Converts a string generated by the StringFromCLSID function back
into the original CLSID.
LPOLESTR lpsz, //Pointer to the string representation
of the CLSID
LPCLSID pclsid //Pointer to the CLSID
[in] Pointer to the string representation of the CLSID.
[out] Pointer to the CLSID on return.
This function supports the standard return value E_INVALIDARG, as
well as the following:
The CLSID was obtained successfully.
The class string was improperly formatted.
The CLSID corresponding to the class string was not found in the
Because of the restrictions placed on OLE 1 CLSID values, CLSIDFromProgID
and CLSIDFromString are the only two functions that can be used to generate
a CLSID for an OLE 1 object.