User Functions


int fwExternalAlertHandler_sendAlarm (int alarmType, string object, string cause, string alarmClass="", string helpTxt="")
int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAlarm (int alarmType, string object, string cause)
int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAllObjAlarms (string object, dyn_int alarmTypes=makeDynInt())
int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAllAlarms ()

Detailed Description

List of available functions in order to send and remove alarms to/from the alarm screen.

Function Documentation

int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAlarm ( int  alarmType,
string  object,
string  cause 

This function deactivates an alarm in the External Alarm Handling

alarmType,: type of the alarm wich should be removed.
object,: object which caused the alarm
cause,: alarm text of the alarm

int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAllAlarms (  ) 

This function deactivates ALL the alarms in the External Alarm Handling.

int fwExternalAlertHandler_deactivateAllObjAlarms ( string  object,
dyn_int  alarmTypes = makeDynInt() 

This function deactivates all the alarms generated by an specific object, in the External Alarm Handling. Optionally, desired alarm type(s) can be specified, and only those alarms would be deactivated.

object,: object which caused the alarm(s)
alarmTypes,: (optional) by default, that alarms of all types are removed. If desired, specified the type ("warning", "error" and/or "fatal")

int fwExternalAlertHandler_sendAlarm ( int  alarmType,
string  object,
string  cause,
string  alarmClass = "",
string  helpTxt = "" 

This function sends an alarm to the External Alarm Handling

alarmType,: should be choosen betwen the constants.
object,: alement which causes the alarm
cause,: alarm text to be displayed
alarmClass,: (optional) changes the fw alert class
helpTxt,: (optional) help text for alert

Generated on Mon Apr 21 17:46:41 2008 for fwExternalAlertHandler by  doxygen 1.5.3