17/04/2008 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r19: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - The timeout in fwCcpc_executeCommand() was not correctly calculated. Fixed. 20/03/2008 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r18: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - fwCcpc_setWriteReadTimeout(int tmout) now also affects the "CommonOperations" like reset, etc. 04/03/2008 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r17: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Fixed startMonitoring for registers without systemName. - created the function fwCcpc_setWriteReadTimeout(int tmout) Can be used before any of the read/write/writeRead functions or before applying a recipe. 26/02/2008 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r16: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - start and stopMonitoring were not working anymore, fixed. 08/02/2008 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r15: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Increased the timeout in fwCcpc_write/read operations, could time out when applying many recipies in parallel. - Remove the re-subscription of services on startMonitoring and unsubscrition on stopMonitoring. Was very slow and useless. 31/10/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r14: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.8 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - time-out for configuring via .cfg file had to be increased. 09/10/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r13: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.7 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - bugfix required for executing Linux commands via fwCcpc_executeCommand(). 04/10/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r12: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r2 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.7 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - in fwHw a function for improving/speeding up the configuration of Tell1s is introduced this required some changes in the ccpc datapoint 28/08/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r11: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r1 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.4 (server 2.6 with new feature) Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Now the following functions work across distributed systems: fwCcpc_get() fwCcpc_FPGAProgramPOF() fwCcpc_FPGAProgramJAM() fwCcpc_FPGAInitialize() fwCcpc_executeCommand() 26/07/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r10: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r1 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.4 (server 2.6 with new feature) Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Created a new function for applying recipes which tells the server to compare the data and return the results. fwCcpc_writeChkOnServer() - Optimized fwCcpc_read/write/writeRead. 15/06/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r9: Available only for: - PVSS 3.6 - Uses DIM_v16r13 - Needs FwDIM_v15r1 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.4 (server 2.5 with bugfix for recipes) Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Optimized the automatic subscription performed by fwCcpcScript.ctl It now always detects when the server disconnects and automatically reconfigures it immediately when it re-connects. - When using fwCcpc_read/write/writeRead with multiple registers it now always waits until all registers have reported. (Used to wait only for the last register). Tried also to optimize these operations in view of applyRecipe. - fwCcpc_isMonitoring() became obsolete. It is not easy to find out which registers are being monitored. Users can use directly startMonitoring and stopMonitoring when in doubt. - Added an optional timeout parameter in fwCcpc_executeCommand. And changed the mechanism of waiting for the response. 19/03/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r8: Available only for: - PVSS 3.0 and above - Uses DIM_v16r8 - Needs FwDIM_v14r20 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.4 (server 2.5 with bugfix for recipes) Bug Fixes / Improvements: - updated for the use of the new register type 'UserSpecific' - improved doxygen comments 10/01/2007 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r7: Available only for: - PVSS 3.0 and above - Uses DIM_v16r8 - Needs FwDIM_v14r20 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.4 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - We managed to get rid of the Ccpc.dll that was used to load FPGAs (the functionality of transfering binary files has been moved to fwDIM) - So now fwCcpc should work completely on windows and Linux - Now the Ccpc libraries and Dlls are only downloaded by the managers that need them. Note: The users don't need anymore to include the libaries in panels and/or control scripts (#uses "fwCcpc.ctl" not needed anymore) *********************** READY FOR PVSS 3.6 ******************************* 21/12/2006 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r6: Available only for: - PVSS 3.0 and above - Uses DIM_v16r8 - uses FwDIM_v14r15 or above - Needs CcpcServer 2.3 Bug Fixes / Improvements: - Now the Ccpc libraries and Dlls are only downloaded by the managers that need them. Note: The users have now to include the libaries themselves in any panel or control script that uses them by typing: #uses "fwCcpc.ctl" in the "general" event of the panel or at the beginning of the ctrl script. - Optimized CPU usage (now much lighter) for: - the Ccpcclient panel - the CcpcScript responsible for re-subscribing services automatically when the CcpcServer restarts. - Fixed a bug in the I2c/LBUS/GBE/etc. write functions (variable "WFlag" not defined) 21/09/2006 Release Notes For FwCcpc v2r5: Available only for: - PVSS 3.0 and above Bug Fixes / Improvements: - bug fix in the read and write access to registers - previously in the Ccpc-client panel the monitoring time was not taken into account upon subscription - some changes had to be done concerning the monitoring to follow the changes done in server version 2.2.0 (srvcMonitoring is not needed anymore)