1 if it's a bidirectional link, 0 otherwise
link_info : information about the link (max. size 1000 characters)
last_rows,: 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleBoardCpnts TextVar *  cpntname,
TextVar *  cpnttype,
IntegerVar *  replacable,
TextVar *  motherboardname,
TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  hwtype,
TextVar *  responsible,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  comments,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple board cpnts returning a string .

cpntname : Functional name of the cpnt (even if it's a spare cpnt, put its function name in the board)
cpnttype : name of the cpnttype
replacable : 1 if it's replacable on its own , 0 otherwise.
motherboardname : Put "none", if you insert a spare board cpnt. otherwise the name (Functional device name) where the board cpnt sits
serialnb : serial_nb of the cpnt
hwtype :hardware type : this one should be the same as you declared for your spare (to manage spare cpnt)
responsible :guy responsible for this hw
location : Serialnb nb of the board in which your board cpnt sits. If it's just a spare, which is not located on a board, put the location (building, shelves..)
comments : some comments about the hw (max.1000 characters)
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleCpnt insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleCpnt last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert)
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleBootImages TextVar *  devicename,
TextVar *  boot_image,
TextVar *  kernel_image_location,
TextVar *  initrd_image_location,
TextVar *  physical_location,
TextVar *  boot_protocol,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

insert the boot image information of a given device or device type returning an integer value.

devicename : name of the device or of the device type
boot_image : will be used to configure the DHCP server. It is mandatory
kernel_image_location : Put "" if absent.
initrd_image_location : Put "" if absent.
physical_location : Put "" if absent.
boot_protocol : usually it;s BOOTP
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise Maximum in one go: 10000 rows.( we force the insert)
the error message in case of failure

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleCompositeLinkTypes TextVar *  lktype_name,
DynVar *  lktype_list,
IntegerVar *  first_time,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple Composite Link Types

lktype_name : name of the link type (such as "Mixed_Data")
lktype_list : name of the link types which compose the composite links
first_time : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows,: 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleDeviceTypes TextVar *  sysname,
TextVar *  dtype,
IntegerVar *  nbinput,
IntegerVar *  nboutput,
TextVar *  description,
TextVar *  rgbcolor,
IntegerVar *  first_time,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple device types .

sysname : name of the subsystem. if there are many. Separate then with a coma
dtype : name of the devicetype
nbinput : nb of input ports
nboutput : nb of output ports
description : some description about the component max size 500 characters.
rgbcolor : color in RGB reference used for display
first_time : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleFunctionalDevices TextVar *  sysname,
TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  dtype,
IntegerVar *  node,
IntegerVar *  promiscuous_mode,
TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  hwtype,
TextVar *  responsible,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  comments,
TextVar *  function_list,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple functional devices (and also insert info in the hw device and in history)

sysname : name of the subsystem. if there are many. Separate then with a coma
dname : name of the device
dtype : name of the devicetype
node : 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise.
promiscuous_mode : 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise
serialnb : serialnb of the hw device which occupies this fct
hwtype : hw type
responsible : name of the responsible
location : location of the functional device
comments : comments
function_list : list of the functions (DHCP_SERVER, DNS_SERVER) that can have your device. Separate them with a coma. If none, put "none".
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleIPAliases TextVar *  ipaddress,
TextVar *  ipname,
TextVar *  ipalias,
IntegerVar *  first_time,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert an IP alias , returning a string .

ipaddress : ip address. Put "none", if you provide a IP name
ipname : ip name. Put "none", if you provide a IP @
ipalias : ip alias to be associated to the given IP name or @.
first_time : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDeviceType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleMacroLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  port_from,
TextVar *  port_typefrom,
TextVar *  port_to,
TextVar *  port_typeto,
TextVar *  link_type_name,
IntegerVar *  bidirectional_link,
TextVar *  link_info,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple macro Links

node_from : name of the device starting the link
node_to : name of the device ending the link
port_from : port nb of the device from
port_typefrom : port type of the device from
port_to : port type of the device to
port_typeto : port type of the device to
link_type_name : name of the link type
bidirectional_link : 1 if it's a bidirectional link, 0 otherwise
link_info : link_info about the link (max. 1000 char.)
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows,: 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleMicroLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
IntegerVar *  port_from,
IntegerVar *  port_to,
TextVar *  link_type_name,
IntegerVar *  bidirectional_link,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple micro Links. Included the internal links (if a combination (input,output) must be specified, such as for the feedthrough flange.

