PVSS - DIM Integration


The PVSS - DIM package allows PVSS Data Points to behave as:

DP content is updated when the DIM Server updates the Service DP content is sent as a DIM Command whenever it changes DP Content is published at start up and updated whenever it changes DP Content is updated when a DIM Client sends a command DP1 Content is sent as an RPC request to an RPC server
DP2 Content will get updated when the server answers

DP1 Content is updated when a Client does an RPC send
DP2 is sent to the respective client when it is written into

In all cases DP (including DP1 and DP2) can be a complete Data Point (i.e. a structure with many items), a single Data Point Item or a set of (unrelated) Data Point Items separated by ';'.

Note: When writing to a DP to be sent out as a command to a DIM Server or as a service to a DIM Client (same for RPCs) please use dpSetWait (not dpSet) to avoid the loss of commands or services.

For all cases the user has to specify the correspondence between DPs and DIM services either in a config file or in a config dp (with the help of a library - fwDim).

 For Client Services the user has to specify additionally:

For Client Commands if DP contains more than one Data Point item the user can additionally specify a Multiplexing flag: if set, instead of sending all data as a structure when a single item changes, only the changed item is sent as an ascii string containing the name of the item and its new value (separated by a space).


The PVSS - DIM communications are implemented by a PVSS API Manager: PVSS00dim
PVSS00dim can be started like any other PVSS Manager, it accepts the following command line options:

PVSS00dim [-num <num>] [ -dim_config <config_file>] [ -dim_dp_config <dp_name>] [-dim_dns_node <node_name>]

Both options "-dim_config" and "-dim_dp_config" specify the correspondence between PVSS Data Points and DIM Services.
The user can specify none, one or both options.

The option "-dim_dns_node" can be used to overwrite the default Dns node given by the environment variable DIM_DNS_NODE.

The Format of the <config_file> is as in the following example: [DIM Client Services]
# DP name, DIM service name, default value, timeout interval, time stamp & quality flag
DimClientStructure, COMPLEX_SERVICE, , 0, 0

[DIM Client Commands]
# DP name, DIM Command name [, Multiplex flag]

[DIM Server Services]
# DP name, DIM service name

[DIM Server Commands]
# DP name, DIM Command name

[DIM Client RPCs]
# DP out name, DP in name, DIM RPC service name

[DIM Server RPCs]
# DP in name, DP out name, DIM RPC service name

<dp_name> is a Data Point of Data Point Type: _FwDimConfig

The Library - fwDim - should be used to manipulate <dp_name>. It provides: 

A PVSS panel - fwDim.pnl - is also available. It allows users to:


Download for: Windows or Linux

The PVSS – DIM Demo distribution Kit contains:

With two DPs: DimClientStructure and DimServerStructure With two DPs: DimClient and DimServer With two DPs: DimClientRPC and DimServerRPC