The Timing and Fast Control (TFC)
controls the entire readout of the LHCb detector from the Front-End
electronics up to the distribution of events to the processing farm.
Together, the Experiment Control
System (ECS), the Data AQuisition system (DAQ), and the Timing
and Fast Control (TFC) system make up the LHCb Online system.
The TFC system consists of four
different types of main modules:
- ODIN (Readout Supervisors): TFC master
- THOR (TFC Switch): Programmable TFC signal
distribution panel to handle partitioning.
- MUNIN (Throttle Switch): Programmable trigger
throttle switch.
- HUGIN (Throttle OR): Throttle signal fan-in near
the FE electronics
The TFC distribution network is
based on the CERN TTC system developped in the RD12 project. The LHCb
TFC system deploys the following TTC components:
- TTCmi: LHC machine interface for
timing signals
- TTCtx: Optical transmitter
- TTCoc: Optical fan-outs 1:32
- TTCrx: Receiver chips

In addition, the TFC system requires the following
- FREJA: TFC test and monitoring board
- GlueLight: Mezzanine with glue logic
for interfacing ECS system to board control resources
- BPIM: Beam Phase and Intensity Monitor
- Trigger Splitter: L0 trigger fan-out
Below is a detailed picture of the TFC
architecture. |
1 MHz Readout, A
Barczyk et al., LHCb 2005-62, Sep 2005 (paper)
Driving the LHCb
Front-End Readout, Z. Guzik, R. Jacobsson and B. Jost, IEEE-TNS
Implementing the
L1 Trigger Path, R. Jacobsson, LHCb 2003-80, Aug 2003 (paper)
The LHCb Timing
and Fast Control System, R. Jacobsson et al., LHC
Electronics Workshop, 2001(paper)
Timing and Fast
Control, R. Jacobsson and B. Jost, LHCb 2001-16, June 2000 (paper)
Presentations |