node_from : name of the device starting the link
node_to : name of the device ending the link
port_from : port nb of the device from
port_to : port type of the device to
link_type_name : name of the link type
bidirectional_link : 1 if it's a bidirectional link, 0 otherwise
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows,: 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultiplePorts TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  bia,
TextVar *  ipname,
TextVar *  ipadd,
TextVar *  subnet,
TextVar *  macadd,
IntegerVar *  pxibooting,
IntegerVar *  speed,
TextVar *  phy,
IntegerVar *  admin_status,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple Ports,

dname : name of the device
pt_nb : port nb of the device
pt_type : type of the port. Put "" if there is not
pway : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output. (way of flow is defined using data path. from the detector to the farm nodes)
bia : burnt internal address. Put "" if none.
ipname : Put "" if none.
ipadd : Put "" if none.
subnet : Put "" if none.
macadd : Put "" if none.
pxibooting : (0 or 1), 1 if the port allows pxi booting
speed : speed of the port
phy,: possible values :"SX","T","SL"
admin_status : 1 if the status is OK
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleSimpleLinkTypes TextVar *  lktype_name,
IntegerVar *  first_time,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple Simple Link Type

lktype_name : name of the link type
first_time : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleSpareDevices TextVar *  hwname,
TextVar *  hwtype,
TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  responsible,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  comments,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple spare devices returning a string .

hwname : name of the hw. Put a name it will be easier for to trace your spare hw. For ex. Spare_board1
hwtype : name of the hwtype. It will be used to count the nb of spare by hwtype. Useful for spare management.
serialnb : serialnb of the hw.
responsible : for the device
location : location of the device (same conv. if inserted in the equipment DB)
comments : comments on the device
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertMultipleSparePorts TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  bia,
TextVar *  macadd,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert multiple spare Ports for spare devices which have a mac address only otherwise don't need,

serialnb : serialnb of the hw
pt_nb : port nb of the device
pt_type : type of the port. Put "" if there is not
pway : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output. (way of flow is defined using data path. from the detector to the farm nodes)
bia : burnt internal address. Put "" if none.
macadd : Put "" if none.
first_rows : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertPort TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  bia,
TextVar *  ipname,
TextVar *  ipadd,
TextVar *  subnet,
TextVar *  macadd,
IntegerVar *  pxibooting,
IntegerVar *  speed,
TextVar *  phy,
IntegerVar *  admin_status,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert Port,

dname : name of the device
pt_nb : port nb of the device
pt_type : type of the port. Put "" if there is not
pway : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output. (way of flow is defined using data path. from the detector to the farm nodes)
bia : burnt internal address. Put "" if none.
ipname : Put "" if none.
ipadd : Put "" if none.
subnet : Put "" if none.
macadd : Put "" if none.
pxibooting : (0 or 1), 1 if the port allows pxi booting
speed : speed of the port
admin_status : 1 if the status is OK
phy,: possible values :"SX","T","SL"
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertSimpleDeviceFunction TextVar *  function_name,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a function , returning a string .

function_name : name of the function
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertSimpleLinkType TextVar *  lktype_name,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a Simple Link Type,

lktype_name : name of the link type
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertSpareDevice TextVar *  hwname,
TextVar *  hwtype,
TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  responsible,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  comments,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a spare device returning a string .

hwname : name of the hw. Put a name it will be easier for to trace your spare hw. For ex. Spare_board1
hwtype : name of the hwtype. It will be used to count the nb of spare by hwtype. Useful for spare management.
serialnb : serialnb of the hw.
responsible : for the device
comments : comments on the device
location : location of the device (same conv. if inserted in the equipment DB)
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertSparePort TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
TextVar *  bia,
TextVar *  macadd,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a spare Ports for spare devices which have a mac address only otherwise don't need,

serialnb : serialnb of the hw
pt_nb : port nb of the device
pt_type : type of the port. Put "" if there is not
pway : 1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output. (way of flow is defined using data path. from the detector to the farm nodes)
bia : burnt internal address. Put "" if none.
macadd : Put "" if none.
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful, "Error ..." otherwise

