Installing and Using the WinCCOA-DIM Toolkit
(FwDIM) on Linux
or Windows
(C) Copyright CERN 2016. All rights not expressely granted are reserved. Permission to use and/or redistribute this work is granted under the terms of the LGPL License. The software and documentation made available under these terms are provided with no warranty.
*** This Version is ready for WinCCOA 3.19 ***
Usage (demo example):
- Start a Vision Module to Configure and Visualize the System
- WCCOAui -m vision -p fwDIM/fwDim.pnl
- Start the DIM Manager
- either from the WinCCOA Console:
- WCCOAdim -dim_dp_config DimDemoConfig -dim_dns_node dns_node
- or from the fwDim panel:
- From the "Edit" tab (Option: "Dim Manager")
- You can then start the DIM Server (pvss_dim_server) and/or the Dim Client (pvss_dim_client) from the <Installation Directory>/bin directory.
Note: for Linux you have to:
- source <Installation Directory>/bin/fwDim.csh (or
- And you will see the data point values updating as in the figure: