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Operating the TFC Local Control system
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To start the software on ODIN and start up the TFC PVSS project, please have a look at "Cold starting the TFC project" - (V2) and (V3).

For information about all functions and control parameters of ODIN, please look in the ODIN Technical Reference.



Starting up the "TFC Startup Panel"

The startup panel may be directly launched from the PVSS console via the Graphics Editor. Open the panel "lbFwTFC/lbFwTFC_Start.pnl" in mode "RunTime".

If you are running the project in the background or you prefer to have a command to launch the run control you may create an icon (Windows) or alias (Linux) with the following command:

  • Windows: <PVSS_path>\PVSS00NV.exe -data <PVSS.computer.name> -event <PVSS.computer.name> -config <project_path>\config\config -p lbFwTFC_Start.pnl
  • Linux: PVSS00ui -data <PVSS.computer.name> -event <PVSS.computer.name> -config <project_path>/config/config -p lbFwTFC/lbFwTFC_Start.pnl

The -event and -data parameters are not needed in case you run the panels on the same machine as the project itself.

Remotely Controlling the TFC system

You may have PVSS running on one computer and startup the control panels from anywhere provided the network allows. It is possible provided PVSS is installed on the remote computer as well and that the TFC control project has been installed. However, the project should not be started. It is sufficient to do one of the two commands given above to start the panel and specifying the node on which the PVSS project is running.

Launching the "TFC Run Control" (picture)

Please, always exit the panels with the "Exit" button when quitting or before stopping the PVSS project. There is a risk otherwise that your ODIN is not released which means that next time you try to take control it is owned by your previous session. Restarting the FSM in the PVSS control usually takes you out of this situation.

  1. Scroll the list until you find your ODIN and select it.

  2. Click on "Start TFC Control". This will launch the TFC Run Control, give you control of ODIN through the FSM. In order to take control of ODIN you must use the "pad lock" next to the run bar to "take" it. Depending a bit on the previous state, the FSM should either be in state "Run Not Ready" or "Run Ready".

General description of the TFC Run Control Panel (picture)

The run is controlled from the "TFC Run Control Panel" using the main run bar at the top. Depending on the current states, different actions are available to control the system. For instance, "Acknowledge Error" will take you out of a detected error, "Get Ready" in state "Run Not Ready" will enable/disable the functions you have selected on the right hand side of the window. "Start Run" in "Run Ready" will start the triggers. Once the run is running you may pause it or directly stop it etc.

The six buttons in the "Initialization" box have immediate effect and are rather self-explanatory. The first button to click on each time the "TFC_server" has been restarted on ODIN is "Subscribe Counters". This will give a list of all counters and status registers to the TFC_server that it should update on a specific interval (set to every 3s). If the board is configured you should see the Orbit counter and the Bunch ID counter running. If they don't it means that the DIM connection is not established. "System Reset" will reset all registers of ODIN. The actions on a "Soft Reset" are currently only partially defined. In principle it resets all functions without clearing the control registers in the board. "Initialize" will load all registers of ODIN according to the settings currently stored in PVSS. "Counter Reset" will reset all counters in ODIN and "Counter Update" will simply update all counter and status registers. It is not really needed if you have subscribed to the counters.  Some of the buttons are deactivated/activated depending on the state of the run.

The "Statistics and status" part shows you the main activity of ODIN. The box L0 trigger allows you to enable/disable the different type of functions that are related to the L0 trigger and the "Commands" box allow you to enable/disable the different type of command transmission. All function are configured in detail in the "ODIN Configuration" panel which you may open by clicking on the ODIN button in the "Configuration" box.

The "Load Recipe" and "Save Recipe" allows you to save recipes of type "All", that is they may have setting for all registers in ODIN. The recipes will be stored with a fixed prefix and a part which is specified by you. Currently there is no function defined by JCOP to delete recipes. It may be done manually in the data point. Clicking on "Load" in the "Load Recipe" panel will write all the settings directly to the board. Since the recipes of type "All" takes some time to load the run goes into a state "Run configuring..." to show when it is ready.

General description of the ODIN Configuration Panel (picture)

This panel includes five pages on which the different functions may be defined. The configuration parameters are grouped and applied together. You may also load and save sub-recipes of sub-types corresponding to the functional group of parameters (picture). This is handy if you are only changing a few settings in a sequence of runs instead of each time reload the recipe of type "All". However, you must have loaded a base recipe of type all before.

Each box with related functional parameters has two fields to for the values of each parameter. The greyed out field (disabled) or "LED" show the current setting in the board. The left  white field or tick box (enabled) is where you may change a single setting directly. However, since all the values of a functional group are applied together when you click on the button "Apply", all the fields must be filled in. In order not to do this by hand there is a "Current All" button at the bottom which will fill in all fields with the current values in one go. You may now edit one or several values and apply them. The button "Apply All" will apply all setting of all the functional groups.

The button "Update All" is useful to make sure that what is stored in the PVSS datapoint and thus shown in the panels is really what is in the registers of the board.

The expert panel gives you access to all control resources on a physical register level.

The tab "Resets/Counters" is not to be used in sub-detector tests.

You may change a single setting directly without using recipes.

Single Shots Panel

The single shots allows you to fire off any function a single time manually by clicking on a button. The run must be running in order for the request to be accepted but the function must not be enabled in the Run Control panel. Thus, you may fire off any a single shot of any type while any number of functions are running on a periodic basis or while they are all disabled.

Exporting and Importing recipes stored in the Cache

The Recipe Cache is stored in a data point in the PVSS database. You may use the PVSS Ascii Manager to export and later import the datapoints and values (not data point types!) of data point type _FwRecipeCache