This page collects information for LHCb subdetectors, hoped to be useful to prepare for installation and comissioning, find support, people, etc.
The online team is small and most people are known. Nevertheless he first line support is composed of the following three people, listed with their primary domains
Loic Brarda (16-4473): Control Room, Labs, Access to network in SX85 (surface), accounts
Richard Jacobsson (16-3730): TFC, TTC
Niko Neufeld (16-4260): ECS and DAQ installation in UX85 (underground)
This small checklist should help you to a good start for testing, comissioning and installing your devices in Point-8.
Take contact with the Online team, if possible a month in advance
Think about your needs in terms of PCs, user-accounts, ECS connections (CAN, SPECS, Ethernet etc...)
Make a short list of all devices you will want to use, which are hooked somehow into the system (portables, CAN, SPECS, etc..., in particular anything "unusual" (a VME extender for example) and communicate this to us
Check your software: is it already based on the standard tools (PVSS, OPC, DIM)? If yes, is it "nicely" installable, i.e. a JCOP framework component? A good check is to install the software on a virgin PC, because this is what you will get in Point 8!
If the answer to the first question above was "No", i.e. you need something not (yet) controlled by the standard means, please contact us urgently so that we can try to find a solution.
This page last edited by NN on November 29, 2005 .