fwDU_startTimeout(int secs, string domain, string device, string timeout_state, string desired_state = "", string callback = "")

Start a timer to send the device to a given state, for example "ERROR", if the device doesn't change state (or doesn't go to a specific state) within that time


Start a timer to send the device to a given state, for example "ERROR", if the device doesn't change state (or doesn't go to a specific state) within that time.

Usage: JCOP framework internal, public

PVSS manager usage: VISION, CTRL

secs - : The number of seconds for the Timeout
domain - : The domain name (control unit name) of the device
device - : The device name received by the xxx_doCommand() script
timeout_state - : The state to go to if the timeout fires
desired_state - : (Optional) The state the device is expected to go into
callback - : (Optional) The name of a function to be called when the timeout occurs

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