TextVar* PVSSInsertSubsystem TextVar *  system_name,
TextVar *  parent_name

Insert a system name , returning a string. Should follow ECS coventions

system_name : name of the system . For instance VELO, RICH, VELO_A
parent_name : name of the paren system . If there is not, put "none", if it existsput the name of the parent. For instance, VELO_A has VELO, IT has ST but OT has no parent, L0MUON has L0TRIGGER. Should be the same as delcared in the FSM tree.
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSInsertTestFunctionalDevice TextVar *  location,
DynVar *  ipaddList,
DynVar *  ipnameList,
DynVar *  subnetList,
DynVar *  portnbList,
DynVar *  port_typeList,
DynVar *  port_wayList,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Insert a test Functional device (used as test boards for local tets) returning a string . their name is automatically given TEST_BOARD_nbr Put all the value which are not null first..

location : where these tests boards are sit
ipaddList : list of the ip address : (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way
subnetList : list of the subnet (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way)
ipnameList : list of the ipname list, (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way);
portnbList : list of portnb (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way)
port_typeList : list of portype (same order to enable the association between mac, port nbr, port_type and port way)
port_wayList : list of port_way (1 if it's an input, 2 if it's an output)
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful insertion" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSLoadDeviceTypeTable TextVar *  systemname,
DynVar *  devicetype_name,
DynVar *  devicetypeid

Get all the device types of a given system

systemname : system name selected
devicetype_name : list of device type name
devicetypeid : list of devicetypeid (order matching devicetypename[1]~devicetypeid[1])
the error message given by Oracle if required

IntegerVar* PVSSLoadRoutingTable TextVar *  switch_name,
DynVar *  destinname_list,
DynVar *  nextport_list,
DynVar *  ipnext_list,
DynVar *  ipdestin_list,
DynVar *  subnetnext_list,
DynVar *  macaddnext_list,
TextVar *  ErrMess

Load the routing table of a switch (used for the DAQ)

switch_name : name of the switch
destinname_list : list of the destination name
ipdestin_list : list of the ipaddress destination
nextport_list : list of the port to which the packet will be forwarded(concatenation of port_nbr|port_type|port_way).
ipnext_list : list of the ip address of the next hop
subnetnext_list : list of the subnet mask of the next hop
macaddnext_list : list of the mac address of the next hop (for the arp table)
ErrMess : error message
0 if it is successful (if not the error message is put at the first entry of ipaddress

TextVar* PVSSReplaceFunctionalBoardCpnt TextVar *  cpnt_name,
TextVar *  new_status,
TextVar *  new_location,
TextVar *  user_comments,
TextVar *  status_datechange,
TextVar *  serialnb_replacement,
TextVar *  replace_date

replace a board cpnt (should be replacable on its own ) which occupied the functional board cpnt ftc. (initial state of the board cpnt:IN_USE) returning an integer value. IF THE BOARD CPNT STATUS CHANGE IMPLIES ALSO THE STATUS CHANGE OF THE MOTHERBOARD, USE ReplaceLogicalDevice function, NOT THIS ONE.

cpnt_name : name of the functional board cpnt
new_status : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST
new_location : new location of the board cpnt
user_comments : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or
status_datechange : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS
serialnb_replacement : serialnb which replaces this cpnt board (must be already declared as SPARE, otherwise won't work). if none.
replace_date : date of the replacement formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSReplaceFunctionalDevice TextVar *  functional_name,
TextVar *  new_status,
TextVar *  new_location,
TextVar *  user_comments,
TextVar *  status_datechange,
TextVar *  serialnb_replacement,
TextVar *  replace_date

replace the board which occupied the functional device. (initial state of the board:IN_USE) returning an integer value.

functional_name : name of the functional device
new_status : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST
new_location : new location of the board
user_comments : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or
status_datechange : date of the status change of the board formatted as functional
serialnb_replacement : serialnb which replaces this devices (must be already declared as SPARE, otherwise won't work). if none, put "none".
replace_date : date of the replacement formatted as functional
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSSetToTestUseStatus TextVar *  functional_name,
TextVar *  user_comments,
TextVar *  status_datechange,
TextVar *  serialnb_replacement,
TextVar *  testdevice_name,
TextVar *  replace_date

replace the board which occupied the functional device. (initial state of the board:IN_USE) returning an integer value.

