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Experiment Control System


v. 1.0.0, 12 September 2008


The RateCtrl component allows discovery and "handling" of rate DIM services such as those published by the RateService algorithm (see below). The component makes it possible to display and archive (see todo list) the  rates using framework components: fwTrending is used to display trends and lbArchive to deal with Oracle archiving.
Further explanations about this component and its context can be found in the following report (French): CERN-THESIS-2008-068.


The last version of the component is 1.0  Copy and extract the zip file (use unzip -a for Linux) then use the framework installation tool to install it into your PVSS project.
This component uses DIM services published by the RateService algorithm: see cvs repository.

How does it work?

The component has 3 library files for:

  • RateCtrl.ctl: services discovery and DP storage
  • Archiving.ctl: archiving settings using lbArchive
  • Trending.ctl: creation of plots, pages and browsing tree for fwTrending

Two main panels are designed to handle and unhandle services: PanelsGraphiquesTest.pnl, and create trnds for the trending tool (fzTrending): automationForFwTrending.pnl.

One CTRL manager is used to automate the rate discovery at fix (can be change in the appropriate DP, see RateCtrl.ctl) interval.

The DIM manager must be set to make it working with the appropriate DNS.

Rate services are selected, based on their format, but a filter is applied on the name to select them. This pattern can be modified int RateCtrl.ctl.

Todo list

  • test archiving feature (what DP must exactly be archived, what login, password and server must be used)
  • improve interfaces (in function of users feedback)
    • make it possible to set the discovery pattern in the discovery interface

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This page last edited by EvH on September 12, 2008 .