Arbitrary Functions


int fwTell1_cloneManyTell1Boards (string Original, dyn_string Clones, dyn_string CCPCs)
int fwTell1_AssembleAndCreateRecipes (string hardware, dyn_string recipes, string RecipeName, string dpType, string RecipeType)
string fwTell1_BitsFromString (string pHex, int pUpper, int pLower)
int fwTell1_BitsFromInt (int pNumber, int pUpper, int pLower)

Detailed Description

List of frequently used functions in the fwTell1 framework component.

Function Documentation

int fwTell1_AssembleAndCreateRecipes ( string  hardware,
dyn_string  recipes,
string  RecipeName,
string  dpType,
string  RecipeType 

This function assembles various sub-recipes into one single recipe. It takes care of masked operations: meaning that in the recipes different bits can be set in one register without overwriting each other.

[in] hardware The hardware name to which all recipes are related to.
[in] recipes The names of all sub-recipes which shall be assembled.
[in] RecipeName The name of the final, combined recipe.
[in] dpType The datapoint type corresponding to the hardware.
[in] RecipeType The recipe type of the new, combined recipe.
int the errorcode of this library: 0 if no error occured -1 ECS error

  if (fwTell1_iniGlueCard("pclbcecs03") == 0)  
     DebugTN("Error found!"); 

int fwTell1_BitsFromInt ( int  pNumber,
int  pUpper,
int  pLower 

This function cuts out a bit-array from an integer.

[in] pNumber an integer number from which an array of bits is cut out
[in] pUpper the most significant bit (counted from zero - conform with Guido's ECS docu!)
[in] pLower the least significant bit (counted from zero - conform with Guido's ECS docu!)
int the bit array represented as an integer number

 // read a register and represent a few adjacent bits out of the full register as a number on the panel
 dyn_dyn_char data;  
 dyn_int status;
 dyn_string registersDP;
 dynAppend(registersDP, "dist_1:myTell1_OT.SL.CMNCTRL.SLCtrlReg1.readings"); 
 fwCcpc_read(registersDP, data, status)
  SLCtrlReg1.text = fwTell1_BitsFromString(fwCcpc_convertByteToDec(data[2]),31,24);

string fwTell1_BitsFromString ( string  pHex,
int  pUpper,
int  pLower 

This function cuts out a bit-array from a hexadecimal string.

[in] pHex hexadecimal number (represented as a string) from which an array of bits is cut out
[in] pUpper the most significant bit (counted from zero - conform with Guido's ECS docu!)
[in] pLower the least significant bit (counted from zero - conform with Guido's ECS docu!)
string the bit array represented as a hexadecimal number (string not integer!)

 // read a register and represent a few adjacent bits out of the full register as a number on the panel
 dyn_dyn_char data;  
 dyn_int status;
 dyn_string registersDP;
 dynAppend(registersDP, "dist_1:myTell1_OT.SL.CMNCTRL.SLCtrlReg1.readings"); 
 fwCcpc_read(registersDP, data, status)
  SLCtrlReg1.text = fwTell1_BitsFromString(fwCcpc_convertByteToHex(data[2]),31,24);

int fwTell1_cloneManyTell1Boards ( string  Original,
dyn_string  Clones,
dyn_string  CCPCs 

This function clones many Tell1 boards from one original and assigns the credit card PC.

[in] Original Tell1 board from which to clone.
[in] Clones The names of the new Tell1 boards.
[in] CCPCs The credit card PCs to be assigned to Tell1 boards.
int the errorcode of this library: 0 if no error occured -1 ECS error >0 number of boards from where the ccpc name could not be read back after cloning

  if (fwTell1_iniGlueCard("pclbcecs03") == 0)  
     DebugTN("Error found!"); 

Generated on Thu Dec 13 01:29:59 2007 for FwTell1 by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1