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Experiment Control System


To install the LHCb framework, proceed as follows.

  1. Download the LHCb PVSS Framework zipfile.
  2. Unzip lhcbfw-1.0.zip
  3. Download the framework component installation tool from here.
  4. Create a new PVSS project, e.g.'mynewproject' from the Project Administrator tool, by clicking the 'new project' icon:

  1.  Unzip the framework component installation tool into the directory of your 'mynewproject' project:

  2. Start your 'mynewproject' by clicking the green traffic light in the Project Administrator:

  3. Open the framework installation tool from the graphical editor (choose Vision from the Module menu):


  1. Click on OK, or change the name of the directory where you want the framework components to be installed:

  1. Under "Look for new components in" select the folder named PVSS in the directory where you unzipped the lhcb framework:

  2. You can now select the components you want to use in your project:

  3.  For example, to install the Gaucho framework component, click on fwCore, fwDim, fwGaucho in the Install ? column. (Yuo may install other components as required, now, or later). Click on install. After the window:

Click on OK. You should get:

Click on "Restart Project". Your project will restart, possibly some managers will be added to the Console. The installation of the framework is completed and you can continue developing your project.


This page last edited by EvH on October 04, 2007 .