Installing and Using the
LHCb Elog Component
on Linux or Windows
Get the lbElog
Zip file
and extract it into a directory (this will create an lbElog directory inside).
- On Linux please use "unzip -a"
Please use the
FW Installation tool to install lbElog
- Choose lbElog as the place to "Look for new components"
- This will install it into the directory of your choice, from
here on called "Installation Directory" (can be checked on "Advanced Options").
The component is needed by lbECS component on the subdetectors top projects.
In additiont, it includes now a function to write entries from any PVSS project (scripts and panels) into
Electronic logbooks.
If the component will be used for the first time,
you might have to edit the logbook datapoint:
- logbook.LogbookName = name of logbook
- Add "#uses "lbElog.ctl" to your script/panel
- Submit entries with function lbElog_sendEntry(string author,
string subject,string comment,int runNb,dyn_string attachments,string username,
string password,dyn_string systems,string level)
- the parameters runNb, attachments, username and password, systems and level are
optional and overwrite the ones found in the logbook datapoint.
- The parameter level is only meant for the MUON logbook.
- NB the component contains the command line elog binary
executable. For linux, it will only work in the pit (and not lxplus due to the
different architecture).
- Any comments, suggestions, modifications please contact
This page last
edited by ASV on
April 24, 2009
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