fwFsmUi_connectLock(string domain, string obj, bool isCU = true, string part = "")

Connect a display widget (Button for example) to state changes of an FSM object mode, either control, logical, or device units Can be used in reference panels of the family of the ones used with fwFsmUi_addObjXXX (fwSmiObj


Connect a display widget (Button for example) to state changes of an FSM object mode, either control, logical, or device units Can be used in reference panels of the family of the ones used with fwFsmUi_addObjXXX (fwSmiObj.pnl) Can be called in the "EventInitialize" of any button or widget in the reference panel.

Usage: JCOP framework internal, public

PVSS manager usage: VISION, CTRL

domain - : The node name (CU) in this reference panel (normally $domain).
obj - : The object name (CU/LU/DU) (normally $obj).
isCU - : (optional) Flag for control units, default: false

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