To install the runcontrol project on the crack from scratch, do the following
(version numbers valid on the date of this page).
- export DIM_DNS_NODE=crack1li1.daq.lhcb
- startPA
- make a new distributed project with name 'runcontrol'
- give it System Name: HLT_31 and System number: 31
- edit the config file:
pmonPort = 13100
dataPort = 13101
eventPort = 13102
distPort = 13110
- copy the fwInstallation tool into the project directory and unzip -a
- download and unzip -a the latest LHCb Framework (1.15)
- install the components (dec 17 2007):
- fwAccessControl 2.5.1
- fwAlarmHandling 3.1.1
- fwConfigurationDB 3.3.3
- fwCore 3.2.0
- fwDIM 15.02.0
- fwEFF 2.0.2
- fwExternelAlertHandler 1.0.2
- fwFarmMonitorControl 3.2
- fwGaucho 2.18
- add a Motif User Interface to the project with options -menuBar -cionBar
-p fwEFF/fwEFFNavigator.pnl
- remove the corresponding windows ui
- start the dns (if not already started)
- run the fwEFF/fwEFFNavigator.pnl manager
- configure the nodes and tasks to run on the farm:
- add the follwing tasktypes (right click):
- MBMinit
- ErrorSrv
- EvtHolder
- EvtProd
- MDFWriter
- add 1 subfarm
- inside the subfarm, add 4 cracknodes, give the name in uppercase:
- for each node, add the tasks:
- the 6 above, click the 'enabled' button for all, the 'deamon'
button for MBMinit and ErrorSrv to indicate they are class1 tasks
- GauchoHLT (4x)
- MON - leave the panel empty, but click on enabled
- for the tasks, the paths are ./, ./, ./,
./, ./, ./
- the working directory is /home/daq/cmtuser/Online/OnlineTasks/job
- the UTGID is node001%d_taskname_%n (same as the Process Name)
- the user is daq
- when the nodes are configured, due to a bug in fwEFF, the nodenames
need to be changed. A leading 0 after CRACK1NODE has to be removed, so
the nodenames become CRACK1NODE1,CRACK1NODE2,CRACK1NODE3 and
- note that copy/paste doesn't work when you are filling in the panels
- configure the farm monitoring control (Bologna part), start the manager
-p fwFarmMonitorControl/fwFMCMainPanel.pnl:
- choose the tab DataPoint Utilities, create all
- choose fwEFF, Update FMC's DPs (3 times)
- choose Node Utilities, FMC Autoupdate
- start the manager -p fwGaucho/GauchoConfig.pnl:
- create the FSM
- start PVSSDIM -num 30 (DimCowboy)
- set the startup for all PVSSDIM managers to always
- run the discovery jobs
- click on create panels (redo steps 1-4 in case of problems)
- start the device editor navigator, FSM, start all, right click on
subfarm001, view
This page last
edited by EvH on
December 17, 2007
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