Installing and Using fwCcpc
on Linux or Windows
Documentation for the fwCcpc Library v2r18 (and above) can be found
A presentation of the CCPC at LHCb Week (2006/MAR/07) can be found
PVSS/CCPC tutorial [ppt]
Getting started - a short installation guide [ppt]
Current version release notes can be found
Get the fwCcpc
Zip file
and extract it
into a directory
(this will create an fwCcpcX.XX directory inside).
- On Linux please use "unzip -a"
Please use the
FW Installation tool to install fwCcpc
- You need to install also FwDIM
- Choose fwCcpcX.XX as the place to "Look for new components"
- This will install it into the directory of your choice, from
here on called "Installation Directory" (can be checked on "Advanced Options").
This component relies on a DIM Name Server to be running
- Please see here
how to start one
- And on CCPC Servers running on each CCPC:
- Set the environment variable DIM_DNS_NODE to the
<node name> where the DIM Name Server (Dns) is running.
- The DIM_DNS_NODE can be specified by default in
- The following commands are available to start and
stop the CCPC server
- "sudo service ccserv stop", "sudo service ccserv
start", "sudo service ccserv restart"
- Or sudo ./ccserv -d -f- -v7 to start it in debug
- Please type ./ccserv --help for the list of
- The installation procedure adds to the console a
PVSS00dim manager for communication with the CCPC servers.
- It needs the environment variable DIM_DNS_NODE set
- Or the parameter -dim_dns_node <node_name> specified
in the manager options
- You can then start a CCPCClient Panel
- panels/fwCcpc/CcpcClient.pnl