Library of functions to get/set information for Framework Device Units, these functions can be used inside the Device Type Scripts

modifications: none

Usage: JCOP framework internal, public

PVSS manager usage: VISION, CTRL

C. Gaspar
creation: 08/05/2003

o fwDU_startTimeout
Start a timer to send the device to a given state, for example "ERROR", if the device doesn't change state (or doesn't go to a specific state) within that time
o fwDU_stopTimeout
Stop the timer for the device
o fwDU_getState
Get the state of this device
o fwDU_setState
Set the state of this device
o fwDU_connectCommand
Connect to the reception of a command for this device
o fwDU_getParameter
Get the value of a parameter defined for this device
o fwDU_setParameter
Set the value of a parameter defined for this device
o fwDU_getCommandParameter
Get A parameter of the device's last received command
o fwDU_getAlarmLimits
Get the alarm limits defined for a device, if any
o fwDU_getDeviceFsmName
Get the device name used inside the SMI domain
o fwDU_createGlobalIndex
Create a DU index to be used in different DUs of the same type
o fwDU_getGlobalIndex
Get the DU index to be used for different DUs of the same type

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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