functional_name : name of the functional device
user_comments : comments to explain why this replacement
status_datechange : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
replace_date : date of the replacement formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MM/SS
testdevice_name : name of the test board used for testing
serialnb_replacement : serialnb which replaces this devices (must be already declared as SPARE). if none, put "none".
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSSwapTwoDevices TextVar *  functional_devname1,
TextVar *  functional_devname2,
TextVar *  comments

Swap two devices returning an integer value.

functional_devname1 : functional name of the device 1
functional_devname2 : functional name of the device 2
comments : put "none" if you want to put the default comment which is "Swapping functional_devicename1 and functional_devicename1", otherwise, it will append your comment to the default.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateBootImage TextVar *  devicename,
TextVar *  boot_image,
TextVar *  kernel_image_location,
TextVar *  initrd_image_location,
TextVar *  physical_location,
TextVar *  boot_protocol

update the boot image information of a given device or device type returning an integer value.

devicename : name of the device or of the device type
boot_image : will be used to configure the DHCP server. It is mandatory
kernel_image_location : Put "" if absent.
initrd_image_location : Put "" if absent.
physical_location : Put "" if absent.
boot_protocol : usually it;s BOOTP
the error message in case of failure

TextVar* PVSSUpdateDeviceFunctionName TextVar *  old_function_name,
TextVar *  new_function_name

Update the function name due to a mistype, returning an integer value.

old_function_name : ip alias entry you want to modify.
new_function_name : new value of ip address entry you want to modify.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateHWBoardCpntStatus TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  new_status,
TextVar *  new_location,
TextVar *  user_comments,
TextVar *  status_datechange,
TextVar *  functional_cpntname

update a hw cpnt status whose initial status is not IN_USE to any status IN_USE,SPARE,DESTROYED,EXT_TEST.returning an integer value.

serialnb : serialnb of your hw
new_status : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST
new_location : new location of the board if new_device_status!='IN_USE' . If new_device_status=IN_USE. Put "none"
user_comments : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or
status_datechange : date of the status change of the board formatted as YY/MM/DD/HH24/MI/SS
functional_cpntname : functional_name which will be occupied by the given serialnb. This is only available for new_device_status=IN_USE status and there should be no serial nb which already occupies this functional devicename otherwise use Replace fct.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateHWDeviceStatus TextVar *  serialnb,
TextVar *  new_status,
TextVar *  new_location,
TextVar *  user_comments,
TextVar *  status_datechange,
TextVar *  functional_replacement

update a hw device status whose initial status is not IN_USE to any status IN_USE,SPARE,DESTROYED,EXT_TEST.returning an integer value. update to TEST status makes sense only when the initial status of the device is IN_USE...So not in this context

serialnb : serialnb of your hw
new_status : new status of the board which was occupying this fct : IN_USE,IN_REPAIR,DESTROYED,SPARE, EXT_TEST
new_location : new location of the board if new_device_status!='IN_USE' . If new_device_status=IN_USE. Put "none"
user_comments : comments to explain why this replacement. Put "none", if you the default one :"status change in functional device with name %s " or
status_datechange : date of the status change of the board formatted as functional
functional_replacement : functional_name which will be occupied by the given serialnb. This is only available for new_device_status=IN_USE status and there should be no serial nb which already occupies this functional devicename otherwise use Replace fct.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateHWSerialNB TextVar *  old_serialnb,
TextVar *  new_serialnb

Update serialnb due to a mistype, returning an integer value.

old_serialnb : ip alias entry you want to modify.
new_serialnb : new value of ip address entry you want to modify.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateIPalias TextVar *  old_ipalias,
TextVar *  new_ipalias

Update IP alias name, returning an string value.

old_ipalias : ip alias entry you want to modify.
new_ipalias : new value of ip address entry you want to modify.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleAttributeMacIPs TextVar *  ipadd,
TextVar *  subnet_mask,
TextVar *  ipname,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update MAC entries, returning an integer value.

ipadd : key entry : you want to update the info about this IPaddress
subnet_mask : new value : put "" or "none" if no changes
ipname : new value : put "" or "none" if no changes
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleAttributesDevices TextVar *  devname,
IntegerVar *  node,
IntegerVar *  promiscuous_mode,
TextVar *  location,
TextVar *  function_list,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update a device returning an integer value.

