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Installing the TFC Local Control System
TFC System
Sub-detector test
TFC Local Control
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Before installing
  1. Please refer to the "Sub-detector test" page to set up the hardware.
  2. Download the TFC framework component (lbFwTFC_vVrR.zip), all files for the CCPC (tfc-VR-X.i386.rpm), and the LHCb framework component archive (lhcbfw-V.R.zip) listed together with the corresponding lbFwTFC version.
  3. Install the RPM on the CCPC server and add the script TFCsetup in /etc/init.d to the boot sequence towards the end.
  4. Unzip the lbFwTFC_vVrR.zip and the LHCb framework component archive in temporary directories on the computer where you have PVSS installed (use option -a on a Unix based system!)
  5. Download the framework installation tool but don't unzip it.
  6. Create a directory PVSS_tfc (under C: on Windows or under the root of the account you use to run PVSS on )

Creating the TFC PVSS project

  1. Start the application "PVSS Project Administration".
  2. Click on the button "Register new project".
  3. Select project type "Distributed project" (picture).
  4. Specify project name "TFC", language "English", and the project path "..../PVSS_tfc/". Make sure the option "Runnable" is active (picture).
  5. Specify the system name "TFC" (picture) and assigned system id if you are at CERN.
  6. Click OK to create the project (picture).
  7. Quit the PVSS project administrator.
  8. Copy the framework installation tool into the directory ..../PVSS_tfc/TFC and unzip it there (use option -a under Unix).

Installing the LHCb/JCOP framework components

  1. Start up the PVSS console, select the project TFC and start it (picture).

  2. Launch the framework installation panel from the PVSS Graphical Editor (picture).

  3. Create the directory for the framework components ..../PVSS_tfc/fwComponents_TFC/ (picture).

  4. Look for new components in the directory where you unzipped the LHCb framework archive. Select fwAccessControl, fwConfigurationDB, lbConfDB, fwCore, fwDIM and fwGenericExternalHandler and click on install (picture).

  5. Restart the project.

Installing the TFC framework component

  1. In the unzipped TFC framework component, modify the DIM_DNS_NODE in the postInstall to the node where you run DIM_DNS: lbFwTFC_v3r0/config/lbFwTFC.postInstall
  2. Install the TFC framework component, also in the fwComponents_TFC directory
  3. Copy the panel fwUI_lbFwTFC.pnl in lbFwTFC_v3r0/panels/lbFwTFC to the project area panel folder TFC/panels/fwFSMuser/
  4. Restart the project
  5. Start manually one time the control script manager "lbFwTFC_Setup". This will create the datapoints, fsm's etc
  6.  Start the DeviceEditorNavigator, check that the DIM_DNS_NODE is correct (sometimes doesn't pick it up from the postInstall correctly)
  7. Change the FSM top node panel from fwUI.pnl to fwUI_lbFwTFC.pnl with the DeviceEditorNavigator
  8. Generate the entire FSM with the DeviceEditorNavigator and close it when it is done
  9. Set the following run modes of the TFC managers in the PVSS console:
    • lbFwTFC_Odin : always
    • PVSS00DIM : always
    • lbFwTFC_SubsystemFSM : always
    • lbFwTFC_StartFSMTree : once
  10. Restart the project
  11. Start the TFC_server as described below
  12. Open the panel "fwFSM/FSMOperate.pnl" and select your ODIN (TFC_PARTXX) by right clicking and selecting "View". The number of the partition is the same as the serial number of your ODIN

Starting the TFC_server on ODIN:

  1. If you have installed the RPM correctly and added TFCsetup to the boot sequence, ODIN should load properly the latest firmware on boot and start the TFC_server. However, unless you are at the pit it will declare itself with the wrong server name. Thus, follow the steps below:
  2. Login to ODIN (usual TFC account).
  3. Stop the TFC_server which is already running.
  4. Start a new instance as (XX is the serial number of the ODIN you have) : TFC_server -stfcodinXX <dim.dns.node> &

Operating the control system

Please, see the operation instructions