A framework (fwCcpc) is provided allowing users to develop their own PVSS applications communicating with a generic ccpc server running in the credid card PC. Based on this framework a basic user interface (panels) is provided. [info/download]
Get the latest release of the Tell1 firmware and the ECS document from Guido's official TELL1 homepage. It provides also a nice collection of all essential datasheets.
A graphical user interface allows you to edit your hardware types. What you have edited can be automatically generated as a script based on the fwHw framework functions easing the maintenance of your hardware types. [info/download]
The tab register containing the user panels is adjusting automatically to the sub-detector specific board in use. A panel folder is foreseen for each sub-detector where user specific panels can be added. A set of useful functions specific to the use of Tell1 boards is contained in a library called fwTell1.ctl. A script is run by a control manager which evaluates the current status of the board and acts on both the panels and the finite state machines (however still under development). Another manager is run at start-up to switch off some bits inside PVSS in order to improve the performance for applying recipes.
The latest (April 2008) release for PVSS 3.6 can be found under: [fwTell1_v2r3p16]
A doxygen documentation on the fwTell1.ctl library can be found here: [fwTell1.ctl_v2r0]
Since release [fwTell1_v2r3p6] there is a hands on tutorial made of tool-tips and info buttons.
New Tutorials: [Tell1 Guidelines] (a short overview of all the components: what we provide and what remains user-specific)
[Tell1 Panels] (a short introduction to the usage and operation of the device unit panels)
[Tell1_UserSpecific] (Guidelines on how to make your user-specific framework component)
[fwTell1_CommandLine] (Guido's talk on how to use the command line tools)
Information and orientation on what we provide with this framework component and what user-specific parts have to be completed by the sub-detectors can be found under: [overview and guidelines]
Users should watch the tool-tips and info buttons which are supposed to guide you through the operation of the Tell1 via the panels!
In case of confusion with the installation, there is a tutorial dedicated to the installation process.[tutorial]
It is mandatory to install the following components: fwCore, fwDIM, fwConfigurationDB, fwFSMConfDB, fwCcpc, fwHw.
From the control-unit you should make sure that for the device units the configuration files (pof,cfg) and ccpc names are assigned properly.
Do not forget to subscribe the boards by hand for the very first time. In case the connection was interrupted, a script takes care to automatically re-subscribe them afterwards. Device unit panels will just work once the boards are configured properly!
Cedric Potterat LPHE, EPFL office: BSP 613.1 tel : +41 21 69 30494 |
tel: +41 22 767 4408