devname : new value of the devicename, if nothing you put none (lower case)
node : new value of node 1 if it's a host node (usually starts or ends a path such as L1FEs) , 0 otherwise.Put -1 not to change the value
promiscuous_mode : new value of prom.mode 1 if put in this mode (default mode), 0 otherwise. Put -1 not to change the value
location : new value of the uuid of the device if nothing you put none (lower case)
function_list : list of the functions (DHCP_SERVER, DNS_SERVER) that can have your device. Separate them with a coma. If none, put "none".
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleBidrectionalLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  portnb_from,
TextVar *  portnb_to,
TextVar *  portype_from,
TextVar *  portype_to,
IntegerVar *  bidirectional_link,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the bidrectional field of a Link returning an integer value. you give either node_from,portnbrfrom or node_to,pto

node_from : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if you give node_to
node_to : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if you give node_to
portnb_from : port nb of the device from
portnb_to : port nb of the device to
portype_from : port nb of the device from
portype_to : port nb of the device to
bidirectional_link : 1 if the link is bidiretcional in the configuration, 0 otherwise
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleCompositeLinkTypes TextVar *  link_name,
TextVar *  simple_linkList,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update a Composite Link Type, returning an integer value.Not to used...

link_name : the link type name you want to modify.
simple_linkList : name of the link types which compose the composite link, separated by "," (all of them)
simple_linkList :ex. Mixed_Data is composed of HLT_Data and L1_Data, so simple_lk_list="HLT_Data,L1_Data"
simple_linkList : put none if the link type is no longer a composite link type
first_rows : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your CompositeLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

IntegerVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceActive TextVar *  devicename,
IntegerVar *  active,
IntegerVar *  first_time,
IntegerVar *  last_rows,
TextVar *  ErrMess

update the active param of a functional device 1=active, 0 not active .

devicename : name of the device you want to change the active status
active : 1 to be active, 0 to release it
first_time : 1 if it's your first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
ErrMess : Error Message given
0 if it's successful, else means error

IntegerVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceActiveByType TextVar *  devicetype,
IntegerVar *  active,
IntegerVar *  devtype_given,
IntegerVar *  last_rows,
TextVar *  ErrMess

update the active param of a functional device 1=active, 0 not active .

devicetype : type of the device you want to change the active status
active : 1 to be active, 0 to release it
devtype_given : 1 if you give a device type, 0 if you want to select devicename which have the prefix devicetype
last_rows : 1 if it's your last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
ErrMess : Error Message given
0 if it's successful, else means error

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsed TextVar *  devname,
IntegerVar *  nodeused,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the nodeused of a given device returning an integer value.

devname : name of the functional device
nodeused : 1 if it's used, 0 otherwise
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsedByType TextVar *  devtype,
IntegerVar *  nodeused,
IntegerVar *  devtype_given,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the nodeused of a given devicetype returning an integer value.

devtype : type of the functional device
nodeused : 1 if it's used, 0 otherwise
devtype_given : 1 if it's a devicetype, 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceNodeUsedByType last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList TextVar *  devname,
TextVar *  new_systemList,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the systemlist of a given devicename returning an integer value.

devname : name of the functional device
new_systemList : new list of the subsystems to which the device belongs to, elt separated by a coma
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypeAttributes TextVar *  devtype,
TextVar *  description,
IntegerVar *  nbinput,
IntegerVar *  nboutput,
TextVar *  rgbcolor,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the devicetype returning an integer value.

devtype : name of the devicetype you want to update
description : new value of the description, if nothing you put "" or none (lower case)
nbinput : new value of nbrofinput: put -1 if you don't want to change it
nboutput : new value of nbrofoutput: put -1 if you don't want to change it
rgbcolor : new value of the rgbcolor of the devicetypefor display if nothing you put "" or none (lower case)
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypes TextVar *  old_devtype,
TextVar *  devtype,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the devicetype returning an integer value.

old_devtype : name of the devicetype you want to update
devtype : new value of the devicetype,
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevice update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDevice last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDeviceTypeSystemList TextVar *  devtypename,
TextVar *  new_systemList,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the systemlist of a given device type returning an integer value.

devtypename : name of the functional device type
new_systemList : new list of the subsystems to which the device belongs to, elt separated by a coma
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDevNamesDevices TextVar *  old_devname,
TextVar *  devname,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the devicename field of a device (typically when there is a mistyping) returning an integer value.

old_devname : name of the device you want to update
devname : new value of the devicename. can't be NULL!
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleDevNamesDevices update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDevNamesDevices last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleDTypeDevices TextVar *  devname,
TextVar *  devtype,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the devicetype field of a device :make sure that the devicetype exists 1 returning an integer value.

devname : name of the device you want to update
devtype : new value of the devicetype,
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MultipleDTypeDevices update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your MultipleDTypeDevices last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleIPAddresses TextVar *  ipadd,
TextVar *  old_ipadd,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update MAC entries, returning an integer value.

ipadd : new ip address entry .
old_ipadd : value of ip address entry you want to modify.
first_rows : 1 if it's your first MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last MacIP insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleLinkTypeNames TextVar *  oldlink_name,
TextVar *  link_name,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update a Link Type Name (due to mistyping error), returning an integer value.

oldlink_name : value of the link type name you want to modify
link_name : value of the new link type
first_rows : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType first insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your SimpleLinkType last insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleLkInfoLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  portnb_from,
TextVar *  portnb_to,
TextVar *  portype_from,
TextVar *  portype_to,
TextVar *  link_info,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the link info of a Link returning an integer value. give either nfrom,pfrom or nto,pto

node_from : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if giving node_to
node_to : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if giving node_from
portnb_from : port nb of the device from
portnb_to : port nb of the device to
portype_from : port nb of the device from
portype_to : port nb of the device to
link_info : new info related with the link
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleLkTypeLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  portnb_from,
TextVar *  portnb_to,
TextVar *  portype_from,
TextVar *  portype_to,
TextVar *  link_type,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the link type of a Link returning an integer value. give either nfrom,pfrom or nto,pto

node_from : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if giving node_to
node_to : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if giving node_from
portnb_from : port nb of the device from
portnb_to : port nb of the device to
portype_from : port nb of the device from
portype_to : port nb of the device to
link_type : name of the link type
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultipleLkUsedLinks TextVar *  node_from,
TextVar *  node_to,
TextVar *  portnb_from,
TextVar *  portnb_to,
TextVar *  portype_from,
TextVar *  portype_to,
IntegerVar *  lkused,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Update the lkused field of a Link returning an integer value. you give either node_from,portnbrfrom or node_to,pto

node_from : name of the device starting the link. Put "none" if you give node_to
node_to : name of the device ending the link. Put "none" if you give node_to
portnb_from : port nb of the device from
portnb_to : port nb of the device to
portype_from : port nb of the device from
portype_to : port nb of the device to
lkused : 1 if the link is used in the configuration, 0 otherwise
first_rows : 1 if it's your first UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your UpdateMultipleDeviceSystemList last update (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultiplePorts TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
IntegerVar *  pxibooting,
IntegerVar *  speed,
TextVar *  phy,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Upadte Multiple Ports, returning an integer value.

dname : name of the device which will be updated
pt_nb : port nb of the device to update
pt_type : specify the type of the port of the device to update. Put "" if there is none.
pway : specify the way of the port to update :1 if the port is an input and 2 if it's an output
pxibooting : new value of pxi_booting 1 if the port is the pxi_booting one, 0 otherwise. Put a value different from 1 or 0 to keep the same value.
speed : new value of speed of the port: PUT -1 to keep the same value
phy,: new value of phy possible values :"SX","T","SL". if no changes put ""
first_rows : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
"Successful update" if it is successful,

TextVar* PVSSUpdateMultiplePortStatuses TextVar *  dname,
TextVar *  pt_nb,
TextVar *  pt_type,
IntegerVar *  pway,
IntegerVar *  admin_status,
IntegerVar *  first_rows,
IntegerVar *  last_rows

Upadte Multiple Ports status, returning an integer value.

dname : name of the device which will be updated
pt_nb : port nb of the device to update
pt_type : specify the type of the port of the device to update. Put "" if there is none.
pway : specify the way of the port to update :1 if the port is an input and 2 if it's an output
admin_status : new value of speed of the port: PUT -1 to keep the same value
first_rows : 1 if it's your first Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
last_rows : 1 if it's your last Port insert (save it into the database), 0 otherwise
0 if it is successful

TextVar* PVSSUpdateSubsystemName TextVar *  old_systemname,
TextVar *  new_systemname

Update system name, returning an string value. TO BE USED ONLY IN CASE OF MISTAPE

old_systemname : name of the system you want to modify.
new_systemname : new value ofthe system you want to modify.
"Successful update" if it is successful,

Generated on Thu Sep 21 09:34:54 2006 for PVSSconfDB by  doxygen 1.4.4